
Topic   Can You Read a Book for Every System You Own in 2024???? MEMBERSHIP FULL

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 21-Feb-2022(#1)

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

I can keep a tally of users and total books they've read, just drop in here and say what you read and what you thought about it, should be a fun discussion I think. Oh, and I guess let me know how many systems you own or something. Maybe you'll win a prize! Probably not. Read books because it's the Chad thing to do on a website about trading videogames.

Readers for 2024!

Hobbes21 - 9/4 Gold Star
bill - 15/4 Moderator
sinnie - 4/?
kommie - 20/?
picklenickel - 32/20 Gold Star
bogo - 13/?
scottt - 1/?
Back4more - 1/2
DarkFact - 2/2 Gold Star
razeak - 1/?
Shane12m - 13/6 Gold Star
Lunar - ?/?
HybridCRoW - 7/6 Gold Star
chyans6 - 3/?

Readers for 2023 Final Tallies

Sinnie - 13/7
Bogo - 50/7
DarkFact - 6/2
hobbes21 - 19/4
nonamesleft - 13/?
EB - 4/7
Scott - 2/6
Kommie - 20/5
back4more - 2/2
Alaisiagae - 1/?
bill - 8/?

Readers for 2022 Final Tallies

DarkFact - 3/5
Cevil - 19/10
Kommie - 29ish/1
Miranda - 12/7
Benstylus - 0/?
Alaisiagae - 0/?
Razeak - 4/32
Sinnie - 4/8
bill - 4/7
bogo - 54/7
Hobbes - 14/5
Heavyd814life - 9/5
Roko - 4/9
Scott - 5/5
bumsplikity - 11/25
nonamesleft - 7/?
The_prophecy - 2/2
back4more - 8/2
EB - 14/10

GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I finished Upward, Inward, Outward: Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others a few weeks back. It was worth a read because it had a few really good parts that I appreciated, but I didn't care for the book as a whole. The author is way too "look how much of a bro I am". I don't know if that makes sense, but I don't know how else to describe it.
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I picked up and I finished Bad Golf My Way by Leslie Nielsen this week. Co-authored by Henry Beard from National Lampoon. Completely in line with that type of silly and light humor. The various pictures of Leslie Nielsen and his wacky golf antics are the highlight.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Ashes of Man
By Christopher Ruocchio
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
finished up Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Tales of the Sun Eater, Volume 3. by Christopher Ruocchio

I have one more short book to read in this series before I'm caught up. Book 6 comes out in April.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Dogs of War
by Adrian Tchaikovsky

My name is Rex. I am a good dog.

Rex is also seven foot tall at the shoulder, bulletproof, bristling with heavy calibre weaponry and his voice resonates with subsonics especially designed to instil fear. With Dragon, Honey and Bees, he's part of a Multiform Assault Pack operating in the lawless anarchy of Campeche, south-eastern Mexico.

Rex is a genetically engineered Bioform, a deadly weapon in a dirty war. He has the intelligence to carry out his orders and feedback implants to reward him when he does. All he wants to be is a Good Dog. And to do that he must do exactly what Master says and Master says he's got to kill a lot of enemies.

But who, exactly, are the enemies? What happens when Master is tried as a war criminal? What rights does the Geneva Convention grant weapons? Do Rex and his fellow Bioforms even have a right to exist? And what happens when Rex slips his leash?
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 20-Feb(#8)
I finished up Joe Vs. ELAN School. A friend of mine ran into this randomly and got hooked. I checked it out and decided to read the whole thing as well. What a crazy story that had real-world impacts as a result. The whole thing is told as an illustrated web-comic/graphic novel that unfolded many years after the author’s experience at ELAN School. The opening half of it is gut wrenching. While the project has diminishing returns in the later chapters the final stretch and conclusions is fascinating. Such and interesting project. I commend the author for his dedication throughout the story. The whole project can be found at the below link.

Once you get a few chapters in to the story it is easy to go down a long rabbit hole related to ELAN. So many things sound so far-fetched so it is easy to cast doubt and write this off as fictionalized/embellished early on. By the time you get through it you can’t believe how something like this existed. The wikipedia related to the school is just the tip of the iceberg.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
finished Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence. final book in that trilogy
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 21-Feb(#10)
3) "You Know You Want This" a collection of short stories by Kristen Roupenian.
Notable for containing Cat Person a short story that went viral.

Not bad, but most of the stories were more mean-spirited than I'd prefer.
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Gone Girl - Good stuff, but Gillian Flynn wrote the screen play for the movie and there wasnt much difference. Still a good book if its been a while since you watched the movie.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Did I miss any previous posts from you this year b4m?

Also grats to bill for beating 2024 already. Go buy some more systems so you can read more books
GameTZ Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> Did I miss any previous posts from you this year b4m?

No but thanks for checking, and 2 systems BTW
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I just finished up A Damn Near Perfect Game by Joe Kelly (MLB pitcher). An old coworker of mine apparently was his college roommate so it seemed worth reading before baseball season. Nothing special really. Most interesting part was that he shared the official MLB letter and umpire report with a little personal background from his suspension after his "incident" against the Astros. Nothing really groundbreaking though.
I'm a little bummed he basically let's Rob Manfred off the hook after having a couple conversations with him saying basically "he's actually a really cool guy who is a good listener". So many people I know hate Rob Manfred's stance and what he has accomplished as commissioner outside of the pitch clock essentially.

