Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on Peppitoni

Peppitoni BTRs21-Sep-2009
Status: active
Reporter: poohzilla

I had agreed to send J.P. my 160gb Ipod Classic in exchange for $200. I sent first due to the BTR I had at the time, with the stipulation that J.P. send payment via either postal money order or paypal the same day he received the iPod. I mailed the iPod, along with the USB cable and brand new pair of Sony earbuds on September 3rd. J.P. last logged in to the site on September 05, at 10:00am, the package was marked delivered at 12:22pm that same day. I have tried to contact J.P. both through the site and off site, going as far as sending him a papal payment request. I have still not heard from him, and asked the mods if they could try to contact him. They said they asked him to contact me, but I still have not heard anything. I also filed complaints with both the Postal Inspection Service and the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center. I will take down the BTR when I either get paid or get my iPod back in good working order.