
Topic   PSVR2 Chat

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 2-Nov-2022(#1)
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Looks like Legendary Tales' developers are disappointed in the game's sales and may abandon VR for future projects. I admit I haven't bought the game yet, and it does look really good, it was just the $55 price kinda threw me off (and clearly I'm not the only one). Like, I know during any typical PSN sale I could easily get 3 or 4 other decent VR games equal to the price of just that one game.

They are looking to release the game on Quest and hope that rakes in the money. Don't get me wrong because I really enjoy the PSVR2, but from a potential money standpoint, as an indie dev shouldn't you be targeting Quest first and PSVR2 last?

Anyway, the game certainly addresses one of my common complaints with VR games in that it's a full length (40+ hours) Action/RPG and not something that you will breeze through in a weekend. It also supports 4 player co-op, and I'm a big fan of co-op games, however the friends I play co-op games with have little interest in VR, so I'd be playing this alone or with randoms. They're looking into adding a free trial for PS+ Premium subscribers, so I'll check it out then. I just don't know if I'm ready for this transition into paying higher prices for VR games. I know I'm getting a quality game when Capcom asks full price, but you can never be so sure with indie devs.
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I've lost faith in the PSVR2. I thoroughly enjoyed the PSVR and didn't care about cables or fidelity, it was a great experience on PS4.

But then I got a Quest 2 and being untethered was amazing. Meta is a garbage company but they do give coupons and have tons of sales on games. I've rarely had to pay full price for games but at most maybe $30?

With PSVR2 I have been waiting for unique, exclusive games (things like Blood & Truth) to hit but that list is surprisingly small. At this point I think the PSVR2 is going to stall...nowadays the top sellers are hitting multiple systems (Moss, Pistol Whip, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, Star Wars) and Sony isn't pushing very many top-tier exclusives to warrant $500 on top of the $500 system for me.

We have a PS5 but the whole fam is more interested in a standalone Quest 3-lite (which is coming soon and sounds like it'll be "cheaper" than PSVR2) and keeps us untethered + also brings our VR library forward.

I had a lot of PSVR games but the ones I loved the most never got updated for PSVR2 (like Eagle Flight). If the PSVR2 has a version of that, or Half-Life Alyx I'm in.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I saw recently that Quest 2 dropped permanently to $199 and thought "how could I say no to that?" because right now I'm in a VR phase where it's all I want to play...but I know it won't be long until I'll reach the point where I'm tired of it and won't play anything for a couple months, so that makes it difficult to want to add another headset to the mix.

Plus today a trailer was uploaded for a new VR game based on the Alien franchise releasing Holiday 2024, and it specifically had a Quest 3 logo, so that right there changed my mind on a Quest 2 if in just 6 short months new games won't support it already. Granted it has a library of hundreds of titles already and I'm assuming they'd all work on Quest 3, but the price of Quest 3 plus graphical downgrade makes me not as interested anymore. I've heard when media outlets get preview builds of Quest games they are specifically not allowed to make any graphical comparisons between other headsets, nor show blood in any violent games (which is why for the longest time people thought the Bulletstorm VR port wouldn't have gore, but turns out the previews were all just using Quest footage that forbids it). Another thing that bugs me is hearing about The Wizards: Dark Times - Brotherhood on PC VR looked pretty nice graphically. Then once it released on Quest, the PC VR version got a graphical downgrade that some fans suspect was to keep it on an even playing field with Quest. People have been leaving negative reviews for it on Steam and calling it a bait and switch, but one of the devs says they're working on fixing the graphics up again.