I guess I'm prepared for baseball season with a month of spring training left still?

@DarkFact FYI I have 4 systems.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
17. Livability: Stories (Jon Raymond) - Read through this one based on Bill's comments - really enjoyed it. Some well-told, beautiful, and sometimes heartbreaking, tales of human experience.

18. If We're Being Honest (Cat Shook) - Couple times throughout the year, I'll take out a book from my library via Libby that I know absolutely nothing about. Just totally blind, check out the book, and go. Sometimes it works out really well and I find a new author I love. Not so much the case this time.

The narrative concerns the Williams family and opens with the loss of the father/grandfather Gerry. The family's heartbreak is then turned to confusion and anger after Gerry's best friend Fred drunkenly reveals in his eulogy that he and Gerry had been living a lie and had been lovers throughout their entire friendship.

It wasn't a "bad" book. There were just a million familial characters introduced throughout the book and the whole thing just felt... shallow. It read more like the author was using a fictional setting to deconstruct their own experiences of growing up, which is fine, but this one just wasn't my cuppa.

I really slowed down this month. It's Baldur's Gate 3. Finally picked it up and started playing and it's just really got its teeth sunk into me right now.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Book 11-

The Dregs of Empire by Christopher Ruocchio
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Glad you liked it. yes
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished up Locked in by John Scalzi. Really interesting story and starting the sequel now!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
19. Dracula (Bram Stoker) - Another classic that I'd never picked up and read through. Dracula is so well-known within culture that I just never bothered with the source material and I really think I did myself a disservice there, as I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Doctor Van Helsing is such an incredible character. And Seward's description of him in: "He is a seemingly arbitrary man, this is because he knows what he is talking about better than anyone else." That's solid, and still, Van Helsing comes across to me as humble and he's bloody stalwart to the hilt.

A classic, for sure. Now I emphatically know why and an easy suggestion to anyone like me that previously never bothered.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
How did you like the "epistolary" (narrative is related through letters, diary entries, and newspaper articles) nature of Dracula?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
I love the situational tension that is created in the gaps. I generally like when a story lets me pal along in the narrative and leaves space for me to knit together subtext threads.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein - This was honestly incredibly boring. I know it's basically nothing like the movie but I'm gonna try to watch it at some point.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Movie is fun. It's Robocop
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I've read Heinlein's Moon is a Harsh Mistress which wasn't bad, lots of libertarian ideas he makes a case for. Also, Stranger in a Strange Land, but I honestly don't remember it that well, but I think I liked it.

The Starship Troopers movie was campy fun, mostly a military story with alien bugs to fight, low-brow but enjoyable.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
finished Head on by John Scalzi
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 8-Mar(#27)
4) "The Deep Range" by Arthur C. Clarke
- decent, typical kind of book he seems to write, though set in the ocean instead of space.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 14-Mar(#28)
What a glorious year to finish a book. I own a PlayStation 5 and a 3DS, so once again I only have to read two books


Very good. Very short! It's nice to have something you can pick up and finish quickly and still get a good time out of. Now for Horus Heresy 2 raspberry Appreciate the recommendation
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
AppleTV is doing a Murderbot series.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Sounds fun!
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I listened to the audiobook of that, didn't really like it
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I finished Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Weird book, I've liked everything I've read by Murakami. This wasn't as strong as Wind Up Bird but still really enjoyable. He has a way of articulating the angst and unknowns of coming of age without overdoing it. Something about the way he writes makes me think of this as a literary form of a Studio Ghibli film for a little older audience. Grounded in reality with a bunch of whimsical concepts woven in. This book is full of symbolism and references, plenty of which I'm sure I didn't pick up on but still quite enjoyed.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 15-Mar(#33)
Kommie wrote:
> I listened to the audiobook of that, didn't really like it

To me this sounds like something better handled by an internal dialogue, especially if you can empathize with hating everyone you know except for that one chick who gets you
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I might give it another go since it's incredibly short. Probably how you were able to finish it.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 15-Mar(#35)
I recently put "Wind Up Bird" on my list of books to buy at some point... it's cool to see someone here say it's good too.

I just finished re-reading 5 graphic novels by Adrian Tomine. 5) Killing and Dying, 6) Shortcomings, 7) Sleepwalk: and Other Stories, 8) Summer Blonde, and 9) Scrapbook: Uncollected Work. They are all collections of short stories. The writing is high-quality and the art is mostly clean and appealing (he does New Yorker covers too). I was really into him like 10 years ago. So, I'd saved these. Now, we're clearing out our bookcase and I'm giving them a final read before I give them away. I recently noticed that Shortcomings is a Netflix movie, so I'm planning to watch that too.

re: Murderbot - I listened to all of the books(novellas) so far. Most are quite short (except for one, I think). I liked them, though I wouldn't say they are great. I think the sci-fi world-building stuff is well done and I found them funny. So, that's a nice combination. There's a lot of detailed description of tactical combat that's done well, but I got a little tired of it too.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
20. A Gentleman in Moscow (Amor Towles) - This one was a gift from my mom for Christmas, as it's her favorite book. (Which I believe largely is influenced by Casablanca being referenced at some length between two characters, then returned to again in the closing - Casablanca is mom's favorite movie too.)

