
Topic   PSVR2 Chat

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
* 2-Nov-2022(#1)
Triple Gold Good Trader
Light Brigade is amazing so far. Shooting a gun with these controllers is next level immersion and feels great.
Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
Glad to hear it. I bought it and am really excited to try it eventually, but I’m still playing Horizon: Call of the Mountain.

Shane12m wrote:
> Light Brigade is amazing so far. Shooting a gun with these controllers is next level
> immersion and feels great.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
man wish I still had access to ebay. My PS5 no man's sky has no text on the front. Some dude selling "misprint label" on ebay for $80. I'd be making bank with this stupid crap. As it is now, I have to return it to amazon til I get one that's not misprinted.

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
* 1-Mar-2023(#164)
I tried the kayak game a little tonight and felt decently comfortable with everything in the tutorial, but I’m getting wrecked in even the first race. I’m having a hard time keeping the paddle from dragging in the water after some strokes, which is weird, because I’m pretty decent at real kayaking. The boat also seems really sensitive to you moving your body at all. It’s a beautiful game but a little frustrating to control.

Update: I got the hang of it. Just a bit of a learning curve.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
This'll be going in my wishlist for sure.

Triple Gold Good Trader
Dang, switchback not reviewing super well.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Yeah, I watched a couple reviews this morning. Seems like it should've been delayed longer to polish it up. I've heard complaints of low-res graphics, the game in general just not being very scary, and underwhelming use of the haptic feedback.
That's disappointing, but I can't say it is unexpected, because for the past couple of years everything Supermassive Games has released has felt unpolished at launch and you're stuck waiting weeks or months for the patches to roll out so you can finally play the games how they were intended.

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
That's unfortunate. Although, Horizon: Call of the Mountain had a 79 average, and it was a much better game than those scores suggested, so I'll play it for myself and see eventually.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Yeah, I watched a couple reviews this morning. Seems like it should've been delayed
> longer to polish it up. I've heard complaints of low-res graphics, the game in general
> just not being very scary, and underwhelming use of the haptic feedback.
> That's disappointing, but I can't say it is unexpected, because for the past couple
> of years everything Supermassive Games has released has felt unpolished at launch
> and you're stuck waiting weeks or months for the patches to roll out so you can finally
> play the games how they were intended.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> That's unfortunate. Although, Horizon: Call of the Mountain had a 79 average, and
> it was a much better game than those scores suggested, so I'll play it for myself
> and see eventually.
> PizzaTheHutt wrote:
>> Yeah, I watched a couple reviews this morning. Seems like it should've been delayed
>> longer to polish it up. I've heard complaints of low-res graphics, the game in
> general
>> just not being very scary, and underwhelming use of the haptic feedback.
>> That's disappointing, but I can't say it is unexpected, because for the past couple
>> of years everything Supermassive Games has released has felt unpolished at launch
>> and you're stuck waiting weeks or months for the patches to roll out so you can
> finally
>> play the games how they were intended.

Yeah but this is sitting at a 69 currently. At least with horizon it had a few really high scores so it was some loved it others didn’t care as much for it
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I didn't even notice the Metacritic score for it. There's a few YouTube channels that are dedicated to covering PSVR/PSVR2 games and one specifically (PSVR Without Parole) I trust enough to base my purchases solely on their reviews.

It reviewed lower than I expected, but it's still staying on my wishlist because it doesn't seem to be a terrible game.

Triple Gold Good Trader
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> I didn't even notice the Metacritic score for it. There's a few YouTube channels
> that are dedicated to covering PSVR/PSVR2 games and one specifically (>" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="
> (secure)">PSVR Without Parole) I trust enough to base my purchases solely on their reviews.
> It reviewed lower than I expected, but it's still staying on my wishlist because
> it doesn't seem to be a terrible game.

Yeah I follow and watched the without parole videos. It seems like a game to play on sale and when and if they hopefully improve the resolution
Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
The Light Brigade is tough, but it's also really satisfying to play. I finally beat the first boss tonight, made it through the next level, and then died in the one after on my first run using the Assault class. It's my favorite so far, although I haven't unlocked the two classes after it yet.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
The developers of Switchback are looking into the blurry graphics issue and may have found a potential cause of it. yes

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
* 20-Mar-2023(#174)
I’ve been playing The Light Brigade a ton, and I was able to get to the second boss without a single death, but, then, I lost all three lives to the boss. It’s so rough. The boss is invincible while this acid goo stuff is pumping into her. You have to pull four levers to stop the goo from flowing to her (two near the ceiling and two on the floor). You have to teleport to the levers, because large sections of the floor are that acid goo and keep eating away your health as long as you touch it. While you’re trying to pull the levers, the boss is spitting big chunks of the goo at you (which sticks to all surfaces, creating another environmental hazard) and shooting a pistol at you. If you hit all of the levers, you have a limited amount of time to shoot at the boss. Then, you have to pull all of the levers again. When you damage the boss, rats come down conveyor belts to her, and she can eat them to restore her health. You also have to find ammo and equip it (which is hard to do quickly while also doing all of the above, because you have to eject the clip in your gun and then manually reload it and cock it to shoot. I’ll keep trying, as I can upgrade my stats a bit more each run, but this may be a wall for awhile.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
So a little over a month since release, what are your impressions from those who own it? Did it exceed expectations so far, or still needs more killer apps to convince you? How much playtime is it getting?

