Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on thumperhog

thumperhog BTRs4-Jul-2000
Status: active
Reporter: chainsawyak

Jason and i agreed to a trade for 5-6 of my PC games for his Resident Evil 2 (N64) and complete Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) i knew from square one that this was a bogus offer, and within minutes of me reporting the pending trade my good ol' pal sportbettor emailed me telling me to watch out for this guy. i had noticed before receiving sportbettor's warning email that this offer was bogus, but i hadn't noticed before receiving the warning the 15 or so pending trades that jason had set up that night, and very shortly beforehand. after posting the trade, jason was bugging me to send first. that right there should have been enough for me to cancel the trade. i never send first to new users, and i hardly ever send first to even older users. anyone asking me to send first automatically means they don't trust me as a person, regardless of the fact that they could have been ripped off in the past. jason said he had a +40 feedback on switchouse of all things (i could care less about switchouse feedback) and that he had gotten his playstation stolen from him in the past so he couldn't send first (i hope he did get his playstation stolen from him, he deserves it for all the things he took from other people) we went around and around on the matter, i tried to keep a positive frame of mind about the whole thing, because i really wanted to do this trade. he told me he would send on monday, and i told him that i couldn't send then because i had just been to the post office and couldn't go until towards the middle of the week (when i should have gotten his package if he sent on monday) that seemed okay to him and on tuesday in the chat room he told me his brother sent the package on monday but he "forgot to get delivery confirmation" i told him that was fine, and that i couldn't mail until thursday or friday. he asked me why and i told him the truth that quite frankly i don't trust people who ask me to send first or at the same time as them, and that i would have to wait until his package arrived before i sent. he got angry at me and said that he could send Resident Evil 2, but not Final Fantasy 3 because that was worth too much to send first. i guess he forgot about telling me had already sent, so i said "i thought your brother already sent the package?" he went on to tell me that he would "unsend the package" and just send me Resident Evil 2. fully realizing that it is impossible to "unsend packages" (maybe with FedEx you can, but even if you can it's probably a very complicated process) i told him fine and that i had to go. later that night Jason deleted our trade and that was the last anyone heard of him. he was temporarily suspended for being offensive, but he was back on shortly after that making more trades, until finally people started getting their stuff stolen by him, and bad trader reports started appearing.

jason really did sound like a nice guy when we were discussing the trade. he told me he was going to throw $10 into the trade for no particular reason. he was also saying in the chat room that he was recently engaged to get married and everybody congratulated him. i just checked his AOL profile and he has an online chat room Role Playing profile (for Rydin or whatever) so i guess thats what he was talking about when he said he was getting married. this guy is probably some 12 year old kid who sits in front of his computer all day RPing and stealing Playstation games from nice, undeserving people. if he was in fact telling the truth that he was getting married, i hope his marriage falls apart very early before children are brought into the world by him and taught by old papa thumperhog that it is okay to steal videogames from people.

so i didn't actually lose anything in this trade, but i can assure you he is a bad trader. it's kind of funny, our trade was the only pending trade he deleted. i feel kind of insulted... wink if after reading this and all of jason's other Bad Trader Reports you still want to trade with him, please for your sake don't. it's not worth your time, he is a liar and a theif and i hope the law works out it should and puts this little kid (or his parents, i don't really care) where he belongs, in jail.

Çhâïñ§åw ¥àK

thumperhog BTRs4-Jul-2000
Status: active
Reporter: Master_Chief

Me, and Jason had a trade set up for me to send him granstream saga for Grandia both PSX games. We had agreed to both send on 6/23 with
priority mail and delivery confirmation, which i sent to him on 6/23.
He kept in touch until he recieved my games on 6/26, and he had first said he sent on 6/24 to me, but when i emailed him, he replied on 6/28 and said he had sent out on the 27th instead but w/out del.conf.
it is now 7/4 and i have not got my game yet. Now i see he has added at least a dozen other bogus trades.It just seems fishy that this guy
has 2 of every game to trade to diff. people. i only sent same time since i'm new to this site, and now i don't know about this site, i
don't have the money to give away my games. DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS

and i will press charges, mail fraud is a felony,

Mail Fraud and Misrepresentation

Title 18, United States Code

Section 1341. Frauds and swindles

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $ 1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

If i recieve my game back or your end of the bargain i will remove this bad trader report and forget u even exist....

thumperhog BTRs4-Jul-2000
Status: active
Reporter: Biohazard

We were supposed to trade My final fantasy 7, and 8, And Alundra 2. For his Panzer dragoon saga, and uncharted waters(snes). He convinced me to send at same time. We both agreed that we would send with confirmation numbers, and send priority. I sent my games, and they were recieved. I never revieved my games. He told me that his "brother" sent the games and might have screwed things up. He stayed in good contact untill he recieved his games. Then he just died. No cantact, nothing! i was supiscious at first anyway cause he was a new trader with about 16 pending trades. Thats almost unheard of for a brand new trader. BUT STAY AWAY!!!!!!! The only reason i even agreed to send same time was because i was going on vacation, but i guess that doesnt matter now does it! VERY VERY BAD TRADER, STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS. IF, i say IF, i get my games, then this will come down. ~Phrostbyte~

thumperhog BTRs3-Jul-2000
Status: active
Reporter: CMJ

We agreed on a trade. I was to send Tenchu(psx),Gauntlet Legends (psx), and O.D.T.(psx), in exchange for Lunar Silver Star Story Complete(psx), Final Fantasy Tactics(psx), and Einhander(psx). He kept in constant contact with me (2-3x a day) until I shipped out my games. Before hand, I had some reservations, and asked him if this was a scam. I was assured that it wasn't, and that he already had my games packaged for shipping. I believed him and sent my part of the deal. After I mailed him and told him that the games were sent, he broke off all contact with me. He received my games last week (delivery confirmation), and he refuses to complete that part of the pending trade. I finally received a message that his "brother" sent the games out priority mail with confirmation. I have made repeated requests for the confirmation number so that I may check the status of the package. No reply. If the games were sent out as he claimed, I would have received them no later than today.......and there was nothing. Either way he lied about sending at the same time. Maybe I'm overeacting, but I've been in this situation before. If I get the games I traded for, or the games I sent, I'll take this down. But I'm pretty sure that I will see neither happen. Don't send your games to him unless you've already gotten your end of the deal. He'll tell you what you want to hear, then send you nothing.

If any of you have information on his identity.....real name, phone #, etc., please forward it to me via e-mail. I would very much like to be compensated for my loss, or begin mail fraud proceedings. Thank you.


I just figured I'd write this becasue I decided to read the BTR I gave him. It is now Febuary 18th, 2001. This guy has ripped off countless others, DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS PERSON!