Wouldn't be a book that I would have picked up intuitively had I not asked for everyone's favorites, but it wound up being a really delightful read. I took my time with it and chewed away slowly. It opens with the titular gentleman being sentenced to house arrest at his beloved Moscow hotel and a wonderful yarn unfolds from that point onward. While a work of fiction, loads of Russia history unfolds throughout the narrative, so I would regularly have to take breaks and go read about Russian history, because honestly, I was just passingly familiar and woefully ignorant.

There's some touching moments in here and it might just be because I'm a relatively young dad (our eldest is three and the youngest will be two come May), but there were some moments where I was getting unexpectedly choked up while I was reading.
Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews
Predator: South China Sea

Actually quite excellent.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Kommie wrote:
> I might give it another go since it's incredibly short. Probably how you were able
> to finish it.

Precisely how I was able to finish it. Could sneak it in during quiet times and break at work
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I read all the time at work during down time.. Probably read 1:3 of the time right now if not more, depending on how busy it is.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished The Bullet Catcher's Daughter by Rod Duncan
GameTZ Subscriber 950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (8) This user is on the site NOW (33 seconds ago)
hobbes21 wrote:
> I finished Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
> Weird book, I've liked everything I've read by Murakami. This wasn't as strong as
> Wind Up Bird but still really enjoyable. He has a way of articulating the angst
> and unknowns of coming of age without overdoing it. Something about the way he
> writes makes me think of this as a literary form of a Studio Ghibli film for a little
> older audience. Grounded in reality with a bunch of whimsical concepts woven in.
> This book is full of symbolism and references, plenty of which I'm sure I didn't
> pick up on but still quite enjoyed.

Have you read Norwegian Wood or Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki?

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Lunar wrote:
> hobbes21 wrote:
>> I finished Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
> Have you read Norwegian Wood or Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki?

Not yet. I added a couple more Murakami books to my to-read list. I have a handful of other books I want to get to before I go back to Murakami but suspect I'll read 3-4 more of his through various recommendations.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 22-Mar(#43)
Okay now that I’m back into reading I figured I’d check this thread out.

I have 6 systems (ps5,switch,steam deck, pc, Xbox, and quest 3)

Audible and Kindle app have been a real game changer for me. I can listen to and from work and then easily pick up where I left off on my iPad or phone.

I’ve read 3 books so far just this month and I’m halfway through the 4th book of a series called Cradle. Genuinely hooked
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
21. Out of the Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis) - First time I'd picked up any of Lewis' sci-fi and I enjoyed my time with it. It's pretty short and as I understand, the second in the trilogy is about the same, but the third is longer than the first two clapped together. I like sci-fi that jumps into waxing and waning philosophy about humanity's role in the universe (like the latter books in the Ender's series) and Lewis gets into that a bit here. It was engaging enough that I'll likely finish the trilogy throughout the year at some point.

22. Shuna's Journey (Hayao Miyazaki) - I loved this, but I love Miyazaki in general. (Who doesn't?) Plenty to love here if you're familiar with Miyazaki's catalogue and it was really engrossing to see some of the influence that this story had his film work that followed the original Japanese printing of this story. And the art. Goodness gracious. I'll regularly flip through this one just to appreciate it visually.

23. Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (Satoshi Yagisawa) - This is one of those "cozy" books that I've seen people talk about here and there online, and hot dog, this one just hit me at the right time this week. It's a tender little slice-of-life. It's one of those books that hits you with book suggestions passively within the narrative itself, so I've got some more Japanese translations to track down. Got teary-eyed towards the end due to personal life experience connections, but I'd recommend this one. Goes down quick, goes down smooth.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Disquiet Gods by Christopher Ruocchio
Triple Gold Good Trader
picklenickel wrote:
> 21. Out of the Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis) - First time I'd picked up any of Lewis'
> sci-fi and I enjoyed my time with it. It's pretty short and as I understand, the
> second in the trilogy is about the same, but the third is longer than the first two
> clapped together. I like sci-fi that jumps into waxing and waning philosophy about
> humanity's role in the universe (like the latter books in the Ender's series) and
> Lewis gets into that a bit here. It was engaging enough that I'll likely finish the
> trilogy throughout the year at some point.
> 22. Shuna's Journey (Hayao Miyazaki) - I loved this, but I love Miyazaki in general.
> (Who doesn't?) Plenty to love here if you're familiar with Miyazaki's catalogue and
> it was really engrossing to see some of the influence that this story had his film
> work that followed the original Japanese printing of this story. And the art. Goodness
> gracious. I'll regularly flip through this one just to appreciate it visually.
> 23. Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (Satoshi Yagisawa) - This is one of those "cozy"
> books that I've seen people talk about here and there online, and hot dog, this one
> just hit me at the right time this week. It's a tender little slice-of-life. It's
> one of those books that hits you with book suggestions passively within the narrative
> itself, so I've got some more Japanese translations to track down. Got teary-eyed
> towards the end due to personal life experience connections, but I'd recommend this
> one. Goes down quick, goes down smooth.

