Bad Traders

Bad Traders

Sylven BTRs30-Dec-2002
Status: active
Reporter: sbalea

I'm sorry to hear about his condition and hope he got better. I take no pleasure in writing this and I will promptly remove it when the situation is over.

18/04: Sent initial mail regarding: Bioforge, Tex Murphy: Overseer, Conspiracy, Gobliins (cd version), Gobliins 3
22/04: Got response from Jay and the price
22/04: Asked for updated price using priority mail instead of mediamail
22/04: Got the updated price and the confirmation that he will ship on 27th
22/04: Asked him for preferred payment method
22/04: Jay created the trade
22/04: Sent the money and gave him my address
14/05: No word/package from Jay, sent another mail asking about the problem
??/05: Profile is updated; he apologises for the delays caused by medical problems
20/05: Suggested canceling the trade if it's inconvenient for him
12/06: Generic email answer from Jay, confirming his health problems. Also, promises to have the games sent by the first week of July
14/07: Still no news. Again, I suggested canceling the trade and returning the money I sent.

The last login for his account is on July 15, which means he got that last email. There was no answer since then.

silverstarbeta BTRs30-Dec-2002
Status: active
Reporter: Technical_Nikita

Well, I sent him my Skies of Arcadia DC for $15. I sent first, being in my current state and it was no biggy. I recevied an email from him saying he was sending my money on payday and although it was a little ways down the line I didnt really care. Well...still no $15 in my hands. I doubt he has sent it but if he has ill remove this BTR. Im sure he wont, most rippers dont give a crap, expeciaially multiple all my other BTRs I have had to post. Alls I can do is sit here and wait...yea fun isnt it.

LeisureSuitLarry Canada BTRs30-Dec-2002
Status: active
Reporter: Technical_Nikita

Quite a few months ago I bought the two PSX Lunars that he had. Well after him lieing on shipping for a while, he finally tells me the truth, that he doesnt have the games yet his friend does. Well i made several attempts to get my money back and nothing. He told me quite a few times that he was getting money from selling something and that he would paypal it to me...never saw it and I know I never will, but hey, why not post a BTR on his Butt huh? grin

Also, I have the paypal record of my payment...he did it VIA 3rd party so I paid someone for him... good thing im not a "butt" hole and file a complaint on it so the other person has to deal with it. (steinkat-matt stein)Payment was made April 29th....a little over due on the BTR arnt I.

DenverBroncos24 BTRs27-Dec-2002
Status: active
Reporter: LambOfGod

We agreed to ship on the same day, last Monday. I know he got his games(Half-Life[ps2], and FinalFantasyTactics), but I have yet to get mine. It has been 12 days, and both packages were sent priority. He continues to ignore my emails. If, I do not get either my cd's or my original games in the next 7 days, I will call his local police.>frownwarning>frown

silverstarbeta BTRs27-Dec-2002
Status: active
Reporter: pimpinmyvisor

I sent jarrod 16$ for a card only devils crush and for a battletoads with manual. It is sent out promptly and he tells me he has recieve payment. These items were going to be a Christmas gift and i told him i needed it by then, this was about Dec 3 giving him ample time to ship it out for me to recieve before christmas. I get an email from him a little later saying he can't find the manual to battletoads I really didnt mind as long as the game got here before christmas. Then he e mails me saying that he has lost my address and can't ship out until i give it to him. I immediately send him my address again through email. Since then i haven't heard from him. His email has reched its limit so i cant email him and he hasnt bother to respond to the ones i sent him before that. It is now December 27 two days after Christmas and I STILL dont have my games. He is a Liar and a VERY bad trader. on christmas eve i was informed by another trader that he scammed saying that he told him he had moved. SO he wont respond his email is down he is never in chat and apperently he has moved. DONT trade with silverstarbeta. If you do you will probably get scammed and if you do DEMAND that HE SEND FIRST!!