
Topic   Last Game You Beat?

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
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GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Ghostwire: Tokyo Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

After 'Yakuza 6' being shorter than I anticipated, I was still in a Japanese culture-centric mood, and I was actually excited for 'Ghostwire' despite the lukewarm reception. That said, it earns that lukewarm reception.

From a story standpoint, some guy wants spirits and the protagonist, Akito, gets caught up in it while trying to retrieve his sister from the hospital. Honestly, the story wasn't anything until the very end, but by that point, it was the end. The game is steeped in Japanese traditions dealing with the afterlife, and it's interesting, but only scratches the surface. Most things aren't explained, and it's just "magic" basically. I look at "ok" games as either being carried by their story if the gameplay isn't great, or by the gameplay if the story isn't great. Unfortunately, the gameplay isn't great either.

Acting like a first person shooter, Akito uses elemental spells of the soul possessing him, KK, to ward off enemies. There's a standard shot (wind), spread shot (water), and heavy shot (fire). The elements don't actually come into play in any way other than to distinguish the types of shots. There's also a bow, but outside certain, forced sections, the elementals are far better. Each shot can be upgraded (so can the bow) as well as a slew of basic skills Akito gains, but nothing really changes. After everything is introduced early on, that's all there is to see. Same goes for the enemies. Their designs are really cool, but they're the same handful the whole game through. This would be okay, and indeed it works in other games, if the world was interesting to explore, but it isn't.

'Ghostwire' would've been much better served as a linear game. Instead, there's a good chunk of Tokyo to run around in, but for story reasons, it's empty. Buildings and entire areas can repeat, and besides convenience stores and specific story moments, the buildings are completely closed off. What's there is a barren, lifeless neighborhood that, while looking cool, large and accurate, isn't much fun. This might be the first open world game with "towers" that I just didn't bother with unlocking the whole map, collecting most if not all things or doing all the side quests. Speaking off, the side quests can be interesting, but most are about entering an apartment (every apartment has the same floorplan) or battling in the same arenas. The latter is especially a bummer. Like 'No More Heroes III,' outside of on-street, in-the-moment conflicts, battles take place in separate arenas. Mostly the same gray arena actually. Even boss fights are pulled into separate, empty arenas. So what little charm the open world has, can't even be exploited for most story or battle moments.

When sticking to the main story, the game is pretty short. Given the lack of story, this is a good thing, though the rest of the map is available to those that want to do more. There's a short glide ability that can be upgraded to last longer and creatures near roofs to zip to, but it's not enough to make exploring exciting. Much of this I surmise came down to budget. Things like certain character actions, even for story purposes, are not seen because the game fades to black so time and money wasn't spent on the animation. The characters looks good enough (and Akito has a lot of wardrobe options), but there are very few. I already mentioned the lack of enemy variety, but the overall repetition of the game world screams we needed more budget.

As a Game Pass game, it's worth a playthrough. Tokyo fans will enjoy the setting, but the gameplay leaves a lot of be desired. If 'Ghostwire' was designed more like their next release, 'Hi-Fi Rush,' it would've been a much better game.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
The Darkness on PlayStation 3 via PS+ Premium. I'm glad I decided to revisit this, and I'm glad I stuck with it until the end. There was so much of this game I didn't remember from 15 years ago, I'm starting to wonder if I even did finish my original playthrough when it first released. Most of the voice acting (especially "The Darkness" creature) was really good, and so is the soundtrack. The music gets you hyped and kept me going through some parts where I'd die a lot. I probably was dying a lot in some parts because I was being stubborn and not wanting to switch from my pistols to a better gun, I think I used the pistols for 90% of the playthrough and that's no exaggeration.

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Muramasa Rebirth PlayStation Vita

I actually started this on Wii shortly after its release. I didn't get a handle of the blade system then, but the map traversal was what really made me lose interest. I've had the Vita version for years and finally cracked it open.