23 books so far this year?! Damn that’s impressive
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 29-Mar(#47)
Finished books 4 (Skysworn) and 5 (Ghostwater) of the Cradle series

Good anime style power progression story
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> 23 books so far this year?! Damn that’s impressive

To be fair, I typically read a lot of shorter stories and collections, so I chomp through 'em fairly quickly. I made the mistake of starting three or four heftier books all at once towards the beginning of March that I need to get back to and finish out.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
* 1-Apr(#49)
24. The Empress of Salt and Fortune (Nghi Vo) - Incredibly quick read. Partially because it's just 120 pages, but also because it was really engrossing. Follows a cleric chronicler listening to and recording the stories of a recently deceased empress. The writing is vivid and the mystery unfolds so beautifully. Will absolutely track down the remaining books in this series.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Cool, I just picked that up on Kindle (I think it was on sale).
GameTZ Subscriber 950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (8) This user is on the site NOW (33 seconds ago)
Started Wind Up Bird, haven't read this since Modern Japanese Lit in college. It's bringing back some memories and some details. But still feels like a fresh read.

Binged Three Body Problem S1 this weekend on Netflix, started the first book on audiobook.

Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished Unseemly Science by Rod Duncan
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 3-Apr(#53)
10) Molly Zero by Keith Roberts (meh)
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Black Science, whole series by Rick Remender.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 4-Apr(#55)
Just finished book 6 of the Cradle series (underlord) damn I’m hooked
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> Just finished book 6 of the Cradle series (underlord) damn I’m hooked

I read this whole thing not long ago - and the author tends to give all his books away for free digitally every now and again.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Kommie wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> Just finished book 6 of the Cradle series (underlord) damn I’m hooked
> I read this whole thing not long ago - and the author tends to give all his books
> away for free digitally every now and again.
I have book 2-6 already, but i'm waiting for a deal on book 1 so i can actually get it started lol
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
The first book is currently 99 cents.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Huh. Apparently someone already recommended this and it was cheap enough to put in the pile of shame. Guess I'll give it a go, I've got everything but book 12
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
(reads two pages) Wait, this is just fudging Harry Potter with Airbending
Triple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> (reads two pages) Wait, this is just fudging Harry Potter with Airbending

Haha I can see how maybe you might think that with the way it starts with something similar to the sorting hat
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Well, I meant to read the first chapter and put it down until later but somehow I find myself on Chapter 5 now. Pretty decent hook
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> 550 221{imgt}
> Huh. Apparently someone already recommended this and it was cheap enough to put
> in the pile of shame. Guess I'll give it a go, I've got everything but book 12

You probably got it when I posted a link here when he was giving all of the series away right before the release of book 12.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
That's exactly what it was, I also have a lot of his stuff that was "ordered" on May 31, 2023.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Mystery solved!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
I've got piles of books to read, re-read, and probably already read but don't remember so need to re-read them again. I also have a current pile of books I've read/finished up this year.

Currently reading - "How to Disappear" by Frank M. Ahearn w/ Eileen C. Horan

Books I've read so far in chronological order this year:

"The Sexual Life of Catherine M." by Catherine Millet
"Pathfinder Tales: Reaper's Eye" by Richard A. Knaak
"The Spook's Apprentice" by Joseph Delaney (book 1)
"Pathfinder Tales: Bloodbound" by F. Wesley Schneider
"The Spook's Curse" by Joseph Delaney (book 2)
"Ghosts of Punktown" by Jeffrey Thomas
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished book 5 A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas.
I'm about to start her other series, Crescent City.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
25. American Gods (Neil Gaiman) - This is a re-read for me. (I think it's the fourth or fifth time I've read it, actually.) But! This time, I listened to the audiobook version while working on renovating the living room and making some new fixtures/furniture pieces during the evening. Neil Gaiman is one of my all-time favorite authors and I love American Gods. There's some scenes in here I could leave out and am not crazy about, but I do think it serves the narrative without feeling superfluous. The overall writing and storytelling here is fantastic.

The last time I read American Gods was back in 2020 after my wife and I had closed on our house - which just so happens to sit at the foot of the the very real mountain where this fictional narrative hits its climax. That was kind of a surreal and wonderful experience too. A storm was starting to roll in just as I closed the book.

This won't be the last time I read American Gods. I'll probably read it again in another three of four years.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished Custodian of Marvels by Rod Duncan
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I finished Hell's Angeles by Hunter S Thompson. Nothing special.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 10-Apr(#71)
11) Kalin: The Dumarest Saga Book 4 (of 33) by E.C. Tubb
I love these. 29 left to go!
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Think I incremented everyone properly. If I goofed kick me
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Oh, I misread the original post...

I own the following:

Sega Genesis
Xbox One S
Playstation 4
Nintendo Switch (if we're considering that a system)
and while technically I haven't played with it in a long time, I do have Xbox 360 as well...
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Blade Of The Immortal Deluxe Volume 2-10

I read some of this years ago, but when I searched a couple years ago I saw they were reprinting it in Deluxe hardcovers. Super violent, bloody with great artwork. Fudge Shira. That guy sucks.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
HybridCRoW wrote:
> Oh, I misread the original post...
> I own the following:
> Sega Genesis
> Xbox One S
> Playstation 4
> Gamecube
> Nintendo Switch (if we're considering that a system)
> and while technically I haven't played with it in a long time, I do have Xbox 360
> as well...

