
Topic   Password sharing crackdown

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
This has been rumored for awhile. If Netflix pulls it off, others will follow.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 8-Oct-2023(#81)
BlueJava wrote:
> benstylus wrote:
>> When you password share it gives them an excuse. The right way to fight greed
> is
>> by walking away from it and not spending any money, not just only spending your
> 1/4
>> share of the group.
> Netflix has announced another price increase after the writer strike ends... I wonder
> what kind of nonsense you'll use to tell everyone it's good for them to give away
> more money... I guess you laugh about this the same way I laugh at idiots complaining
> about high gas prices...

If the price hike is that bad, I'm saying DON'T give them more money - just stop using their service instead.

There are at least three other leisure activities out there besides watching Netflix.

Bronze Good Trader
I don't use Netflix at all... in fact I only allow myself TV between 9pm - 12pm... I personally have turned to gardening, bike trails, fishing, spending time with family and neighbors, etc... We seem to agree the only true way to avoid the price increases and limits on sharing is to get rid of it...
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I can see them all doing this. From a money making perspective, once the idea is there (whether they get hate for it or not) they will all give in to it as a united front. I mean they aren't totally wrong either. I think family sharing should be a thing but people should not be sharing across the country with friends and stuff. Soon it'll be the norm, and people will pay or do without. I just hope some of that money goes to employees and not into CEO's 4th and 5th super yacht funds.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Disney plus has been losing billions since it started. The problem is they pushed hard to get subscribers with cheap rates and loose sharing policy enforcement. The goal was to get people in the service no matter what, then adjust costs and revenue after that to make it profitable.

But raise the price too much and people quit.
Adding too many ads or limits or other barriers, and people will quit.

The fact that there are like 20+ competing streaming services out there makes it even more difficult.

Every streaming subscription will be actively cracking down on password sharing if they aren't already. The people doing it know it's against the TOS they agreed to, but hey it's a lot less money when you split it between X number of people.

For this reason, the sharing crackdown is probably more effective than just raising the base price and allowing sharing. Those who are playing by the rules aren't impacted, those who are sharing realize the crackdown is "fair" even if they don't like it and would never pay full price for a subscription, and a certain percentage of former sharers will step up and get their own accounts rather than lose access.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I'm just hopeful Verizon doesn't take away our free Disney Plus as I'm not in the market for wanting to pay for another one.
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Yeah too many are competing that is for sure. I get 30-60 minutes a day maybe for TV and I usually fall asleep before a show ends, lol. We keep Netflix and Hulu because they're cheap. Amazon has me pissed off about the new ads but we use it for a lot of other things still. We let the others go.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (10) Has Written 1 Review
this just happened to me at work only 15 miles from my house they sent me a pin on my phone# associated with my account. they called it a "temp " vacation pin not sure how long its good for

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews This user is on the site NOW (52 seconds ago)
Everyone’s right in that there are too many of these things. A lot of them are available through other services too, but I don’t know how that figures into subscriber counts or whatever. Password crackdown initiatives will work short term but not long term. People will just share with other people closer to them in location.

I have Netflix, Hulu and Apple TV through T-Mobile. I have Paramount Plus through Walmart+ (grocery delivery rules). I share my Amazon with a friend who shares their HBO Max with me, and they live down the road. I pay for Peacock because of The Office and WWE Network. I pay for Amazon because I use Amazon way too much not to have Prime.

There’s more stuff on any of those than I’ll ever watch, but I can hardly find anything to watch half the time. It’s ludicrous. We’re spoiled for choice, yet there’s no choice because content rights are a revolving door of bullcrap.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Anyone got the deets on Spectrum's streaming service? I think I got an offer of $30/mo, no contract required to have their streaming service... I know I saw Paramount+ included in there... Although Spectrum has been on my nerves much lately w/ their raising the price every other, every 3 months, kind of wondering if the streaming service is worth $30/mo...

Topic   Password sharing crackdown