

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA
Replay ValueA+

Pros and Cons

  • Great Graphics
  • Large Amount of Gameplay
  • Choice of 4 Characters To Play As
  • Thousands Of Different Weapons To Choose From
  • Items Tend to Bounce Far From Area They Land
  • Game Occasionally Glitches

Borderlands (PlayStation 3)

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First Person Shooting + Role Playing is an excellent combo!



Story Line
Your character (Brick, Lilith, Mordecai, or Roland) is on a bus. The bus driver asks you if you want to get off. Then a Guardian Angel communicates with you and convinces you to get dropped off on the abandoned Planet of Pandora to find the mysterious vault. The vault has something of great value in it. Once dropped off you're greeted by a dorky robot named ClapTrap. He basically explains how the game works and guides you to the main hub world of the game (a little town). There you meet Dr. Zed. Dr. Zed is an unlicensed doctor who supplies you with health packs and shields. The goal of Borderlands is to basically do favors for people, whether it be killing people, retrieving food, or opening up paths, and most importantly, find the rumored vault to become rich!

For the most part the game plays like any other first person shooter. Brick, Lilith, Mordecai, or Roland goes around with guns and various other weapons using them to kill people. You can also drive around in various vehicles running people over or shooting them down with whatever torrent you have attached to your vehicle. Although the game is a first person shooter, it has elements of an RPG. Unlike most first person shooter games, where you follow a path and shoot down anything in your path, you backtrack a lot, revisit places constantly, collect items, upgrades, and cash. There are over 1,000+ different types of guns/weapons in the game to choose from. The game's controls feel very solid and won’t cause you any problems like other first person shooters often do.

The sound effects in this game are very good. There is a lot of spoken dialog and it’s very crisp. The sound that all the weapons make is very good. The music in this game is fantastic. My personal favorite song in the game is in the beginning intro of the game. The music fits very well with whatever surrounds your character as you progress in the game.

The graphics in this game are very unique. Most games in this genre tend to go with a realistic look. That is not the case with Borderlands. This game has a more shaded comic type look. It’s really a cross between comic and realistic. The backgrounds are filled with detail, and are very “full.” By “full,” I mean there are no empty areas that have nothing to them. Even areas that are suppose to look empty still are full of detail and surroundings.

Borderlands is a fantastic first person shooter with elements of a role playing game. I cannot say enough good things about this game. If you’re looking for a fun first person shooter game with a great story, awesome gameplay, and good visuals then I highly recommend Borderlands!

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