Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on ANTDarkphire

ANTDarkphire BTRs15-Sep-1999
Status: active
Reporter: Louise

I agreed to trade KQ8 for two of his games. Since this was my first trade I agreed to send first. Big mistake! It's been over a month now and I don't have anything. I wouldn't trade with this guy unless you got his stuff first. Now he's not answering my email messages. Not a good first experience.

ANTDarkphire BTRs16-Aug-1999
Status: active
Reporter: Carbuff

We agree to trade my Lego Island for his Sim copter. Lego Island is on his want list. We agree to send out at the same time. Over a week goes by. Nothing. I email him about it and he says he hasnt recieved lego Island and wont be sending sim copter until he gets it. WTF? Ahole. A couple days later he says he recieved it. He doesnt like the game and wants to send it back. WTF? Ahole. I say no, he says ok but he doesnt have sim copter anymore and has to get it back from a friend. WTF? A**hole. Weeks go by he says his friend is in Michigan and I will have to wait. Then he says hes been sick, and he offers me all this extra stuff, yadda, yadda, yadda. Its been over a month and I have nothing. This guy broke every rule of trading listed in the beginning of the ugtz. And he has an alias? Avoid him at all costs.