Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on Gunny3k

Gunny3k BTRs19-Sep-2000
Status: active
Reporter: K387

On August 8th, Carl Gunn (Gunny3k) and I decided to trade my NBA Live 2000 (in mint condition) for the PC, for Star Trek Elite Force, which he said was available in the UK. After looking over his ratings and even emailing another person he traded with about shipping costs and so forth, I agreed to ship same time. He told me two days later that it was shipped and I had shipped the next day of the trade.

It has been almost one month now, and I have yet to see anything from him. On top of that, originally from England, his page now says West Virginia, USA, and he hasn't logged into his account September 2nd (roughly the time I should have gotten his package and him mine). I've sent him two emails asking whether or not he shipped and when he shipped and have yet to receive any word. I just want either my game back or the game he agreed to ship. Once I get it, this report will come down. Do not trade with him, I can't believe his ratings could be this good after his behaviour with our trade.