Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on GaminDaddy007

GaminDaddy007 BTRs7-Nov-2009
Status: active
Reporter: nyjetsrock19

On September 7, 2009, we agreed on a trade in which I would send him Red Faction: Guerrilla and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for his copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum (all for the Xbox 360).

I sent and about 4 days later he recieved it and all went smoothly. He then claimed he sent his, only to have it sent back to him.

24-Sep-2009 at 1:06pm GamingGod welp i know why you havent got it....i just did,wet and broke to crap,what do we do now?imma have to buy another copy and send it to you!

He then told me he had traded both of my games and that it would take him a week or two to send me a new copy of Arkham Asylum.

About two weeks later, he still hasn't bought a copy and claims to have had his identity stolen by his father. I agreed to wait for him to sort it out and then he would send me a new copy of Batman.

After about a month, he claims to have sent it. I still have not recieved it and I have been asking him what is going on.

It's been 10 days now and I havent heard from him at all despite him having signed on everyday since then.

I will not remove this until i get my copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum. This trade has been pending for the past 2.5 months and I still haven't gotten my end of the trade.

GaminDaddy007 BTRs5-Nov-2009
Status: active
Reporter: KeeperOfFate

We agreed to a trade for a large bundle of comic books which he would purchase for $30 shipped. Against my better judgement, I sent first. The comics arrived a short while later. GamingGod acknowledged getting the items but send he was having problems paying because of identity theft.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I agreed to let him get back on his feet before paying. After a good chunk of time, I asked again about payment and it was stated he would have the money on November 2nd (Over a month after the original trade). The day came and went without payment. He has been in contact with me and stated he's sent a money order because he "forgot to send the paypal."

Even after all this, GamingGod has posted multiple trades. I've been speaking with some of the other traders and everyone seems to be in the same boat. I'm hoping these BTRs will provide the incentive to get all these trades taken care of prior to making new ones.

I hate to file this, but the trade is just dragging on far too long. I'll remove this immediately upon the payment arriving or my items being returned. However, should payment fail to arrive within the week, I'll be forced to assume I've been ripped off and follow this up with a mail fraud form.

GaminDaddy007 BTRs5-Nov-2009
Status: active
Reporter: secondtime

I'll keep it short. This guy is a silver trader so I don't want to taint his page with a huge BTR.

I asked for $22 Paypal in exchange for my Enemy Territory Quake Wars.

I had sent 2 games to California (one for another user and one for GamingGod) on the same day. One of them got there smoothly. GamingGod "never received his."

In all honesty, this BTR is being filed because of the worst communication possible. He has signed in EVERYDAY and still hasn't replied. At least if he didn't sign in, I could say "OK, maybe GamingGod went out of town. Fine" - But he signs in everyday!!! He even failed to reply after I said "BTR without reply in one week." - You would think GamingGod would say "OK OK let's see what I can do." or something. But no, nothing.

I'm out a game and I haven't recieved my payment. Come on!!!!!

I really don't want to do this to a silver trader but if this is the only way for him to reply to me, then so be it.

EDIT: When I am reimbursed in some way, SOME WAY, I will delete this.

EDIT 2: I have offered GamingGod a truce for $10. (12 LESS THAN WHAT I SHOULD BE GETTING). If I get $10, I'll drop this BTR, no questions asked. And BTW, he has gotten 5 other BTRs on top of this. Looks like I'm not the only one who's had a problem.

EDIT 3: So now I'm seeing from other BTRs that people have confirmed that GamingGod received the games and he still won't pay them. DO NOT TRADE WITH GAMINGGOD!

EDIT 4: I have offered GamingGod a new truce. When I receive "WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2009" I'll remove this BTR, no questions asked.

EDIT 5 (Dec 15 2009): He claims that he will send me $30 cheque after Xmas. Will update 2 weeks after Dec 25