Yes, the game is gorgeous. The parallax scrolling, the art style, it's really like running through a painting. And running you will be, because there's a good amount of backtracking and the environments repeat over and over. And that's kind of the downfall of this game. It isn't long (both campaigns took me about 12 hours), but the areas repeat, the enemies repeat (and usually only one type of enemy is on the screen at a time), and the combat isn't terribly deep. It has its uniqueness, but everything is done with one button, including blocking, and maybe an analog stick direction. So while the game is gorgeous, repetition sets in pretty quickly. The two campaigns are interesting though, and the music is likewise gorgeous, but I'm glad it's on the short side.

I also bought the Vita exclusive DLC the last time (maybe only time?) it was on sale. I started the first DLC campaign, all of which are more like 2-3 hours long, and while the environments and much of the combat system remain the same, the DLC does mix up the playable characters. It's more for looks, though, as they fight the same as the main game's characters.

One thing that's interesting is that the game's director went on record saying he chose the Vita for its OLED screen. So it baffles me that this game hasn't been ported to the Switch with its DLC for a complete package. Other Vanillaware games have been ported, so maybe this is on the list, but it feels like the perfect fit for the Switch.

Overall, 'Muramasa' is still a great game, but marathon sessions will produce fatigue because of the lack of variety across the board. Either way, this is a game to be played for the art and graphics alone.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader
@dcgx I enjoyed Muramasa - I, too, have the DLC. It's repetitious but fun to feel more empowered as you get more swords and level them up, and I was motivated by the story tidbits and finding various secrets, like the sea monster. Leveling up skills in the DLC (and getting different story endings) was fun - the different characters had some unique abilities that differentiated them.

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Alaisiagae wrote:
> @dcgx I enjoyed Muramasa - I, too, have the DLC. It's repetitious but fun to feel
> more empowered as you get more swords and level them up, and I was motivated by the
> story tidbits and finding various secrets, like the sea monster. Leveling up skills
> in the DLC (and getting different story endings) was fun - the different characters
> had some unique abilities that differentiated them.

Yeah everything is very solid, just the repeat environments and enemies got to me. Especially the flying enemies. Those are a pain. At least if they had you fight more than one type of enemy at a time on the world map would go a long way. I'm not sure why they stuck to one at a time. 20 basic ninjas of the same color is bland. I'll get back to the DLC, but I need a break lol

Double Gold Good Trader
Pretty much every Vanillaware game is extremely repetitive, but still somehow fun in spite of it.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 12-Aug-2023(#8)
Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)

Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this game should be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games I would personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional formula and Im tired of open world games.
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
Octopath Traveler II Nintendo Switch - 9.5/10

One of the best JRPGs I have ever played. And I have played a ton of them. It's everything a sequel should be. It's the perfect example of how a game can feel like a love letter to those classic 16-bit era JRPGs while still feeling fresh and modern because of the design choices and QOL improvements.

Graphically, OT2 is absolutely stunning. I honestly can't say enough about the lighting, the animations, and the overall attention to detail. The gameplay and the soundtrack are my two favorite things about the first game and they are even better here in the sequel. Gameplay wise it's what you expect from a traditional JRPG. It's got a great job system that gives you a lot of freedom and great side quests some of which have multiple solutions. Again, the attention to detail is just so impressive. The gameplay is simple enough that it doesn't alienate newcomers, but it is varied and nuanced enough to satisfy longtime fans of the genre. There is also a day/night component that adds depth and variety to the gameplay. You can change from day to night and vice versa at any time with a click of a button and the lighting, the overall mood, the music, the NPC placement, the enemies, buffs/ all changes depending on the time of day. Again, attention to detail!

My only real gripe is that the 8 characters don't interact at all outside of a few "travel banter" segments. Their stories are fragmented and it can feel a little jarring at times. Luckily, the stories are all really well told and you end up connecting with each character so it wasn't as big of an issue for me. I wouldn't say all 8 stories are phenomenal. Some are definitely better than others. But even my least favorite was still very good so again, no real complaints there but I can see the fragmented nature of the storytelling being an issue for others. Once you complete all 8 stories, the characters actually come together and you journey towards the true ending. This entire section of the game and the epilogue that follows are phenomenal. I can't say more without really spoiling things, but it's always important to get to the end of a 100-hour game like this and feel like the journey was worthwhile. And I definitely felt that way at the end of OT2.