With PSVR2, that one single usb-c cable doesn't bother me at all, it has never been a problem, though I don't think I've played any games yet where roomscale setting was the recommended way to play. But if Sony gets their head out of their ass and properly markets this thing, I don't see a reason why we'd need a PSVR3. Like, no reason this shouldn't just work on a PlayStation 6. I feel they've damn near perfected the controllers, and the haptics and eye-tracking are cool features, but few games use them because we get so many lazy Quest ports where the games are built on engines and for headsets that don't support those things. Thankfully that group is at work on porting PS5 flat games to VR, I'd be disappointed if they didn't bother taking advantage of those features. It's rumored Returnal is one of the first games they're working on. I didn't much care for the flat version of it, but I'll give it a second chance in VR (though there are probably a dozen other titles I'd like to see converted to VR instead).
Triple Gold Good Trader
Has anyone else played Beat Saber? After hearing about it for years, I finally gave it a whirl today, and the campaign gets way harder than I expected! I got decently far (to level 17), but I’ve hit a wall. Level 11 was a tough hurdle along the way.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> Has anyone else played Beat Saber? After hearing about it for years, I finally gave
> it a whirl today, and the campaign gets way harder than I expected! I got decently
> far (to level 17), but I’ve hit a wall. Level 11 was a tough hurdle along the
> way.

My kids and I just discovered it recently. It’s really neat and a decent workout. It’s got that “in the zone” feeling that few games require.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I bought Beat Saber back in 2019 I think, on the original PSVR, let one of my nieces try it out but the tracking of the PS Move controllers wasn't working so well and she didn't even get a chance to enjoy it because of that, and I myself never gave it a chance after that.
I do plan to give it a try someday on VR2 but I'll probably put it off until I've played through the rest of my VR2 library.

Triple Gold Good Trader
I never played it on PSVR, but the tracking on the PSVR2 version is basically perfect. It’s really fun. I finally got past level 17 and then beat 18 pretty quickly. It’s hard but satisfying to progress in it.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> I bought Beat Saber back in 2019 I think, on the original PSVR, let one of my nieces
> try it out but the tracking of the PS Move controllers wasn't working so well and
> she didn't even get a chance to enjoy it because of that, and I myself never gave
> it a chance after that.
> I do plan to give it a try someday on VR2 but I'll probably put it off until I've
> played through the rest of my VR2 library.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Reminds me of that "I have nothing to play" meme.


Triple Gold Good Trader
I just got Legendary Tales, and it may already be my favorite VR game ever. Anyone else playing and want to do some co-op?
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
nice, I'll have to check it out! I'm just so damn busy with all of my other hobbies. playing old RPGs, switch games, painting miniatures for board games, and now I'm getting into trading cards. Sheesh. And I only just started Village in VR, I was really digging it, so It's something I'm going to get back to at some point.

Triple Gold Good Trader
No worries. Hit me up if you ever want to try Legendary Tales. It seems like the kinda game where I'd want to drop in and try new builds in the future.

ErickRPG wrote:
> nice, I'll have to check it out! I'm just so damn busy with all of my other hobbies.
> playing old RPGs, switch games, painting miniatures for board games, and now I'm
> getting into trading cards. Sheesh. And I only just started Village in VR, I was
> really digging it, so It's something I'm going to get back to at some point.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Anyone using their psvr2 to workout- I’m going to start doing this once or twice a week. Any peripherals, anti sweat head bands etc you can recommend?
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I don't use it intentionally to workout, it's just that some games like Pistol Whip or even Drums Rock on higher difficulties really get you moving and it feels like a workout by the time you're done (a 2 hour session of Pistol Whip gave me a sore shoulder the next day because I always chose to throw punches at close up enemies instead of shooting them). I also would like recommendations on headbands though.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I’ve been using these for sweating:

I’d like to know which mod pieces anyone can recommend for comfort / stability with the headset.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
> I just got Legendary Tales, and it may already be my favorite VR game ever. Anyone
> else playing and want to do some co-op?