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
So far, I’ve played and beaten three games on it: Horizon: COTM, Kayak VR, and The Light Brigade. It’s definitely exceeded my expectations, and I haven’t even played the most well-reviewed games for it (like RE: Village and GT7). Horizon’s climbing was really fun, Kayak VR was beautiful but initially quite frustrating until I got used to the controls. Then, I enjoyed it . The Light Brigade has been my favorite so far. The graphics are simple and not especially impressive, the controls took me some time to get used to, and it’s tough, but I got better with practice, and, then, the gameplay was great. It’s one of those “just one more run” type of games. Compared to the PSVR, the tracking is much better, and the visuals are quite impressive at times. I’m happy with my purchase.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> So a little over a month since release, what are your impressions from those who
> own it? Did it exceed expectations so far, or still needs more killer apps to convince
> you? How much playtime is it getting?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Report: Estimates Say Sony’s PSVR 2 Isn’t Selling Well, May Need Price Cut
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I saw that right before I made that post yesterday evening.
I want to hold off on getting one until there are more must play games for it. But...if they'd finally send these suckers out to retail and I could just walk into a Best Buy or Walmart and impulsively purchase one and be home playing it 20 minutes later, I'd probably do that. By making it so I can only get one through their website, they're just helping me not to spend that money. I can't be the only one.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
If the sales projections reported months ago for psvr 2 sales were truly expected- someone should be fired. Those were asinine and clearly way off.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
I haven't played it any since I moved my PS5 to the home theater system with the projector screen. But I've been busy watching lots of movies. I mean I spent a lot to get the 4k projector and new receiver that was capable of 4K gaming. On the bright side, 4K movies and 4K games look amazing on it. So I'll get my monies worth eventually raspberry

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Humanity releases May 16 and will be hitting the PS+ Extra/Premium tier's Game Catalog on day one, which I believe makes it the first PSVR2 game available on the service. It can be played without VR as well, and also has support for original PSVR (good on them for including that because it is how I'll be playing it).
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
VR Skater is releasing at the end of June. I really hope it doesn't end up sucking, because skateboarding in VR sounds like it could be fun.

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
I'm late taking a look at this article, but there are a couple of important points it overlooks:

1) They're comparing sales for PSVR from October-February to sales of PSVR2 from February-March. I suspect that PSVR2 sales will pick up quite a bit this holiday season.

2) There are way more people with a PC or a PS4 than with a PS5. As more people pick up a PS5, the potential userbase for the PSVR2 will get big enough to support better sales numbers.

MrBean wrote:
> Report: Estimates Say Sony’s PSVR 2 Isn’t Selling Well, May Need Price Cut
Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
PSVR2 coming to local retailers soon.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Nice, just what I've been waiting for...
Still gonna give it some time to get a few more must-have games.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I was at Walmart today and asked the person in the electronics section when they were expecting to get PSVR2 in stock and she had no idea about it and said she doesn't think any stores are selling them, but she also didn't even bother to check in their systems if there was anything about it and I didn't feel like explaining that Sony said retailers are getting them "soon". When I got back home I see that at least Best Buy and GameStop will be selling them starting May 12.

I likely would've impulse bought one if they were in stock at that Walmart today. I also would've regretted it by the time I got home, but that don't matter.
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
What's the goal they're shooting for? To play Steam games on PSVR2?
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
It's the best headset right now and a very good price point for high end headsets. They want to play PC games on it, yeah
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)
that would be HUGE! I hope it happens, would love to use my PSVR2 for PC VR!

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I’ve seen people are getting PSVR2 at GameStop now?
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Feeb wrote:
> I’ve seen people are getting PSVR2 at GameStop now?

GameStop and Best Buy will officially begin selling them online on Friday but I think the website says you might be able to get one in-store a little earlier than that.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
PlayStation Showcase next Wednesday, there will be PSVR2 stuff revealed and without even owning one yet I gotta say I'm more interested in that than any non-VR games that will be shown.

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but there are so many first party games that they've only hinted at, so I'm excited (both on the PSVR2 front and the PS5 front). I'm really curious whether we'll hear more about Bend's new IP, since I loved Days Gone.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> PlayStation Showcase next Wednesday, there will be PSVR2 stuff revealed and without
> even owning one yet I gotta say I'm more interested in that than any non-VR games
> that will be shown.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Bulletstorm VR just got announced.

Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
That's awesome!

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Bulletstorm VR just got announced.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)
Lots of ports.... Yay
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
* 1-Jun-2023(#198)
With VR I think I'm more forgiving with ports, as long as the effort is put into it to make the VR version be the version to play.

And not to make excuses for all companies that port their stuff to VR for a quick buck, but at least in Bulletstorm's defense, it had started development in mid-2007 and VR just wasn't an option back then. Even when it finally released in early 2011, VR just wasn't even close to being at the level it is now.
Triple Gold Good Trader
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> With VR I think I'm more forgiving with ports, as long as the effort is put into
> it to make the VR version be the version to play.
> And not to make excuses for all companies that port their stuff to VR for a quick
> buck, but at least in Bulletstorm's defense, it had started development in mid-2007
> and VR just wasn't an option back then. Even when it finally released in early 2011,
> VR just wasn't even close to being at the level it is now.

I don’t think it’s just for a quick easy buck, I think at this phase of VR it makes so much more sense to make a fully fledged already made game into VR. Look at how good resident evil village and gran turismo are. Two top ten Vr games of all time IMO and they are “ports”.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
One port I'd be ecstatic for is if we could finally get a VR port of Mirror's Edge. I've been wanting it for years.
Bought it but haven't played it yet, but there is a PSVR1 parkour game that a lot of reviews compared to ME called Stride.
Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (26 seconds ago)
I love VR ports. As long as they're done well, keep 'em coming. The difference between playing RE7, for example, flat vs in VR is really notable.

Topic   PSVR2 Chat