As I mentioned, this is a 100-hour game (I did everything in the game so maybe closer to 80 hours for most). That's probably an immediate turn-off to most people and I totally get that. I came so close to skipping this altogether for that very reason. I just don't have the time. But here we have a 100-hour game that feels epic and also feels respectful of your time as a player. It never felt like a grind and the way the game is designed means you can pop in and out at any time. Especially if you play it on the Switch because I believe it's the perfect portable experience.

So all in all, this is one of the truly special modern JRPGs, in my opinion. Loved every second of my time with it and it's a game I can't recommend enough to fans of the genre.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Manticore - Galaxy On Fire on Nintendo Switch which I completed 100%

So I originally bought this because I was in the mood for a Star Fox style game, and this delivered on that. Truthfully I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of the Star Fox series, I don't even know why I was in the mood for something like them. But I at least picked a good one.
So why I decided to 100% complete this, is because I felt like since the start of the year I was starting too many games and not finishing them. I knew that would be a problem with the Game Catalog on PS+ Premium, which is also why I try to stay away from GamePass. So I decided the next game I start, regardless if it is a good or bad game, I will go for 100% on, and it wound up being this game and I really enjoyed it.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
I finally finished Mii Trek, the terrible 3DS Streetpass game.

Got the credit roll but it looks like there is still some post game stuff to do.

When I hear the phrase "walking simulator," this is what I will always think of. Not a focused narrative driven experience that makes you want to keep going a bit longer, but just counting steps (steps that OTHER people have taken walking with their 3ds, your own steps don't even count) and moving around a map, occasionally choosing a direction, finding an item, or dealing with a brief quick time event. Run out of steps (which happens very quickly), and you have to wait until you get more streetpasses to continue.

It's pretty much rubbish.

Double Gold Good Trader
* 15-Aug-2023(#12)
kevolones wrote:
> Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)
> Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this game should
> be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games I would
> personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional formula
> and Im tired of open world games.
Good job! How many hours did you put in?

Based on your comment about other Zelda games, what are your favorite Zelda games?
Double Gold Good Trader
* 15-Aug-2023(#13)
Heavyd814life wrote:
> Octopath Traveler II Nintendo Switch - 9.5/10
> One of the best JRPGs I have ever played. And I have played a ton of them. It's everything
> a sequel should be. It's the perfect example of how a game can feel like a love letter
> to those classic 16-bit era JRPGs while still feeling fresh and modern because of
> the design choices and QOL improvements.
> Graphically, OT2 is absolutely stunning. I honestly can't say enough about the lighting,
> the animations, and the overall attention to detail. The gameplay and the soundtrack
> are my two favorite things about the first game and they are even better here in
> the sequel. Gameplay wise it's what you expect from a traditional JRPG. It's got
> a great job system that gives you a lot of freedom and great side quests some of
> which have multiple solutions. Again, the attention to detail is just so impressive.
> The gameplay is simple enough that it doesn't alienate newcomers, but it is varied
> and nuanced enough to satisfy longtime fans of the genre. There is also a day/night
> component that adds depth and variety to the gameplay. You can change from day to
> night and vice versa at any time with a click of a button and the lighting, the overall
> mood, the music, the NPC placement, the enemies, buffs/ all changes depending
> on the time of day. Again, attention to detail!
> My only real gripe is that the 8 characters don't interact at all outside of a few
> "travel banter" segments. Their stories are fragmented and it can feel a little jarring
> at times. Luckily, the stories are all really well told and you end up connecting
> with each character so it wasn't as big of an issue for me. I wouldn't say all 8
> stories are phenomenal. Some are definitely better than others. But even my least
> favorite was still very good so again, no real complaints there but I can see the
> fragmented nature of the storytelling being an issue for others. Once you complete
> all 8 stories, the characters actually come together and you journey towards the
> true ending. This entire section of the game and the epilogue that follows are phenomenal.
> I can't say more without really spoiling things, but it's always important to get
> to the end of a 100-hour game like this and feel like the journey was worthwhile.
> And I definitely felt that way at the end of OT2.
> As I mentioned, this is a 100-hour game (I did everything in the game so maybe closer
> to 80 hours for most). That's probably an immediate turn-off to most people and I
> totally get that. I came so close to skipping this altogether for that very reason.
> I just don't have the time. But here we have a 100-hour game that feels epic and
> also feels respectful of your time as a player. It never felt like a grind and the
> way the game is designed means you can pop in and out at any time. Especially if
> you play it on the Switch because I believe it's the perfect portable experience.
> So all in all, this is one of the truly special modern JRPGs, in my opinion. Loved
> every second of my time with it and it's a game I can't recommend enough to fans
> of the genre.
A 9.5/10 catches my attention more than a 10/10. When someone says 10/10, I'm skeptical. When someone says 9.5/10, I view it as, woah, that game sounds really good. Sounds like the rater wasn't swept away by opinions of others/hype. 9.5 ounds like a very calculated rating.