I’ve been eying that game since launch. What do you like about it?
Triple Gold Good Trader
There's co-op with up to four people, and it's pretty smooth. You can drop in and out, and it's been easy for me to find groups right away (playing at night after the kids go to sleep). Everything just feels right in combat from the way spells are handled to the way you hold a weapon, and there's quite a bit of variety in builds for a VR game. I have a fire mage, but you can also go ice or lightning, and there's also psychic magic. You can have a dexterity build that focuses more on bow and arrow or on stealth and daggers or on spears (including two-headed ones). You can go strength and tank up. There are lots of weapon options (including even things like tridents and greatswords and even your fists with upgrades for how hard you can punch). You can also craft your own weapons.

Having this in VR really ups the immersion. With my fire mage, I actually have to do specific motions with my hands for each spell. It's really satisfying to bring my hands together to build up fire and then raise them in the air to send a tower of flames up through some goblins. I was playing with a fighter who had a skill that lets you pick enemies up and a bunch of skills for barehanded fighting, so he would just pick up a goblin and punch it in the head until it was dead. Also, the sense of scale is great. There are parts where you fall or jump down a hole many many feet down, and it really feels like you're falling.

When you level up, you can spend the points anywhere you want, so you could technically do all sorts of hybrids (although the level cap at 50 means it's usually better to stick to one lane to be able to maximize your skills). I don't know how I got it, but I did pick up a respec point that won't let me change my basic stats but will let me reset all of my points for perks and secondary points (secondary points are used for wisdom (more mana), luck (better drops), etc.).

There are a few limitations to note. There isn't much enemy variety, the environments don't vary a ton (with some noteworthy exceptions), there isn't really voice acting, and there isn't much of a story. (You just read the dialogue). However, the gameplay is a ton of fun.

Shane12m wrote:
> Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
>> I just got Legendary Tales, and it may already be my favorite VR game ever. Anyone
>> else playing and want to do some co-op?
> I’ve been eying that game since launch. What do you like about it?
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
@Bleed_DukeBlue have they patched it so it can be played sitting yet? I remember some reviews at the game's launch said it could only be played standing, and if you sit it would feel like you were permanently crouching in the game

Triple Gold Good Trader
I'm actually not sure. I've never played it while sitting.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> @Bleed_DukeBlue have they patched it so it can be played sitting yet? I remember
> some reviews at the game's launch said it could only be played standing, and if you
> sit it would feel like you were permanently crouching in the game
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I started playing Red Matter this evening. First, I'm pretty impressed with the graphics. I haven't played it on Quest or the original PSVR, though I remember hearing how good it looked on them I can't imagine it looked this good. And the puzzles, some of them are tricky even with the answers being right in front of you. Really enjoying it so far.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
* 24-May(#301)
Alright, so looks like the next Astro Bot will be officially announced within the next two weeks, so sayeth a leaker with a pretty damn good track record of being right (he often announces PS+ monthly games in advance and Epic Game Store mystery game giveaways, among other things).

However, they are lead to believe it is not a VR game. So...what the fudge, Sony? Do you wanna sell these damn headsets or not? If it ends up being true I'll be looking forward to it a lot less. This was the killer app PSVR2 owners and people on the fence about buying one were all waiting for.
Triple Gold Good Trader
That’s disappointing. I was expecting a full-fledged game after that Astro Bot tech demo, but I was really hoping it would be hybrid and support PSVR2. I’d still play it flat, but probably not at launch.

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Alright, so looks like the next Astro Bot will be officially announced within the
> next two weeks, so sayeth a leaker with a pretty damn good track record of being
> right (he often announces PS+ monthly games in advance and Epic Game Store mystery
> game giveaways, among other things).
> However, they are lead to believe it is not a VR game. So...what the fudge, Sony?
> Do you wanna sell these damn headsets or not? If it ends up being true I'll be looking
> forward to it a lot less. This was the killer app PSVR2 owners and people on the
> fence about buying one were all waiting for.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
yeah, I def think it's gonna be must play either way. Would be stoked if it was VR. It's kind of a hard situation. That dev DESERVES recognition. And I think this game could give it to them. But if it was purely VR, the VR fans would love them for eternity. But the game wouldn't find the mass success as a VR only game.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I hope it sells well regardless. The Astro Bot free tech demo seemed to be enjoyed by pretty much everyone who played it, but I guess we'll see if people liked it enough to pay $70 for a bigger version of it. I really enjoyed that Sackboy game a few years back, but it sold like poop, especially when they ported it to PC, so we'll see if cutesy 3D platformers are what the PlayStation fan base is really into or not.

