Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on n64kid

n64kid BTRs6-Aug-1999
Status: active
Reporter: RandyJA

If you want to file postal fraud against this person write to: Postal Inspector, P.O. Box 16489. Atlanta, GA 30321. Also call, 404-608-4500.I am offering a reward of $30 cash for anyone who can provide me with the phone number and correct name of this person. He has ripped off at least 6 people that we know of.If you live in the Atlanta area and could check out this address, I will pay you for your time!!Also goes by Amir Sambree using email

n64kid BTRs5-Aug-1999
Status: active
Reporter: RandyJA

If you want to file postal fraud against this person write to: Postal Inspector, P.O. Box 16489. Atlanta, GA 30321. Also call, 404-608-4500.This kid has previously ripped off others, including me, using the name Amir Sabree. Seems to always use same mailing address. Makes me strongly suspect this is a young kid. I will be in Georgia on business the last week of August and believe me I will be visiting this address!!

n64kid BTRs8-Jul-1999
Status: active
Reporter: RandyJA

Well my first trade on UGTZ and I got screwed already! Sent Castlevania in exchange for Superman (for my kids) for N64. Trader has disappered off of UGTZ and does not respond to email. Btw, Amir (or whoever), I have been trading on the net for 3 years and have successfully prosecuted for mail fraud previously. I will be contacting postal authorities in Ga and AOL. I am not one of the "kids" on the net that you thought you could rip off. Be talking to you soon

n64kid BTRs31-Mar-1999
Status: active
Reporter: Buco

I sent South Park out almost a month ago. He still says he never got it. In his e-mails he was very rude and he even said if I dont take him off the bad traders he would do something to me. But Ive seen other people report him so i though it was time i did. It just so happens he dont have a UGTZ account no more and his e-mail doenst exist all of a sudden. I did find a user by the name of Zafir Sabree. this user has alot of thing in common with Amir. They both live in Ga. They have the same domain name in there e-mail, and they have similar games plus some of the games i and the other people who complained about him send. Just use caution When dealing with this person.

n64kid BTRs29-Mar-1999
Status: active
Reporter: chrism

I sent him Madden 64 for Mission Impossible. I e-mailed him and he said that he played it and he didn't like it.It has been a month and a half and he says he sent it back but i still haven't got it and he was very rude to me.