You got my attention.

So now I have to ask. If I were to choose to play just one of the games, do I play the first one or the second
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
@nonamesleft Definitely OT2. I think OT1 has the slightly stronger soundtrack and OT1 also has a couple of really memorable characters, but as I mentioned in my review, OT2 is everything a sequel should be and improves on the original in every imaginable way. The games are standalone experiences so you can jump straight into OT2. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Double Gold Good Trader
Heavyd814life wrote:
> @nonamesleft Definitely OT2. I think OT1 has the slightly stronger soundtrack and
> OT1 also has a couple of really memorable characters, but as I mentioned in my review,
> OT2 is everything a sequel should be and improves on the original in every imaginable
> way. The games are standalone experiences so you can jump straight into OT2. I hope
> you enjoy it as much as I did!
Thanks. Then maybe I'll play the second and also listen to the soundtrack of the first.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
* 16-Aug-2023(#16)
nonamesleft wrote:
> kevolones wrote:
>> Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)
>> Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this game
> should
>> be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games I would
>> personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional formula
>> and Im tired of open world games.
> Good job! How many hours did you put in?

I would think not that many really. (Actually checked. Only 54 hours, played 39 times.)

> Based on your comment about other Zelda games, what are your favorite Zelda games?

All of them are amazing, really. But A Link to the Past is easily my favorite of all the Zelda games.

Tbh I say all but I have yet to play a couple of them. Mostly the 3DS and Switch games since I never bought those consoles.
Double Gold Good Trader
kevolones wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
>> kevolones wrote:
> |>> Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)
> |>>
> |>> Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this game
>> should
> |>> be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games I would
> |>> personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional
> formula
> |>> and Im tired of open world games.
>> Good job! How many hours did you put in?
> I would think not that many really. (Actually checked. Only 54 hours, played 39 times.)
>> Based on your comment about other Zelda games, what are your favorite Zelda games?
> All of them are amazing, really. But A Link to the Past is easily my favorite of
> all the Zelda games.
> Tbh I say all but I have yet to play a couple of them. Mostly the 3DS and Switch
> games since I never bought those consoles.
Did you play Minish Cap?
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
nonamesleft wrote:
> kevolones wrote:
>> nonamesleft wrote:
> |>> kevolones wrote:
>> |>> Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)
>> |>>
>> |>> Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this game
> |>> should
>> |>> be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games I
> would
>> |>> personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional
>> formula
>> |>> and Im tired of open world games.
> |>> Good job! How many hours did you put in?
> |>>
>> I would think not that many really. (Actually checked. Only 54 hours, played 39
> times.)
> |>> Based on your comment about other Zelda games, what are your favorite Zelda games?
>> All of them are amazing, really. But A Link to the Past is easily my favorite
> of
>> all the Zelda games.
>> Tbh I say all but I have yet to play a couple of them. Mostly the 3DS and Switch
>> games since I never bought those consoles.
> Did you play Minish Cap?

