Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on comic

comic United Kingdom BTRs9-Oct-2001
Status: active
Reporter: DenseByNature

well im like the 20th complaint against this guy. actually im pretty lucky i just sent him a, since i never wanted it, but i still had to pay shipping to BRITAIN and he completely let me down. my threats haven't even evoked a response from him, he's just completely stopped responding, though not too long ago he was promising anachronox. at first when he promised anachronox for my it was like a dream; now it's like a nightmare. don't trade with this guy or anybody with a name similar to comic. he'll never send you your package. as a result of him, i have no intention of ever again sending first, which is hard since i only have 4 completed trades.

comic United Kingdom BTRs29-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: HanstheGreat927

This guy is a con, dont trade with him. I traded some stuff to him a while ago, and we sent on the same day. I have not seen the package or the tracking number.

He may seem nice at first, but dont belive this guy. He seemed like a considerable person, but if you MUST trade with him he MUST send first and give you a valid tracking number.

comic United Kingdom BTRs28-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: Elguapo_85

Ok we agreed to send at the same time. So we did or so I thought I had sent my package and he claimed to. He gave me a tracking number and it was fake I knew this because i contacted the Mailing company he supposeofly sent through. Anyways I lost a WSC, WS, 10 games and 3 playstation games while he was to send me a PCFX with 13 games. I should have been weary of him because he came to a conclusion to the trade so quickly and wanted to send the next day. Also when he offered me the PCFX I checked under his Available and there was a game called "PCFX with 10 games" and it was newly added he didn't even bother to list all the games which most people would. here is his address

Christopher Drake
kingsway house
134-140 church road
bn3 2dl

and his telephone # 07788622801

I havent gotten around to contact his "Phone#" yet but I will in the future please stay away from this guy he is an obvious fake.

comic United Kingdom BTRs25-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: JoniK

On the 1st of September me and comic agreed on a trade of 8 my games for 8 of his games. We agreed to send same time, next monday. We both had 3 trades at the time (his trades being fake, of course, which I didn't know at the time...). After i had sent my stuff i emailed him to ask him if he had sent his stuff...he replied "yep, i sure did!" So, after a week he got my stuff and at the same time i received an email from Bill Marrs telling that an user know as "comic" seems fishy and is propably a con artist.....well by that time i couldn't do anything anymore. So comic sent me a tracking number for his "package" that he had "sent" to me.... The tracking number doesn't work. About a week ago comic stopped replying on his e-mail. I have not got the games yet, and it's been over three weeks. Shipping from Britain to Finland does NOT take over three weeks. He's propably changed his username and is trying to rip off some other people by now...
So comic, where are the games?
This btr report will be removed whenever i get the games....

comic United Kingdom BTRs24-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: philth

I feel christopher drake is a bad trader cause he has lied to me so many times over and over and over and over and over well you get the point. He said he sent 2 weeks ago and he gave me a tracking number so i can track it, guess what the tracking number dosent work and i dont have any of the stuff he sent me yet. He swears up and down he sent and that its on its way.but i dont believe him cause I believe bill that this is ataridotcom and i have just fallen in to his trap! I sent him 220 dollars worth of anime and now its gone! anybody who has gotten ripped off bye comic or got ripped off bye who lives at this address right here (kingsway house 134-140 church road hovebn3 2dl england) needs to file mail fraud charges against him! ban together gametz and fight thiefs like this dont let petty criminals get us down let us get petty criminals down! thats all i have to say for now. if i get my stuff i will remove this but i posted this cause i think i got ripped off so i dont think this will be going anywhere!