Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on delboycp

delboycp United Kingdom BTRs21-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: jgsax

This trader has ripped me off and hasn't answered my emails.

On 31 Aug he agreed to trade Orion Burger and Baldurs Gate II for my 5 Tomb Raider games. He asked me to send first due to the rarity of Orion Burger and since he had a good trade record I agreed, stipulating that as soon as he received my email that the games were sent he would mail out his games. I mailed the games out that day and he responded and agreed to mail his games on 3 Sep.

He received my games on 8 Sep and still hadn't mailed his games stating that he would get them out on 10 Sep. That's the last that I've heard from him. I've sent him several emails asking for an explanation and he has stopped responding.

His regular mail address is:

Standard Hill Close,
East Sussex,
TN33 9LB,

There wasn't enough room to post it above.

I've had so many good experiences on this site it's a shame that I've finally found one of the few "bad apples".

As an amendment to the above I finally got 5 CD Rom disks in the mail on 21 Sep. They had no label and were in white envelopes marked "Orion Burger" and "BG II.

He also finally responded stating that he had been away. However, he should have already mailed the games prior to his vacation and he should have informed me that the disks were illegal copies with no documentation.

I leave it to the members to decide. If sending out copied CD's with no documentation as trade for original CD's with complete documentation is considered by the members to be a fair trade then I'll withdraw this report.

However if the members feel as I do that this is a ripoff then the report stands.