Bad Traders

Bad Traders

thehiddenhiden Global Trader - willing to trade internationally BTRs1-Dec-2013
Status: active
Reporter: bill

I'm filing this BTR mostly to warn everyone on the site of thehiddenhiden's suspicious behavior. It actually started weeks ago. A number of people reported him acting suspiciously in the forums. Despite this, he has managed to pend a few trades. Most have not sent yet though.

Unfortunately, thehiddenhiden did managed to pend a high-value trade for a PS4 and a lot of other games from the other trader (FedoraSuit ). And, despite being warned FedoraSuit sent first to thehiddenhiden. FedoraSuit has a receipt showing the package he sent was over 16 pounds. But, thehiddenhiden is claiming the package was empty when he got it. It seems very likely that thehiddenhiden is lying and this is all his plan to rip FedoraSuit off.

thehiddenhiden has canceled their trade 3 times. I restored it twice, warning him not to cancel it or I'd file a BTR. Here's the canceled trade page:

We also have evidence that thehiddenhiden has scammed people on other trading forums:

If you have a pending trade with thehiddenhiden, I would recommend canceling it. I can do that for you, just send me (bill) a pm.

I'd be willing to remove this BTR if thehiddenhiden stops lying and either sends back the complete package he got from FedoraSuit or sends FedoraSuit what was agreed to (PS4 with call of duty ghosts). Though I assume thehiddenhiden never had that in the first place. Otherwise, thehiddenhiden will be banned soon for scamming.
Response from Accused "Bad Trader": (14-Jan-2014)
First things first, I don't like you giving my name out to the world...kinda of an annoyance...I have a video of me opening the box I got from fedora with nothing being inside other then packing items...

shadowolf Has Written 1 Review BTRs10-Nov-2013
Status: active
Reporter: bill

I'm filing this BTR mainly to warn/notify the pending trades of shadowolf. I have good evidence that connects shadowolf to a couple previous accounts that have multiple Bad Trader Reports. (4 BTRs from 2009) (5 more BTRs)

Some off-site info about him that correlates well with what we have here:

(in case he deletes that here are some screenshots: )

He has bounced around a lot between GA and NC, but roughly in the same general area (~3 hour apart). He has used various aliases and variations on his name. Many of the things he has said to me and other members I've talked to has not been truthful.

The connection to Auzrial is mainly based on the Fred Thomas Mashburn name (which he's still using, but had asked me to change recently to Miles, which matched an account he used earlier this year - so many accounts, it's hard to be sure, but at least 3 and maybe up to 7). The location of Auzrial matches NC and some of what he's posted elsewhere and info I got from other traders.

The forgotten_damage connection came from a PM I got from another member (no longer active) right before I'd suspended forgotten_damage (and eclipze, another account that was made after the BTRs got filed). The PM was from someone who knew him in real life as "Tommy Mashburn" and connected him to the NC location as well as the GA locations via wife and family.

Anyway, it's all too much and I need to ban this guy. It looks like most of you have pendings where neither side has sent. So, hopefully, not much damage has been done. PM me (bill) if you'd like me to cancel the trade in his name. If stuff has been sent in your pending, contact me and we can figure something out. Or, if you still want to do the trade you made with this guy, I can try to assist that via email with him or something. -bill

RPGfreakout10 Global Trader - willing to trade internationally BTRs4-Nov-2013
Status: active
Reporter: CDeaton

Outstanding loans that need to be repaid.

VVraiTH BTRs4-Nov-2013
Status: active
Reporter: CDeaton

Outstanding loans that need to be repaid.

xFalseReality BTRs10-Oct-2013
Status: active
Reporter: ShishioMakoto

I sold some games to Urian a while ago. These were two brand new 3DS games. He payed via paypal, and everything went fine. A week or so later, the payment was reversed and disputed by the credit card company. They removed the money from my account. At this point I emailed xFalseReality and said hey, what's the issue. He said wait a few days and he would fix it.

Long story short, he had to end up sending the games back. Of course, the two new and sealed games were now open and used games. He agreed to return the now used games and an additional 20.00 back to me.(20.00 for the lost value of opening the two titles and making them used as opposed to new). He came through on this, and I appreciate that.

Right after, paypal charged me 20.00 for the reversal of the payment, which of course I had nothing to do with. I sent xFalseReality a message saying, hey Haus, what is the deal. He said he would take care of it, but not now because of, well, who knows. Some weeks goes by, and I hear nothing. I then send him a message saying hey, it's been another month, when are you going to send the 20.00 - He responds by saying he sent it "about two weeks ago". Of course, I received nothing. I asked him if he used DC, he said no, just money and an envelope. So, I waited another week, and still nothing shows up.

He can resolve this by getting me the 20.00 he owes me due to the paypal reversal someone on his end initiated. I've been very patient with the other trader. BTR is up until 20.00 is fluttering in my pockets.