
Topic   Birthday Cake R2K's Birthday Extravaganza - Games, Glory, & Prizes Birthday Cake

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 21-Sep-2023(#1)

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R2K's Birthday Extravaganza

Hi, GameTZers.

Next month, I turn 40. I've been a GameTZ for 15 of those years and a gamer for about 35, kicking off when I received a Nintendo Action Set for my fifth birthday.

As my mid-life crisis, in lieu of buying a Ferrari or leaving my wife for a Laker girl, I've decided to spend it by... uh... unexpectedly expanding everyone's backlog. My initial plan was to just loop this into the Retro Talkshop Thread's October Game of the Month, but since transitioning into an old fart only happens once in a lifetime, I decided to open the festivities up to the rest of the site.

Please join me in celebrating my birthday by replaying a few of the games that defined my history as a gamer for fun, for glory, and yes, even for some prizes.

What are the standings?

Birthday Cake BleedingViolet GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader image
Birthday Cake Renaissance2K GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews image
Birthday Cake sailorneorune GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 3 Reviews image
Birthday Cake Slickriven GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review image
Birthday Cake SwiftJAB GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader image
Birthday Cake SupremeSarna Silver Good Trader image
Birthday Cake WithinTemptation 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader image

How do I play?

The Birthday Extravaganza is comprised of six different game series of one or more titles. The games span a variety of eras, platforms, and console generations, though the various franchises skew towards "retro." Because I'm old.

The goal is to complete a game in as many series as possible. The first time you finish a game and check off a series, you earn your R2Kake Badge, which will initially be decorated with the series that you just completed. Continue to finish more series, and your cake will be increasingly blinged out. Completing series also makes you eligible for other prizes and raffles, which we'll talk about later.

Each game series also has an additional objective to "gild" each series' badge and give it a gold border. In some cases, it's completing a specific in-game objective. In others, it's completing a specific game in the series. In all cases, these bonus achievements highlight a certain aspect of each sprawling game series that carries special weight or unlocks a special memory for me. There's a slight raffle bonus for completing them, but don't go to pieces if you feel like a few of them are out of your reach.

Bedazzled badges will be featured here and in the Retro Talkshop Thread.

The game starts on October 1 and ends on October 31. Feel free to use the lead time to acquire games, research strategies, or make ageist jokes at me.

Why are we playing these games?

All the games series featured in the Birthday Extravaganza are important to me and the 35 or so years I've been a gamer. I go into more detail about this in the posts that follow, but needless to say, beyond just pure hours played, each of the games in our scope have been an important part of my gaming identity in some way.

This final list is actually quite a bit different than the one with which I started, which included Bionic Commando, Burgertime, and Crazy Taxi; all of which hold sentimental significance. Since the Retro Talkshop Thread featured each of these games this year, I wanted to keep the lot fresh rather than exhaust an option we recently visited.

Of the series that are left
- They all originate from eras that we universally consider "retro".
- Almost all of them are still accessible in some modern fashion without raiding thrift stores and eBay.
- Almost all of them have modern, semi-modern, or remastered entries that appeal to modern platforms.
- The genres vary: one racing game, one flying game, and a variety of different action titles.
- Most of the games in these series are fairly short. Many entries can be completed in an hour or less, and most of the remaining ones are just a few hours. No hundred-hour epics here.
- Acknowledging this is subjective, the games don't suck. Yes, I did spend an unfortunate amount of time in my youth playing Where's Waldo? for the NES. No, I'm not going to make y'all do it.

That excludes a lot of my favorite franchises. Tekken has been my favorite fighter since 1995, but we already have a "must include" fighter in the list. Final Fantasy is a borderline obsession, but all the games take 30+ hours to complete, so it's out. I worship the original Unreal titles, but Epic yanked them from all the digital marketplaces earlier this year for no obvious reason. There are similar excuses for Diablo, Burnout, WipEout, SoulCalibur, and a number of other great franchises, but I guess we'll just to have to save them for the 50th Birthday Extravaganza. Ha.

So, what exactly are we playing?
In the posts that follow, I've tried to include the cheapest and/or easiest way to legally get a hold of a game in each series. If you know of a better option, please share, and I'll update these posts.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I know what you're thinking. "So, R2K, this is all cool and all (and mildly self-indulgent) but I have a huge backlog, a limited amount of time, and a whole bunch of other games I could be playing next month. And I don't really care about badges."

