
Topic   SALE NOD A ATGAMES Legends Pinball 4k

Bronze Good Trader

For those who don't know ATGames sells a multicade and a pinball machine which are great for people who want a cheaper alternative to buying a 10-15k pinball machine or a 3-5k arcade machine.

Right now they are doing an Autumn sale with a pre-order for their 4k Pinball machine that is set to release end of this year and into next year. It's themed with the Zen Pinball Addams Family art (not the original pinball cab art) and is selling for 1100 during these couple of days but will increase in price as time goes on up to the MSRP of $1500.

As someone who owns the Legends Ultimate and the Pinball machine I can vouch that they are quality (AtGames I know) but they actually are. There are some issue with these devices for sure but overall a nice pickup especially if you enjoy older arcade games or want a cheap virtual pinball box. If you have young kids they'll love it too.

They have several upgrade able options as well including arcade control panels for the pinball device, quad play control deck for the arcade, bitlcd which shows the original game marquees when playing, pro gamer deck which upgrades the original controls to 8 buttons each player (great for fighting games)... etc.

The arcade machine is also getting a 4k upgrade early next year as well as a CPU upgrade kit for those who buy the original one.

The best feature in these devices is the BYOG and AppstoreX features that allow you to use a usb drive or directly connecting your PC or gaming device to them to use the arcade controls.

Anyway not sure if anyone is interested but it is a good deal if you're into this sort of thing. There are much better arcade machines and pinball devices out there but they'll run you 3-5x the amount of these.

If anyone has any specific questions about these devices I'll try to answer as someone who owns them.

Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Hmmmm...I'm seeing a preorder price of $1299, plus $100 shipping.

GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader
Admiral wrote:
> Hmmmm...I'm seeing a preorder price of $1299, plus $100 shipping.
> No?

It was a limited time deal. You're seeing this a couple weeks later and the pre-order price has gone up and will continue to go up until MSRP at launch. Knowing AtGames, these machines will come back down in price eventually and there will probably be sales throughout the year.

300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7)
If I didn't luck out on an Amazon price error for a Marvel Arcade1up pinball, I'd strongly consider this.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 5-Oct-2023(#5)
It comes with bally / Williams pin but there are no others on the list. I wonder if better quality pins will be coming?
Bronze Good Trader
* 5-Oct-2023(#6)
Yeah sorry if I didn't make it clear that the price changed after the initial sales date. Its regular price will be $1499 with special collectors editions with skins coming over the next few years so maybe an Indiana Jones skin, that'd be cool.

I think the 4k ALP comes with 15 games including

The Addams Family

Natural History Pinball Pack 1

Dinosaur Dynasty
Last Ice Age

Zaccaria Pinball Volume 5

Combat Deluxe (named Battle Deluxe in current pack)
Cine Star Deluxe
Farfalla Deluxe
House of Diamonds Deluxe
Pool Champion Deluxe
Robot Deluxe
Red Show Deluxe
Spooky Deluxe
Strike Deluxe
Universe Deluxe

There are releasing 40 packs over the next several years from Zen Studios as well as their own from Magic Pixel which will include games from Rare, Sea of Thieves, Battle-toads, and Killer Instinct as new Pinball experiences. Anything you see on Pinball FX or FX3 is LIKELY but not confirmed.

You can also hook up a gaming PC to the device and run virtual pinball tables on it using vpx, future pinball, pinball fx/fx3 - so many ways to play if you have a spare gaming pc.

It requires a bit of setup to do otg though so not plug and play - can take months to set up a lot of tables, but is worth it if you're really into it.

Hope that helps.

Bronze Good Trader
SublimeFan wrote:
> If I didn't luck out on an Amazon price error for a Marvel Arcade1up pinball, I'd
> strongly consider this.

Never uysed one but I heard these are bad, prone to overheating and tiny 720p 17" screen, but people tend to exaggerate online. You like this arcade1up vpin?
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7)
UnSpOkEn wrote:
> SublimeFan wrote:
>> If I didn't luck out on an Amazon price error for a Marvel Arcade1up pinball,
> I'd
>> strongly consider this.
> Never uysed one but I heard these are bad, prone to overheating and tiny 720p 17"
> screen, but people tend to exaggerate online. You like this arcade1up vpin?

The stock screen is a bit larger - 23", I've modded mine and it can do 1080p. No issues with overheating, but on 1080p there is some slowdown, especially on the Williams tables.

It was $150 on Amazon, I don't regret it one bit.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
The only thing I knew about AtGames was their absolute dogcrap Genesis clones. Honestly shocked at how decent these pinball sims look

Topic   SALE NOD A ATGAMES Legends Pinball 4k