Bad Traders

Bad Traders

Hobbies4Us BTRs18-Nov-2002
Status: active
Reporter: cornhole

I had a deal with chris that i would give him 33.50$ for a mint and complete copy of suikoden II. I sent out the money on november 4( the pend says only a couple days ago because i for got but i have emails to prove when i agreed to send it out). i would have understood if he was busy and couldnt get it out very quick,, but i havent heard from him since november 5. i have emailed himabout 6 times since then. if he would email me so we could get this straigtened out or if i recieve suikoden II i will take this down immediatley. DONT TRADE WITH THIS MAN!!!!! HE HAS RIPPED OFF OTHERS ASWELL!!! please just email me chris or send the game out.

Hobbies4Us BTRs18-Nov-2002
Status: active
Reporter: mdunks

I made a trade with this guy. I would give $39.50 for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. He said he had a store. I sent my money order on the 7th. I still havwen't gotten his game. Threee other people that I know have are having the same problem. I will remove this BTR once I get my stuff.

Snake BTRs18-Nov-2002
Status: active
Reporter: tokerwtf

me and Erik had a trade that was set up about 2 months ago he didn't send the cash for my FFX and i was really pissed because i sent first. He is a BIG lier and told me that he sent but never did!!!!!!!!

ps: dont trade with him (make him send first)

Status: active
Reporter: SAGA

In September (this is about two months ago, now) I sent John the box for TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan, which I guess he was looking for. He was initially very communicative, which is great. I sent him the box and he said he would send me the $4 we agreed on. A couple of weeks pass and I get nothing, so I send him an e-mail. He replies a few days later saying his computer crashed and he couldn't get my address so it would be delayed. Now it's November and I still have received nothing from him. I've sent him additional reminder e-mails, but he started to ignore them completely. In October I sent him one last e-mail telling him that if I don't hear from him in a week then I would file a bad trader report. I've given him a lot more time than he deserves, and there's still not a word, not a cent from this guy. I know the box isn't worth a whole lot, but I had to pay money from my own pocket to ship it (including box and padding to protect it) which is barely covered by the $4. Apparently, he doesn't understand that I have costs to cover too. Enjoy your free box, John, but I don't know how you can live knowing that you made me pay for you to steal it from me.

glorfindel Israel BTRs17-Nov-2002
Status: active
Reporter: willem

Same case, Jon de Ojeda worded it very well already. My trade was made september 11th. Trade was for Adventure is Serenia for my Loom, Indy and I have no Mouth.