That's fair. So, let's sweeten things with some incentives and prizes.

Game Completion Bonuses

Everyone who completes one game in our list gets one month of GameTZ subscription time.

If you complete a game from three different series in our list, you get one additional month of GameTZ subscription time plus $10 to the digital gaming store of your choosing. Eligible stores include Steam, Amazon, the Nintendo eShop, the PlayStation Store, the Xbox Store, etc. but really, any digital platform that offers digital gift cards will do.

If you complete a game from all six series in our list, you get one additional month of GameTZ subscription time plus $20 additional to the digital gaming store of your choosing. For those of us doing the math at home, that's a total of three months subtime and a $30 gift card.

Game Completion Raffle

Completing a game from each series in our list gets you one raffle ticket. Completing multiple games from the same series don't yield additional votes (sorry, Mega Man fans) but completing the objective to "gild" your birthday cake badge will double your raffle ticket for that series.

There will be a drawing with one winner for each tier of series completions. The breakdown of prizes is below:
1-Game Tier: $10 digital gift card
2-Game Tier: $20 digital gift card
3-Game Tier: $30 digital gift card
4-Game Tier: $40 digital gift card
5-Game Tier: $50 digital gift card
6-Game Tier: $60 digital gift card

in lieu of a digital gift card, feel free to request a physical game of equal or lesser value that can be drop-shipped to you from a major retailer.

Raffle prizes are cumulative; winning one tier of a raffle does not make you ineligible for another. The expectation is that the pool of potential winners will get smaller as the tier gets higher, so feel free to complete more games to increase your chances of walking out with a bigger haul.

Winners will be drawn randomly using an online tool like Wheel of Names. The drawings will be recorded and posted.

The Serious Stuff

Borrowing from the Frank School of Completion Confirmation, your playthrough is counted by posting a photo of your completion - the end screen, the end credits, or some other "spoiler" shot - with your username in frame. While not many of the eligible games have achievement or trophy integration, you can link to the official achievement tracker as well.

Only established accounts can participate. Please don't create a football team of new accounts and play through Mega Man 2 fifty times to earn a decade of free subtime. I'm not going to create a hard line like "Bronze Star or higher" but common sense will reign if I smell fish.

Please don't be a jerk. Don't download a save game of the final boss fight and finish the game in five minutes. Don't enable God Mode. Don't fullscreen a longplay video and claim it as your own. The prizes are meant to be a "Thank you" for indulging in my birthday whims, not a vector for exploiting some regular dude on the Internet.

And it's not like I'm asking us all to play Superman 64 or E.T. on Atari 2600 (LIKE SOME PEOPLE)... They're all fun games, many of which have faded from the eye of the industry and are worth looking at again.

Finally: I'm pretty sure everything I'm doing is on the up-and-up, but if anything happens that makes Bill unhappy or nervous, I'll pull the plug on the prize distribution. I don't expect that to happen, though. Frank has been doing monthly raffles for quite a while now without much issue.

Silver Good Trader
When you say "complete," you just mean beat the game, right? Because beating Mega Man 9 and completing it are two very different things. shock

Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
@Renaissance2K love it! Your age and gaming preferences closely align with my own - Tekken, Twisted Metal and Warhawk all hold a special place in my heart, MDK and Rollcage always intrigued me but never played. Let’s see if I find the time to play some of these games. Happy b-day!
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
SupremeSarna wrote:
> When you say "complete," you just mean beat the game, right? Because beating Mega
> Man 9 and completing it are two very different things. shock

Yes, just beat the game. Beat the final boss, roll the credits, etc.

I think this is a pretty obvious state in nearly every game here, with a few exceptions. One Must Fall 2097's Tournament Mode caps with the World Championship but doesn't give you a special ending; you just need to beat that final boss. Rollcage: Stage II just gives you a title card saying you're the champion. There may be others.

Silver Good Trader
I finally have a reason to bite the bullet on Twisted Metal. And I may well obtain MDK 2. I've got more Mega Man games than I know what to do with, so that'll be a breeze.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 21-Sep-2023(#13)
I have just about all of these LOL

I even bought the registered version of OMF 2097 back in the day. After months of playing the three-robot shareware version, I just had to play the full game and experience it all for myself. As for the end of match moves, they do serve a gameplay purpose... but I'll let you figure out what that is.