Congratulations, you beat the challenge. You can stop reading now!
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
Why I'll never stop reading...
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
26. Bushido: The Soul of Japan (Inazō Nitobe) - Found out that there's a huge list of audiobooks via Amazon Classics that are included in a Prime subscription, so I took advantage of that to read (listen) to this lil book while working around the house over the last couple evenings. There's some interesting historical information herein, but I wouldn't call this electric by any means. There is a bit where it discusses how Japan's external cultural influences have never really been a result of subjugation, but rather a humility inherent in their existing culture that's open to learn and continually grow.

27. To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf) - This one. Where to start? Finally getting around to this after a good friend recommended it a couple years back. I just finished it a couple minutes ago by our little fire pit and with a nice scotch. (Appropriate, as the book centers around the Isle of Skye in Scotland.)
This is my first Woolf book. I'm not overly familiar with her writing, just passingly familiar with some of her personal tragedy and history. To the Lighthouse is written in a stream-of-consciousness style where the reader is constantly jumping one ship directly onto another character's ship that's sailing in the opposite direction. A mashup of prose and poetry. There's a whole section comparing Mr. Ramsey's intellectual achievements by comparing the totality of human thought to the predictability and order of the English alphabet. And the sucker, well-accomplished and bright, is "stuck on Q" and we read his own struggles against the thought that he might never move beyond it. I'm going to have to come back to this one again in the future and re-read it. It meanders and wanders along. While I thoroughly enjoyed it, it's so here-and-there that it feels a bit like whiplash. (In a good way.)
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
re:Woolf - I'm ashamed to admit that I've done very poorly with my attempts to read some of the great author's stream of consciousness masterpieces. I just can't follow what they're writing to be honest.

James Joyce is another big one that I just can't even. Faulkner too. I did read every word of Orlando by Virginia Woolf. I was hoping it would somehow come together for me if I kept reading, but it never did. Ah well. Now, I just mostly avoid such things. Maybe if I took a course about a book like that I could get enough insight to understand them.

Some random comment I read on Amazon was talking about how some (most?) people read purely for entertainment. While others might also pursue writing that challenges them or enlightens them, broadens their mind. I do this, but I have my limits as well.
Triple Gold Good Trader
bill wrote:
> re:Woolf - I'm ashamed to admit that I've done very poorly with my attempts to read
> some of the great author's stream of consciousness masterpieces. I just can't follow
> what they're writing to be honest.
> James Joyce is another big one that I just can't even. Faulkner too. I did read
> every word of Orlando by Virginia Woolf. I was hoping it would somehow come together
> for me if I kept reading, but it never did. Ah well. Now, I just mostly avoid such
> things. Maybe if I took a course about a book like that I could get enough insight
> to understand them.
> Some random comment I read on Amazon was talking about how some (most?) people read
> purely for entertainment. While others might also pursue writing that challenges
> them or enlightens them, broadens their mind. I do this, but I have my limits as
> well.

Yeah my brother reads like that a lot, to broaden the mind or for enlightenment haha, but then again he was a philosophy major. I’m def in it for pure entertainment, nothing more, nothing less :)
Triple Gold Good Trader
Just finished book 8 of Cradle. The longest book of the series (500 something pages compared to 300)
With book 7 not ending how I wanted initially, it really payed off
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
bill wrote:
> re:Woolf

I'm somewhere in that middle gray too. I've bounced off of Joyce's Dubliner's twice and this was my second stab at reading through To the Lighthouse. I think maybe it's all about timing for me. The first time I tried, we had just had our first kiddo, bought our first house, and were in general trying to adjust to a new life. I wasn't in the appropriate headspace to stumble through heady writing.

Woolf must have just been a wildly empathetic person to write from so many unique perspectives simultaneously. To the Lighthouse ends with almost a fizzle. When I initially finished it, it felt like "huh. not bad. interesting." but the more I think on it, the more I enjoy it.
Gold Good Trader
This is a cool thread. I have had class so much less time to read anything on the side. That said, this is what I have read in 2024 so far and actually finished:

1. Rise of Endymion - sci-fi novel - fourth and final installment of the Hyperion Cantos. I thought it was the weakest of the four novels, but it tied up loose ends and was still overall a good read (too many potential spoilers to dive into any plot)
2. Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask - I wanted to return to my childhood. It was a fun popcorn read, but the plot about a girl plotting revenge and getting stuck in a living mask was surprisingly well written for a kid's horror book.
3. Judgement at Tokyo - non-fiction account of Tokyo Trials after WWII - This an absolutely fantastic read that not only covers the trials but also goes into the American occupation, the American perception of Japan at the time, and the lasting impacts/ethical conundrums of the trials.

Started and dropped a few others, but will catch up on reading more after May :)

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I always see Hyperion Cantos being recommended, is it good?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
Hyperion yes Well, I loved the first 2 books (~25 years ago?), not even sure if I read the last 2.

I still think about one of the locations in the books that hard farcaster portals on each wall, looking out on different alien landscapes.

