Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on LeisureSuitLarry

LeisureSuitLarry Canada BTRs28-Nov-2002
Status: active
Reporter: DrizzDrizzDrizz

Trade pended July 31, 2002.
I sent him $11, and was supposed to receive Gran Turismo and Final Fight.
He ripped me off, but at least he finally admitted it and stopped pretending he sent after months of lying. Whatever, I don't really care, and it's not like this BTR matters, only an idiot would still wanna trade with him, but I like having reported a BTR on someone and have it stay there raspberry

2011 update:

the wounds just will not heal. I have assembled an elite squad to track and subsequently take him down.

2018 update:

I thought I could get over it. I was wrong. The hunt is on.