Yes, its great! Also played Links' Awakening and the 2 Oracle games.
Double Gold Good Trader
kevolones wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
>> kevolones wrote:
> |>> nonamesleft wrote:
>> |>> kevolones wrote:
> |>> |>> Finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! (Wii U)
> |>> |>>
> |>> |>> Ive been on and off playing this for like 5 years. While I do think this
> game
>> |>> should
> |>> |>> be a 10/10 game, if I have to compare it to all the previous Zelda games
> I
>> would
> |>> |>> personally give this like a 9/10. Its awesome, I just prefer the traditional
> |>> formula
> |>> |>> and Im tired of open world games.
>> |>> Good job! How many hours did you put in?
>> |>>
> |>>
> |>> I would think not that many really. (Actually checked. Only 54 hours, played
> 39
>> times.)
> |>>
> |>>
>> |>> Based on your comment about other Zelda games, what are your favorite Zelda
> games?
> |>>
> |>> All of them are amazing, really. But A Link to the Past is easily my favorite
>> of
> |>> all the Zelda games.
> |>>
> |>> Tbh I say all but I have yet to play a couple of them. Mostly the 3DS and Switch
> |>> games since I never bought those consoles.
>> Did you play Minish Cap?
> Yes, its great! Also played Links' Awakening and the 2 Oracle games.
Link's Awakening was fun. I played Oracle of Ages ages ago. Actually just started Seasons this week. Been meaning to play it for a long long time.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Classic Edition PlayStation 4
I was glad this was such a short game because that's the main reason I kept playing when I realized I wasn't enjoying it very much. Not saying it was a bad game, but I just enjoyed vanilla Far Cry 3 more.

600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
After beating Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe on Switch with my Little, 2D Kirby games are a PG version of Elden Ring with all the Mini and Major Boss fights. The levels simple then Boss fights of varying difficulty. Most of the time Multiple per stage.

Kirby kinda a Nintendo Badass.

Solid 8 out of 10.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
@PizzaTheHutt I remember trying to play Blood Dragon right after beating FC3 and feeling similar. I ended up giving up on it as it just wasn't that enjoyable and it felt like a step backwards some how from the main game.
I have thought about trying to give it another shot now that it's been a few years and I know it is short, so maybe I'll do that.

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Need for Speed: Unbound Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

I had a long write-up about this game, but the good and bad are each too long. So it's list time!

- map and city/track design; the world feels lived in
- variety of cars, tweaking if you want to
- events like hot laps and some drifting are just on the map and not separate so it doesn't force events a player doesn't like on the player
- graphics and overall aesthetic; the realistic world looks great and the graffiti accents work really well
- overall story, while minimal, can be investing and works with the game design

- actual writing, especially dialogue, can be just plain bad; calling music from 2003 moldy-oldies doesn't even make sense. They try GTA-style talk radio/ads but they have no subtly for satire
- while races are well designed, they're forced to be run over and over leading to horrible repetition. It's especially bad for players going for certain cars, fully upgrading them, etc. where money is so much more necessary
- cars still drive like boats, especially early on, but it's adaptable. They don't feel as good to drive like in games like Forza. Also, oddly, sometimes the e-brake wouldn't activate no matter the car
- the map is great, but rather small, which hurts that repetition
- sense of speed; going 100 mph feels more like 55 mph. Only the very highest speeds feel fast
- cops, they need a rest. It's integrated into the story, sorta, but sometimes the eagle-eyes of cops looking through buildings or up/down hills out of sight is ridiculous on higher wanted levels. They also have a tendency spawn directly in front of the player at high wanted levels too. There's no options, even post game, to turn them off or reduce them
- Anything that happens in the prologue is pointless, where you finish, how much money is gained, but the game doesn't tell the player it's a prologue. I restarted so much because I'm the type of player in racing games that always has to finish first, but it didn't matter in the end