I have a book ("Worlds Enough & Time") of novellas by Dan Simmons on my shelf that I plan to read eventually (found it at a used book store).
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 16-Apr(#86)
Holy crap, I beat the challenge without resorting to reading 2K manga pages

Mr. Mercedes (Stephen King) - Very good book. Weird perspective, I don't read much Third Person Present Tense (Black House shifted to that after The Talisman, and I fudging hated it). Also didn't know they made this into a miniseries, might have to check it out, but that'll wait until after I decide if I'm going to get into Holly, in case it skips around or spoils it. Speaking of spoiling, towards the start of the book (this isn't a spoiler so much as it turns out) there was a discussion going on that made me for some reason think the full name they were referencing was a pop culture person I wasn't aware of (didn't click that it was the full name of one of the current subjects), so I highlighted it to Google it and before I could, the Kindle app helpfully informed me that this was in fact the antagonist of the book, so I made sure to give some feedback on how helpful that was. On the next page they spelled it out and obviously in context I was already getting an inkling that the perspective shift was now dealing with the titular character, but I was still pretty pissed in the moment.

Stephen King's a sick fudge. I've got about a 50/50 love hate relationship with his work, but this one had a good hook and about as solid of an ending as you could get, and I'm interested to see where it goes from here.

Edit: Oh wait. looks like Holly may be skipping ahead a bit, may have to release that hold. Why the fudge did they put a sneak peek for a spinoff at the end of the first one, butt-holes
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Finders Keepers was on hold status, but the audiobook was open so I'm borrowing that. Read by Will Patton! That's pretty neat
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The Gate of the Feral God's - Dungeon Crawler Carl #4 by Matt Dinniman - Audiobook. These are the best audiobooks I've listened to. It's one guy who does all the voices. Even the female voices are great, most audiobooks I listen to, men suck at female voices and vice versa.
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Taking a break from Sarah Maas and got the new graphic novel version of 1984. It's just a 3.5hr listen and I'm enjoying it. So far great performances! Should have it finished by next week or less (only listen to it during commute.)

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
You're listening to a graphic novel?
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
There's audiobooks based on the Sandman graphic novel, so yes it's a thing.
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 17-Apr(#92)
bill wrote:
> You're listening to a graphic novel?

Yes, I didn't know graphic audio books were a thing until recently. Basically full on cast, sound effects, etc. It shortens the book because instead of reading how things sound, you hear them while the characters are talking. So it's a nice change of pace.

Here's the direct link to the one I am listening to:

Tom Hardy and Andrew Garfield sound great in it!

600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 18-Apr(#93)
finished 1984. Great performance. Felt pretty stressful at parts. I have read this book many times but this was the first audio book of it.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 18-Apr(#94)
I believe they used to call these "audio dramas" but I can see how kids would relate to "audio graphic novel" a bit better :p

Listening to Finders Keepers now, took like four hours until they reintroduced the main protagonist of the series, that was interesting. The pregame was actually very good storytelling of course
Triple Gold Good Trader
Just finished book 9
Cradle: Bloodline

3 more books left in the series. I don’t want it to end :(
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
28. Witch Hat Atelier (vol. 1-5) - Read the first five volumes of Witch Hat Atelier this week, which is a moderate change of pace. I've not read much manga, but I have read loads of Western comics over the years. Got a Kodansha collection in a humblebundle a while back. (Vol 1-11 of Witch Hat, plus several more series.) Went into this totally blind and then immediately ran into a tale revolving a magic system that was particularly exciting to me. Lovable characters, a bit Ghibli-esque, and the art is so. stinkin. good. I'm really enjoying these.
Double Gold Good Trader
So far this year, I've really not been making much progress with reading. Not always easy to get into a book.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 22-Apr(#98)
Finished listening to Finders Keepers, a book that barely features the protagonist of the trilogy and instead mostly shifts between the perspectives of a young kid who gets in trouble supporting his family, a life-served convicted man out of prison and their shared experience with the works of a deceased literary powerhouse that draws them violently together. I’m not smart enough to pick up everything that was being laid down, but there was a clear duality being played out between them; the old man who drew parallels to one of the author’s best known work’s protagonist with himself, angry that the author turned the hero into a normie, who puts the work on a pedestal above and beyond the flesh and blood in his life, and the kid equally enamored with the work but short of treating fiction more friendly than reality. The old man who blames all his problems on external elements and the young kid who understands the trouble he’s brought upon himself, both of them angry and trying to save what they find important.

There’s a loose tie in to the first book but only as a framing for the kid’s upbringing; honestly it’s so barely related to the first that I wouldn’t be shocked if this was reworked to be Book 2 from something else, but even with that possibility I’d say it’s still better than the first book. I liked it a lot, crap don’t mean crap. Will Patton did a fudging excellent job reading it. No failure to communicate here.

That said, I spent 13 hours listening to it, not reading it. So it doesn’t count. Boo hoo. Buuuuut, look what popped up as a Lucky Read, no wait required soon as I turned in Finders Keepers?

