Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on gamecollector

gamecollector BTRs8-Oct-2009
Status: active
Reporter: Duallies

Sherrill agreed to send payment on 08/03/09. It's been over 2 months since that date, and even after she proposed a payment plan, I have not seen a single payment.

This BTR will be removed once I receive full payment.

gamecollector BTRs30-Aug-2009
Status: active
Reporter: ChrisHSMKelsiFan

Made a deal to purchase a PS2 from this person. Paid with paypal as a gift, so he wouldn't have to deal with any paypal fees supposedly. Been over a month and haven't received it and he has not refunded my money and since the paypal was sent as a "Gift" I can't file for my money back from them either. Stay far away from this person. Never deal with him.