- Money vs. race finishes; winning money is top, so finishing in a certain place in an event, outside of getting more money or a car for better placement, doesn't matter. It does take some stress off races, but can make them less compelling
- Music: it definitely fits the game, but I only liked a few tracks. This severely negatively impacts a game where music is so important
- character design - I think they either should've gone more realistic to fit the city and cars, or more exaggerated to fit the graffiti accents. The weird, flat shaded middle ground doesn't fit well
- A$AP Rocky - I don't know much about him, so I learned something, and he seems cool, but at one point the player has to drive him somewhere and the devs shoehorned an interview they did with him in, which sounds like he's defending himself from detractors for some reason. Just, why?

I played this on Game Pass and at times was having such a good time with it. GameFly did have the Xbox Series X version for $15 with free shipping (it has since gone up), and I almost bought it. With the right car, I genuinely enjoyed running around the map, and the world feels so great. But it's so repetitive, even for a racer, and the cops can completely ruin things either trying to shake them off or wait them out. If the game drops that low again, I might pick it up. It's a solid game for racing fans, but I still feel like 'Need for Speed' would benefit more from a straight race to race design versus the open world, cop drama sometimes.

GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)
@DCGX You can put the A$AP Rocky part in bad lol. That interview is bizarre. I still remember it vividly. It‘s some weird bit of propaganda that feels like it’s supposed to make the guy more relatable but has the opposite effect. Why shoehorn that into the game at all? He just rambles on and on for like 20 minutes. It was probably only 5 minutes but it definitely felt like 20 minutes lol.

The marketing for the game was odd. I wonder if centering the marketing around him helped boost sales. I hope it did because it’s actually a solid NFS game and I had a good time with it. I think I enjoyed the gameplay loop a little more than you did, but I definitely agree with most of the points you made.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I bought Need For Speed: Heat and need to finally get around to playing it and then catch up on Unbound from there. I'm glad they stopped doing yearly releases for NFS games. That was one of the best decisions they made for the series.

Remember with Need For Speed: Shift they had said they were going to alternate between arcade and semi-realistic style with each years' entry? That didn't last long at all. I skipped NFS: Shift 2 completely and I must not have been the only one because they abandoned that idea.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Speaking of Need for Speed Unbound, I have a copy available if anyone wants it. Guess I should make a post

GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
Heavyd814life wrote:
> @DCGX You can put the A$AP Rocky part in bad lol. That interview is bizarre. I still
> remember it vividly. It‘s some weird bit of propaganda that feels like it’s supposed
> to make the guy more relatable but has the opposite effect. Why shoehorn that into
> the game at all? He just rambles on and on for like 20 minutes. It was probably only
> 5 minutes but it definitely felt like 20 minutes lol.
> The marketing for the game was odd. I wonder if centering the marketing around him
> helped boost sales. I hope it did because it’s actually a solid NFS game and I
> had a good time with it. I think I enjoyed the gameplay loop a little more than you
> did, but I definitely agree with most of the points you made.

I completely missed the marketing then, because it took me multiple races with A$AP Rocky before I even knew he was in the game. I'm guessing in context what he says makes more sense. Obviously we don't hear any questions from whoever interviewed him. When the player character drives him, the monologue kind of makes sense to what the player character is going through, but I wish they had made it shorter in-game, and then not have it during the credits at all. Once it finishes during the credits, it starts over until the credits end. Just make it an extra to listen/view outside of gameplay from the main menu.

Anyway, it is a solid game. I just want more variety in the races since they repeat ad nauseum.