Or you can click through the Spoiler tag like a wimp.

Performing your destruction moves is a prerequisite for busting through the floor into the secret fights against extra hard Fighters on a certain stage. In the tournament mode, finishing off your opponents will also sometimes trigger a special Challenger. And when you defeat some of them you can get an upgrade to your bot that you can't get anywhere else!

MDK has always been a personal favorite of mine. MDK2 on the other hand, is not. I played it on the Dreamcast and the awkward control scheme and less straightforward nature of the game really detracted from the overall experience.

Mega Man really needs no commentary. For the longest time the original was my favorite game. (Mega Man X4 is now my favorite in the franchise, with Jet Set Radio taking the overall top favorite game spot.)

I never played the original Rollcage, but absolutely played the stuffing out of Rollcage Stage 2 on PlayStation. I remember being excited when I saw a PC game called Death Track Racing at Electronics Boutique that looked similar. When I bought it and installed it, I discovered the reason it looked so similar... it was the EXACT SAME game, the PC publisher of the game had just renamed it. I wasn't happy to have bought the same game twice...

Twisted Metal isn't a franchise I have played extensively. By the time I bought a PS1, it had mostly run its course. And with the PS2 being solely to blame for the early demise of the Dreamcast (because Sega was perfect and could not have possibly made any mistakes), I didn't bite the bullet on that system for a long time. I've since picked up a number of games in the series, but haven't really put any significant time into them.

Warhawk I have zero experience with. Although I did buy a longbox copy from a local comic/ toy/game shop about a month ago (August 19th according to my trusty CLZ App), I still haven't actually played it...

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
So @Renaissance2K which is your favorite robot in OMF2097?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 700 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (8)
Awesome idea.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
This is really cool! I feel inspired to plan something like this myself down the road yes

The only series I'm interested in here is Mega Man, so I'll at least try to clear 1 of them. I've been putting off re-visiting the series for a while, so this seems like as good a time as any. How well do the classic Mega Man games play on the Switch? That would be my preferred platform for sure.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Scott wrote:
> This is really cool! I feel inspired to plan something like this myself down the
> road yes
> The only series I'm interested in here is Mega Man,

One must fall 2097 is a fighting game (fairly short) and it is free. Even if you didn't have any interest in it, give it a try if you have a pc or other device that can run dosbox.

Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
Some classics there. I remember playing a lot of a Warhawk demo back in the day, I might need to try the full game now.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 21-Sep-2023(#19)
Yeah, Ben, I was twinkling my fingertips like Mr. Burns when I saw you bought a Warhawk longbox, knowing this was coming in a few weeks.

benstylus wrote:
> So @Renaissance2K which is your favorite robot in OMF2097?

I'm super stubborn and never really "upgraded" from the Jaguar. I looks cool, it's balanced, and I love the move where you jump over your enemy and throw them.

The first time I finished Tournament Mode, I cashed everything in and bought a Nova HAR. It was certainly powerful, but I missed the sleekness and agility of the Jag.

Scott wrote:
> The only series I'm interested in here is Mega Man, so I'll at least try to clear
> 1 of them. I've been putting off re-visiting the series for a while, so this seems
> like as good a time as any. How well do the classic Mega Man games play on the Switch?
> That would be my preferred platform for sure.

I've played Mega Man X, 9, and 11 on the Switch. The classic games control fine, but some games are laggier than others.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Renaissance2K wrote:
> Yeah, Ben, I was twinkling my fingertips like Mr. Burns when I saw you bought a Warhawk
> longbox, knowing this was coming in a few weeks.
> benstylus wrote:
>> So @Renaissance2K which is your favorite robot in OMF2097?
> I'm super stubborn and never really "upgraded" from the Jaguar. I looks cool, it's
> balanced, and I love the move where you jump over your enemy and throw them.

My favorite is the Shadow. Cheap hold moves are awesome. I think has the most hilarious finisher too.

