
Topic   Oakley Prizm Gaming Glasses

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Last year, my eye doc reported that I have very dry eyes. Didn't really realize this was a thing until I recognized the impact. Started doing some OTC treatments to add some moisture to my eyes. That seemed to help, but was taxing and I got lazy.

Started playing with various blue light blocking glasses. Eh, they were OK, hard to say they made a massive impact. Seems like the jury is still out on this whole topic on eye health and blue light. Then I picked up a lense with Blue-Violet Light AR (Crizal Prevencia) and I was pretty impressed. After a couple weeks, I would say I definitely felt a difference with my eyes and not being so fatigued. The downside though, these higher end AR's, cause a massive purple reflection. I work from home, largely on camera most of the day, and everyone would ask "why are you glasses purple"? This got super annoying, so I returned them.

Then I discovered Oakley's Prizm Gaming glasses. I have a couple Prizm sunglasses of theirs, and they are truly the best sunglasses on the market. I didn't realize such things existed and have expanded to two different colors of lenses (they make all kinds of lenses for different environment/activities). So I figured ok, if the sunglasses are that good, I bet these Gaming glasses might be good too.

Read a bunch, all very favorable reviews out there. Just got them yesterday, and I am quite surprised. They aren't as yellow as I was anticipating and they absolutely have a much softer feel while staring at screens all day. Won't really know for another 1-2 weeks how well they truly work, but I'm naively optimstic that they are gonna be good. I doubt I'll wear them outside of the house due to the fact that I am not Robert Downey Jr; however, for work + gaming, this may be a winner! It's definitely an adjustment though. It feels like you're viewing the world through your phones eye comfort/blue light setting. Just a nice suttle yellow tint to everything. As I take them off and look at my monitors without them or with my other glasses, it's surprsing how bright they are after viewing them through a tinted lense.

Just thought I'd share as clearly we're all gamers, and I'd assume a bunch of you work from home and sit behind monitors all day.
Double Gold Good Trader
For awhile I was using blue light blocking glasses while gaming. They really changed certain colors. I even took a screenshot just so that I could compare what I was seeing with the glasses on vs off. I'm talking drastic color changes. Those glasses completely (or almost completely) block certain spectrums of color.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 22-Feb-2023(#3)
I got dry eye after lasix surgery in my early 20s. It’s really bad if I get dehydrated, sleep with a fan in front of my face or get too cold etc. I blink like a maniac now but manage ok with otc stuff prn. Certain meds will exacerbate it for me as well. Antibiotics mostly. I’ve stashed visine all over to keep the red out of my eyes.
1000 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I have a pair of gunnar I found at goodwill for $1 that I use for long computing sessions. Otherwise I haven't had eye issues I know of. I've never been to an eye doctor in my life. I'm 42 though so I really should get checked based on that alone.
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Those look interesting. I had lasik ages ago but before I did I used to have a pair of "computer glasses" that were different than my regular glasses. They were a completely different prescription...less strong (since they didn't need to see far) and slightly tinted or coated with something to help with blue light. I did notice that they very much helped eye strain/fatigue.

Topic   Oakley Prizm Gaming Glasses