
Status: abandoned (This account is not active)
Lewistown, Pennsylvania, United StatesUnited States
Has traded with 30 Different Traders (30 total trades)
Ratings are excellent [100%] [30 ratings]
Last login: on 18-Nov-2003 at 4:40pm
Subscriber: not currently subscribed
Member since: 13-Feb-2001
Page Hits: 2 today (10 in the last 30 days)
Deal Preference: Trade or Sell

Completed Trades

19-Apr-2002Ryu gets: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter PSX
Max_Gamer gets: Crash Team Racing PSX

11-Mar-2002Ryu gets: $15
Lone_Wolf gets: Pokemon Crystal

18-Sep-2001Ryu gets: Pokemon Gold GBC
Mazer gets: Metal Gear Solid GBC

29-Aug-2001Ryu gets: Mario Land, Pokemon Blue, and Jurassic Park (all for gb)
Orphen gets: Dino Crisis (PSX)

11-Aug-2001Ryu gets: syphon filter 2 and pokemon red
Dephase gets: pokemon cards

17-Jul-2001Ryu gets: Pokemon Stadium w/transfer pack (N64)
XCmoses gets: Zelda: Oscarina of Time w/strategy guide (N64)

13-Jul-2001Ryu gets: No Mercy N64
GAWZ gets: Zelda MM N64

8-Jun-2001Ryu gets: Starfox 64
jryguyi gets: Monopoly for Gameboy

1-Jun-2001Ryu gets: Perfect Dark (with guide), DK64, Majora's Mask (with guide), Ocarina of Time (with guide. guide in bad condition), Link's Awakening (with guide)
GreatDekuTree gets: Super Nintendo (with ALL hook-ups) + all super nintendo stuff

29-May-2001Ryu gets: Cash
cmanspecht gets: Cards

25-May-2001Ryu gets: Cash
FireWaterBurn gets: Magazines

4-May-2001Ryu gets: Banjokazooie diddy Kong racing 10$
Kram gets: Dioblo and Crash team racing

27-Apr-2001Ryu gets: Mario Tennis
tristano gets: Playstation

31-Mar-2001Ryu gets: Cash & Diablo
Stan_Smith gets: GBC w/3 games

9-Mar-2001Ryu gets: Croc (PSX)
AFultz075 gets: Columns, Sonic (GG)