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 25-Aug-2023(#28)
Immortals of Aveum is a decent 10 hourish game. You get three spell types that are akin to a rifle, smg and shotgun. You also have a ton of other spells to grab or move towards enemies, do tons of damage in various ways. I think the biggest issue was the backtracking and the story. I pretty much understood the story from the initial moments and how it was going to probably end and I was partially correct. Honestly if another game hadn't released with a similar idea, I probably wouldn't be bothered as much by it. Getting Armored Core 6 shipped today and Daymare unless Armored Core 6 lasts me to Starfield. Starfield is coming out on the 6th though.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
* 25-Aug-2023(#29)
I just finished EQQO on Nintendo Switch
Despite being a short game, I came close to giving up on this a few times during my playthrough. It's not because the puzzles were difficult, if anything the game overall is kind of on the easy side. It was more to do with the controls, it took too long to get used to them, and also multiple bugs I experienced (some quick examples: one bug where my character wouldn't enter a door, but when I restarted the level he entered it no problem, and another where my character fell through the ground and ended up somewhere in the void where I could no longer control him so I had to restart, and also several times my on-screen cursor would disappear and sometimes it would eventually come back but other times I'd have to restart the level). The graphics also are messy sometimes, lots of blurriness (that seems to happen quite a bit with Unreal Engine on Switch). The game was meant as a VR game on PC so I will assume it's better when played that way, but on Switch I don't think I'd recommend it. They had a decent little heartwarming story to tell, but it deserved a better game built around it.

There is a $1 DLC for the game which lets you plant a tree in the game, and profits from it go to WeForest who will plant a tree in real life.
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews
New Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo 3DS

I've had this on my 3DS since it was on of the choices for Club Nintendo's annual rewards. I've played it off and on since, but never fully got into it. I finally finished the main worlds, though there is a ton to unlock. Solid, definitely, not mark remarkable.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)
Final Fantasy 16
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> Final Fantasy 16

I should be close to the end of FF16. But for some reason I feel like doing all side quests
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)
kevolones wrote:
> Kommie wrote:
>> Final Fantasy 16
> I should be close to the end of FF16. But for some reason I feel like doing all side
> quests

I skipped them towards the end. All of them are still doable and not missable. Early in the game it warns you about an important quests, any side quest not finished before that is missable though. But not after.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I'm PRETTY SURE i beat Inscryption. There's nothing else like it out there. Completely blew my mind.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Simon_Belmont wrote:
> I'm PRETTY SURE i beat Inscryption. There's nothing else like it out there. Completely
> blew my mind.

Lol. After it really ends it starts all over. If that helps.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Yeah and Endless Mode starts.
I wish the live action parts were a little better acted but otherwise the game was really perfect.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 28-Aug-2023(#37)
Simon_Belmont wrote:
> Yeah and Endless Mode starts.
> I wish the live action parts were a little better acted but otherwise the game was
> really perfect.

the kaycees mod mode were you add different variables etc has a different final boss- I don’t remember if there’s any new footage after that though. Think it’s just for trophy.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I did that, i had to use a walkthrough for one part.
Picked up XCom Chimera Squad and UFO Aftershock, working on those.
Chimera Squad is like XCOM-lite, i dig the graphic style and the new breach mechanics.
Triple Gold Good Trader
That game was wild.

Simon_Belmont wrote:
> I'm PRETTY SURE i beat Inscryption. There's nothing else like it out there. Completely
> blew my mind.
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> That game was wild.
> Simon_Belmont wrote:
>> I'm PRETTY SURE i beat Inscryption. There's nothing else like it out there. Completely
>> blew my mind.

I loved every second of it. It was just challenging enough to not be frustrating and it was unsettling but not overly scary, if that makes sense.
Whenever people say that there aren't any great AAA games coming out, i point them to indie studios and games and Inscryption is on that list.
It wasn't just a game, it was an experience and became an obsession.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Agreed on all of the above. It’s nice to see that kind of creativity.

Simon_Belmont wrote:
> Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
>> That game was wild.
>> Simon_Belmont wrote:
> |>> I'm PRETTY SURE i beat Inscryption. There's nothing else like it out there. Completely
> |>> blew my mind.
> I loved every second of it. It was just challenging enough to not be frustrating
> and it was unsettling but not overly scary, if that makes sense.
> Whenever people say that there aren't any great AAA games coming out, i point them
> to indie studios and games and Inscryption is on that list.
> It wasn't just a game, it was an experience and became an obsession.

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