Triple Gold Good Trader
I'm curious to see how a full game will do sales-wise too. The magic of Astro's Playroom was that it was a really good tech demo for the haptics of the new controller (with really unique controller feedback for things like bouncing on a spring or walking through sand), and I'm not sure if that "wow factor" can be replicated now that everyone has had more time with the controller. On the other hand, I would argue that no game has nailed the haptic feedback stuff like Astro's Playroom to this day, and, with all of the development time they've had, I suspect they still have some surprises in store for us. I'm still holding out hope that it took so long in development because there's going to be VR support on top of a full flat game (even if it comes later like what happened with RE Village and RE4 Remake).

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> I hope it sells well regardless. The Astro Bot free tech demo seemed to be enjoyed
> by pretty much everyone who played it, but I guess we'll see if people liked it enough
> to pay $70 for a bigger version of it. I really enjoyed that Sackboy game a few years
> back, but it sold like poop, especially when they ported it to PC, so we'll see if
> cutesy 3D platformers are what the PlayStation fan base is really into or not.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I know I was saying at the time I wish it could be a full fledged huge 3d platform game. And it looks like it might be happening.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Yeah absolutely it was a great showcase for what the DualSense is capable of and most other developers aren't even trying to use it in any special way. It kind of reminds me of the Wii U's GamePad in that regard, even Nintendo themselves stopped caring pretty early on. There's only a couple of examples of a Wii U game relying on the GamePad enough that it wouldn't be able to be ported to Switch.

Triple Gold Good Trader
* 28-May(#308)
On June 6th, Sony is adding 6 PSVR2 games to PS+ premium: Ghostbusters Rise of the Ghost Lord, Walkabout Mini Golf, Synth Riders, Before Your Eyes, The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners: Chapters 1 and 2:
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
* 28-May(#309)
Awesome. They should have been doing this a long time ago. At least 3 of those games are in my PSN wishlist, so now I'll just remove them and play them this way. Not so thrilled about it being limited to PS+ Premium though, as my subscription ends in late July and I was thinking of dropping down to PS+ Extra. But if they keep this up a few more times throughout the year and it's not just a one time thing, I'll happily keep paying for PS+ Premium.

I'll probably play Before Your Eyes first. Over the past couple of months my friend has been starting out as a VTuber and was looking for recommendations for one of those story type games to play and I recommended Before Your Eyes. I had heard little about it other than the story is sad, and it lived up to that, she actually cried by the end of the stream. The game is controlled by your blinking if you have a webcam, so this will make some use of the eye tracking feature of PSVR2 at least.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review
Aw sweet free PSVR2 games, and I just bought Synth Riders about a month ago ><

On another note.. just started playing RE4 on psvr2, man it adds a completely different layer to the game. RE4 was never my favorite horror game, but playing it on PSVR2 really makes it like a totally different game.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
tigg wrote:
> On another note.. just started playing RE4 on psvr2, man it adds a completely different
> layer to the game. RE4 was never my favorite horror game, but playing it on PSVR2
> really makes it like a totally different game.

I'm glad I skipped the flat version (of the remake anyway) and dove straight into it on VR. The original game was not that scary and everyone knows that's when the series went into a more action-y route, but the VR really helps bring the scariness back.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Max Mustard is coming this summer to PSVR2. It looks good and will hopefully fill the void in all our hearts left by the upcoming Astro Bot not being a VR game.

Here's a trailer.

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