600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
DarkFact wrote:
> I believe they used to call these "audio dramas" but I can see how kids would relate
> to "audio graphic novel" a bit better :p

YES! For some reason my brain cannot retain the words "audio drama" lmao

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
My dad grew up listening to such things on the radio.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
i don't remember who else read it, but I just finished Zeus is Dead by Michael Munz. I think it was pretty entertaining and definitely in the comedy style of Douglas Adams. I can see how it would be a bit of a weird read, but listening to the audiobook helped with the pacing a lot
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I finished The Surf Guru by Doug Dorst. It's a collection of short stories. A couple were pretty decent, a couple were very skippable. Nothing special really but knocked another book off my list. I had this shelved shelf for years after reading S by Doug Dorst and JJ Abrams with a buddy many years ago.

For a while I was fascinated by ergodic literature / meta-fiction after reading House of Leaves. S. was a really interesting project. Loved the book-within-a-book aspect of it and it was fun to pass it back and forth with a friend over a year or so. Not the best novel, but a fun read that stood out for its creativity. Worth looking into for anyone who has familiarity with House of Leaves and has a similar itch.

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I read House of Leaves years ago. I did like it but could never read it again.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
I read House of Leaves years ago too. It was decent, though over-hyped by friends of mine, so it seemed overrated to me. Some of it seemed gimmicky too (the nutty text formatting).
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 28-Apr(#105)
12) Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield - I liked it.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence by RF Kuang. Probably the best book of hers. Even though it was very not action packed I read it pretty quickly.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished up The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi. Pretty cool historical fantasy set following an un-retired female psudo-pirate with a lot of supernatural elements
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Aching God by Mike Shel
Triple Gold Good Trader
Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s almost over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but again, audible plus kindle is a game changer
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Finished up All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Triple Gold Good Trader
Just finished book 12. Such an amazing series. I’m sad that it’s over.

For those that have read it

The twist at the end of book 10 was so well done that even when I had a thought of it being a possibility leading up to it, it still caught me off guard. So amazing
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
* 14-May(#112)
13) The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov - it was OK
Double Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s almost
> over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but again,
> audible plus kindle is a game changer
You finished a 12 book series?! Wow. That's impressive!
Double Gold Good Trader
I recently found out that the Eragon series, a 4 book series that I enjoyed, had a 5th book released last November, about 12 years after the 4th book. (Interestingly enough, the 4th book was released on November 8th, and the 5th book was released on November 7th)

I had enjoyed the series. Maybe I'll read this 5th book. It's been awhile since I've been able to really get into a book.
Triple Gold Good Trader
nonamesleft wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s almost
>> over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but again,
>> audible plus kindle is a game changer
> You finished a 12 book series?! Wow. That's impressive!

Audible definitely helps :)
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
29. The Madness of Being (Ron D'Alena) - Collection of short stories, all loosely tied to the same region, as various locations pop up within different stories that starts weaving together a longer community than each short story presents in isolation. I really enjoyed this collection and it came out of nowhere for me. Can't even recall how I heard about it, but I'd recommend. Intimate stories from everyday life.

30. The Island of Doctor Moreau (H.G. Wells) - Classic catch up. I'd heard about the general narrative and have come across enough references in other media that I knew what I was getting into here - just figured I should actually sit down and read it. I was quite meh about it, right up until the end - I think it ends well and Wells pulled it back around differently than I had expected.

31. Ethan Frome (Edith Wharton) - This 'un caught me off guard. Heartbreaking, caught me with a twist heading into the final stretch. Another from playing catch up on classics I've never bothered with - I'd say it's worth your time. Quick read too.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Did you guys know if Tuvok doesn't have sex, he dies? Crazy
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
* 17-May(#118)
32. People From My Neighborhood (Hiromi Kawakami) - Been trying to post less frequently so as to not clog the feed/update too much and be annoying, but I've gotta mention this one right away. This has been my favorite book this year thus far. A collection of short stories that introduces various characters living within a singular neighborhood. It's weird, sincere, Ghibli-esque, even tender at times. It was just translated into English from Japanese in 2021, I think, and I'm going to have to track down all other translations of Kawakami's writing. It's a bit ridiculous, but I think she's on a fast track now to becoming one of my favorites. Highly recommended.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> nonamesleft wrote:
>> Shane12m wrote:
> |>> Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s
> almost
> |>> over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but again,
> |>> audible plus kindle is a game changer
>> You finished a 12 book series?! Wow. That's impressive!
> Audible definitely helps :)

Listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl next. It's amazing. One guy does all the voices and all are unique.
Double Gold Good Trader
* 17-May(#120)
Kommie wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> nonamesleft wrote:
> |>> Shane12m wrote:
>> |>> Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s
>> almost
>> |>> over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but
> again,
>> |>> audible plus kindle is a game changer
> |>> You finished a 12 book series?! Wow. That's impressive!
>> Audible definitely helps :)
> Listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl next. It's amazing. One guy does all the voices and
> all are unique.
After you gave that recommendation not super long ago, I went and found some videos of him doing the actual recordings. You get to see him at the microphone doing all the voices, making modifications to his voice as he records. If he's not happy with something in the way he voiced a character, he goes back. Keeps on making tweaks with his voice. It's really interesting. Cool stuff.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Don't know why i never thought about it the first two years, but putting numbers on here is a great idea!

12. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells -- Murderbots book two
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
bogo wrote:
> Don't know why i never thought about it the first two years, but putting numbers
> on here is a great idea!
> 12. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells -- Murderbots book two

Figured numbering them would make it less work for @DarkFact to track me for updates.
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
picklenickel wrote:
> bogo wrote:
>> Don't know why i never thought about it the first two years, but putting numbers
>> on here is a great idea!
>> 12. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells -- Murderbots book two
> Figured numbering them would make it less work for @DarkFact to track me for updates.
You're not wrong at all

I also just finished #13: rouge protocol by Martha Wells. Basically read the whole thing doing yard work today
Triple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> nonamesleft wrote:
> |>> Shane12m wrote:
>> |>> Almost done with the last book of the cradle series (12) and sad that it’s
>> almost
>> |>> over. Gonna miss these characters 12 books in 3 months is insane for me but
> again,
>> |>> audible plus kindle is a game changer
> |>> You finished a 12 book series?! Wow. That's impressive!
>> Audible definitely helps :)
> Listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl next. It's amazing. One guy does all the voices and
> all are unique.

My friend just mentioned that series to me as well! Def gonna check it out
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I miss posts too. It's not my fault, I'm American so I never learned how to read. Appreciate any efforts made to keep the list correct, the stakes are obviously high.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> I miss posts too. It's not my fault, I'm American so I never learned how to read.
> Appreciate any efforts made to keep the list correct, the stakes are obviously high.

The highest stakes, low/no barrier-to-entry, pseudo book club where everyone just reads whatever they fancy at whatever pace they desire that is hosted on a predominately gaming-centric trading site that I've ever come across, for sure.

(In all seriousness though, I do appreciate this thread. I've already added - likely too many - books/series to my reading backlog from people's comments on here.)
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
picklenickel wrote:
> DarkFact wrote:
>> I miss posts too. It's not my fault, I'm American so I never learned how to read.
>> Appreciate any efforts made to keep the list correct, the stakes are obviously
> high.
> The highest stakes, low/no barrier-to-entry, pseudo book club where everyone just
> reads whatever they fancy at whatever pace they desire that is hosted on a predominately
> gaming-centric trading site that I've ever come across, for sure.
> (In all seriousness though, I do appreciate this thread. I've already added - likely
> too many - books/series to my reading backlog from people's comments on here.)

I've read several books I wouldn't have read without the thread, so I appreciate the thread myself. Luckily even though it's REALLY hard to increment numbers by 1-3, somehow the maintenance on the thread is low enough to squeeze it into my (unironically) busy schedule these days
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Guns of the Dawn
by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Enjoyed this one, was able to guess the ending about mid way through. This writer might become my favorite as so far it's 3/3 good books I've read by him.
Triple Gold Good Trader
13 - The Last Horizon Book 1 (the captain)

Wanted more of the same narrator from the cradle series. Not bad, but nothing amazing so far. Onto the second book of the series
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
see, apparently I missed 5 posts by shane
Triple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> see, apparently I missed 5 posts by Shane

Nah man it’s just fun to talk about what we are reading! You updating things is a fun bonus :)
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 23-May(#132)
14. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells - Murderbot diaries book 3

Kommie wrote:
> Guns of the Dawn
> by Adrian Tchaikovsky
> Enjoyed this one, was able to guess the ending about mid way through. This writer
> might become my favorite as so far it's 3/3 good books I've read by him.
This one is on my list as well. Love his writing
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 23-May(#133)
bogo wrote:
> 13. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells - Murderbot diaries book 3
> Kommie wrote:
>> Guns of the Dawn
>> by Adrian Tchaikovsky
>> Enjoyed this one, was able to guess the ending about mid way through. This writer
>> might become my favorite as so far it's 3/3 good books I've read by him.
> This one is on my list as well. Love his writing

And now we got Bogo counting to 13 twice unless I'm mis-reading his posts, see post 123
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
DarkFact wrote:
> And now we got Bogo counting to 13 twice unless I'm mis-reading his posts, see post
> 123

Just keeping you on your toes wink

just edited that last post
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews
7. The Wardstone Chronicles book 3: "The Spook's Secret"

I actually read half the book while at the airport to Texas, and 1/4 of the book while at the airport to Ohio, then just finished the book a bit ago.

I'm still reading "How to Disappear." It's almost finished so I brought a new book with me to read at the airport.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
"One must, it is true, forgive one's enemies—but not before they have been hanged.” by Joe Abercrombie.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews
14) Everything Inside Stories By Edwidge Danticat - Stories that involve Haitian immigrants, mostly set in Miami. The situations were all interesting with mysteries revealed along the way. They mostly involve some form of grief or tragedy. I had a little trouble getting into them at first, but ended up really liking them. There's a palpable sense of humanity and compassion in these stories. I gained some perspective on Haitians in the process (not just refugees and victims of disasters).
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
The Butchers Masquerade book 5, Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I read The Duty Free Shop by Jeremy Harshman who I met at a local Dad Group MeetUp. Fun little sci-fi romp. Some decent world building for a 100 page novella. I'd be interested in going back to the Sky City setting and seeing what else the main character would get up to if he ever ends up continuing with the series.

From talking to him though it seems he prefers to write fantasy rather than sci-fi. Either way, I give a ton of credit to anyone who is actually able to get something published. Always happy to help someone out with a couple bucks and any exposure I can give them as well.

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