Funny how neither of us really went too much for the robots that weren't in the shareware version LOL

GameTZ Subscriber 800 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13) Has Written 11 Reviews Secret Santa
* 21-Sep-2023(#21)
Love the idea! Not sure I'll have time to play (or pick up) any of these, except maybe a Mega Man game. grin

Edit: Realized I own MDK2 on PS2, but it's sealed raspberry

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
The Mega Man X Legacy Collection is on sale on eShop right now for $7.99.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Scott wrote:
> The Mega Man X Legacy Collection is on sale on eShop right now for $7.99.

We're not playing Mega Man X games (to this day, the only one I've finished is Maverick Hunter X on PSP, which rocked), but both Legacy Collections for the numbered games are on sale as well.

They're on sale on Steam as well, which the original down to $5.99.

Same for PlayStation Store.

And the Xbox Store.

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Oops, I thought those were included.
Silver Good Trader
I've found many, many rare games in the pre-owned section at GameStop. FE Fates Special Edition, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Chibi-Robo! Park Patrol, and I think even that Club Nintendo Game & Watch Collection for DS.

Yet no matter how hard I've looked, I've never found the physical Switch cart of Mega Man Legacy Collection 1. It's fairly inexpensive on eBay if you look right, but I'm heckbent on finding it in-store with my own wit.

Double Gold Good Trader

Great job on that 30 day music challenge video. Good mix of music, and with time stamps.

(12:38: music you associate with frustration wince laughing out loud)
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
nonamesleft wrote:
> (12:38: music you associate with frustration wince laughing out loud)

I still haven't beaten that boss...

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 22-Sep-2023(#28)
As if to help you prepare to celebrate Ren2k's birthday, MDK has gone on sale over at gog:

$6.99 each (regularly $9.99) so save yourself 30%

Silver Good Trader
If you play Mega Man 2 first, do you automatically gild the MM series? Or are you supposed to beat two Mega Man games with one of them being 2?

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Really cool of you Ren2k to do this. I turned 40 in Oct of '21 and didn't do really anything - was just another day for me, but you thing is way cooler.
Maybe by the time October rolls around I'll be nearly done with the major task that is my bathroom/laundry room remodel and I'll seek to participate. But either way, happy early 40th!

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 23-Sep-2023(#31)
SupremeSarna wrote:
> If you play Mega Man 2 first, do you automatically gild the MM series? Or are you
> supposed to beat two Mega Man games with one of them being 2?

If Mega Man 2 is your Mega Man game, your badge will be gilded.

Same with the Twisted Metal series and Twisted Metal Black.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Super cool way to celebrate your 40th @Renaissance2K ! I remember hearing about MDK way back when but never played it. Might have to join in on this just for that.

Silver Good Trader
I snagged Twisted Metal: Head-On for $13 at a local shop. Not the best price ever, but I was already eyeing the series, so I don't mind. I'm going back and forth on buying a cheap MDK2, since the payout from beating three games won't cover the whole venture. Doesn't help that I bought the Pikmin 1+2 game for $50 on Friday, so my wallet is feeling it ATM. I'll have to think about it further (and maybe borrow my friend's PS2 memory card). That seller is away until the end of September, so I've got time.

Silver Good Trader
I ultimately bought MDK2. I figure since I was already interested in Twisted Metal, I’ll just eat the price and not think any more about it. MDK2 was 10% off, so it didn’t even reach $8.

Silver Good Trader
@Renaissance2K If I’m still on here when I turn 40 and you guys aren’t pushing up the daisies, y’all are playing $150 copies of Pandora’s Tower to appease me. Let Elena rip you to pieces to gild your badge!

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
SupremeSarna wrote:
> @Renaissance2K If I’m still on here when I turn 40 and you guys aren’t pushing
> up the daisies, y’all are playing $150 copies of Pandora’s Tower to appease me.
> Let Elena rip you to pieces to gild your badge!


Silver Good Trader
@Renaissance2K How many of these do YOU intend to play before the year’s end?

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
SupremeSarna wrote:
> @Renaissance2K How many of these do YOU intend to play before the year’s end?

