Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on mbhoose83

mbhoose83 BTRs12-Nov-2005
Status: active
Reporter: Drummy

I sent this person $22 for the Scarface and Goodfellas DVDs, and neither were sent to me. I will take this down when I get my money back or my DVDs.

mbhoose83 BTRs12-Nov-2005
Status: active
Reporter: abrams411

Mbhoose83 and I made a deal. Here is the link: Somehow he believed that this included a controller (obviously not included, would have said in abrams411 is sending to mbhoose83). He is refusing to pay me because of his misunderstanding which I find absurd. Mbhoose is a bad trader. He even told me that the Xbox came in, and now he is saying he hasn't recieved it and it must have gotten lost in the mail. Completely Ridiculous.

I will only remove this BTR if he sends my 105 dollars via paypal.