Well, my intent isn't worth the breath its borne with, but I intend to play through all six next month. I have a rough list in mind:

- Mega Man 8 (never played it, except to make the teaser in the OP)
- One Must Fall: Battlegrounds (haven't played it in ages, and went through Hell getting it to run on my PCs)
- Warhawk (crossing my fingers that they do a PS4/5 release in the next month, but doubtful)
- MDK2 (started it ages ago, but never finished it)
- GRIP: Combat Racing (this is a loooooong campaign, but it plays great on the Steam Deck)
- Twisted Metal: Small Brawl (never beat the last level)

If time allows (ha!), I'll go back and follow the Path of R2K for the gold objectives. Rollcage's gold badge will probably take the most time, and it's still quite short.

Silver Good Trader
Renaissance2K wrote:
> - Mega Man 8 (never played it, except to make the teaser in the OP)
"My name is Duo. I was born with the sole purpose to eliminate the evil energy from this universe."

I'm a bigger-than-average MM8 fan, since it was the only MM game I owned for several years. But I also love to mock the voice acting and sound design. laughing out loud

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
SupremeSarna wrote:
> Renaissance2K wrote:
>> - Mega Man 8 (never played it, except to make the teaser in the OP)
> "My name is Duo. I was born with the sole purpose to eliminate the evil energy
> from this universe."
> I'm a bigger-than-average MM8 fan, since it was the only MM game I owned for several
> years. But I also love to mock the voice acting and sound design. laughing out loud

The voice acting is the best thing about the game.

Silver Good Trader
benstylus wrote:
> SupremeSarna wrote:
>> Renaissance2K wrote:
> |>> - Mega Man 8 (never played it, except to make the teaser in the OP)
>> "My name is Duo. I was born with the sole purpose to eliminate the evil energy
>> from this universe."
>> I'm a bigger-than-average MM8 fan, since it was the only MM game I owned for several
>> years. But I also love to mock the voice acting and sound design. laughing out loud
> The voice acting is the best thing about the game.

The Flash Bomb was pretty good as weapons go, and they made a swimming stage that was pretty fun. I can commend them for that. Plus, who doesn't love snowboarding? wink

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
The birthday fun begins tomorrow. Do you think you'll join in? If so, what game are you going to play first?

I was just going to go in order of the original post, but I'm itching to play some Twisted Metal, so that may be my first game out of the gate.

Silver Good Trader
I got DMK2 in the mail today, so I may as well start there. I haven't looked at video footage of the game, so I'm going in completely blind!

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
I think Megaman 2 will be the first game I'll play. Got the legacy collection on the Switch not too long ago and this is a great reason to jump in. It's also short enough that I shouldn't have any problem finishing it.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Looks like fun. I have twisted metal and the MM collection I can play. I just completed Grip as it was free on PS+, but got removed (which is why I finally played it before it got pulled). Not really in a position to be buying games, so it will just be those two for me unless the others are on PS+/gamepass.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 1-Oct-2023(#46)
It's October 1. Game on, everyone!

Remember the basics:

1. Follow the Frank School of Playthrough Verification and post a photo of a "spoiler" (ending, credits, etc.) while holding up a piece of paper with your handle and the date on it. For the few games that support it, feel free to link to your achievement on the official Xbox/PlayStation site.

2. You do not need a second playthrough, if you complete the gilding objective during your first. Gilding a badge earns you an extra "ticket" in the game completion raffles.

3. All prizes will be sent out in early November and are cumulative, unless stated otherwise. No reason for this, other than it being less work to send out one three-month subscription instead of three one-month subscriptions.

Have fun!

I booted up Twisted Metal: Small Brawl last night and made it to Level 5 with Shadow. I don't remember where the bosses pop up in this game, but hoping to finish this one off soon, if I don't reach Dark Tooth levels of frustration.

Silver Good Trader
How exactly is Max's jetpack supposed to work? I don't have enough to fuel to ascend the whole corridor, and now that I'm trying again, I can barely make it 1/4 of the way through. Am I doing something wrong?

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I haven't played MDK2 in a while, but it sounds like there are two possibilities:

- The jetpack is supposed to be used sparingly as a booster between long jumps.

- There are fuel pickups somewhere.

Maybe I'll take a MDK2 detour tonight and see if I can figure it out. I don't remember having trouble with the game back in the day until the Dr. Fluke puzzle levels.

Topic   Birthday Cake R2K's Birthday Extravaganza - Games, Glory, & Prizes Birthday Cake