
Topic   PC Master Race

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 1-Dec-2021(#1)
We have a mega thread for Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft; however, nothing for PC unless I've missed it.

Starting one up!
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 1-Dec-2021(#2)
I haven't played PC games (minus Overwatch here and there) for many years. My gaming rig is about 6 years old, and the 980ti hybrid I had in it, just created insane temps in my office that didn't encourage me to want to play. Recently tore it down and the prior one (10 years old) and sold off all the pieces to buy a new Alienware m4 laptop. I never thought I'd convert to laptop PC gaming, but here we are. Laptop screen is only used as secondary, game on a 34' ultrawide Asus monitor. It's got a RTX 3070 and I'm beyond impressed with it. The power, speed, temps, everything ... just awesome. I may finally give up on building desktops going forward as this is far more convenient.

Have been having some fun lately getting back into PC gaming. Absolutely loving the Razer Nari Ultimate headphones with haptic feedback. Creates such an incredibly immersive experience that I've never had with gaming before.

Anyway, on to some games I've been playing recently.


Recently finished Serious Sam 4 - absolutely loved it. Some oddball graphical glitches from time to time, but had a great time with it. I've played the others, but it's been so long that I barely remember them and have a difficult time comparing the latest.

Diablo 2 - got hardcore addicted, all over again. Trying to pull myself back and trying to only casually revisit. I forgot how brutally insane the grind really is, it's truly out of control and just dumb, yet the game has that nostalgic feel and appeal to it that is hard to ignore. After getting my Sorc to 91, Pally to 82, I'm getting a bit burnt out. Started a Necro, sitting at mid 30's, and have turned to leveling a Druid in hardcore. We'll see, but overall I think it best to walk away for awhile to revisit later and have fun down the line.

Grim Dawn - never heard of it until recently, started as means to get away from D2, but really have only scratched the service. The UI is disappointing, but immediate reaction is generally positive. Unsure If I'll continue as I'd assume it will turn into a typical ARGP grind addiction.

Back 4 Blood - surprisingly fun, additional depth that L4D didn't have with the card system. The beauty of these games is multiplayer and sadly, the low level ranking and early maps, barely anyone to play with. Have caught a couple games with others, but every time I attempt to play, it's always with bots and just kinda boring.

Portal 2 - Holy crap, I haven't played since launch. Reinstalled and playing now, man I forgot how fun these games were. I absolutely hate that Valve abandoned these games.

Overwatch - Still fun, but not holding my attention like it used to. Hope OW2 can bring something new and fresh to the game, but I still like to jump in randomly and realize how old and busted I am with competitive FPS's.

The Forest - I bought this back in Alpha, played a bit back then. The game has definitely been polished and appears to have a lot more content, including multiplayer. I putz around here and there, want to spend more time with it as it truly is a unique experience.

Gloomhaven - Beyond impressed at how well they translated this board game. It's also eye opening on how much we take advantage of house rules. When you're confined to the real rules of the game, holy crap this game is WAY harder!!!

What are you guys playing?
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)
I've been playing

Smite - A truly absurd game. It's a third person moba, where you control your character directly using WASD and the number keys, so it plays more like a FPS than an RTS. The mode I play, Arena, is just a ~15 minute 5v5 deathmatch mode set in a big coliseum. There is no MOBA strategy like you see in League of Legends or Dota, it's just two teams of 5 fighting. The game is also full of licensed skins, so you can play as TMNT characters, Transformers, people from Stranger Things, etc. It's super wild seeing Zeus and Optimus Prime fight against Shredder and the Demogorgon.

Halo Infinite - This new halo is dope as heck and I love it. The progression is a bit jank but I'm just here for the gameplay.

Age of Empires 4 - This game is essentially "Age of Empires 2" 2.Extremely fun classic RTS that takes a ton of inspiration from my personal favorite RTS of all time, AOE 2

Microsoft is doing the "3 months of gamepass for a dollar" thing so I've been playing some of the games on that service. Highlights include

Prodeus - While Doom 2016 and Eternal feel like an evolution of the original Doom games, Prodeus feels like a direct sequel. It's fast and gory and insanely fun.

EXO One - This game is a weird combination of Journey and snowboarding. You control a weird spaceship as you explore various different planets. Short, beautiful, and satisfying.

GameTZ Subscriber Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 3 Reviews
* 2-Dec-2021(#4)
with most xbox games also being on pc, having a decent pc makes xbox redundant, sony is now starting to put some games on pc, many games that used to not see pc releases from third parties are now coming to pc. an only needing a pc world to play anything is my dream, nintendo will forever be the holdout on that though, until someone perfects a switch emulator i guess.

its become my preferred platform again, pc was my main back in 99-02 when i had a monster rig for that time (its a museum piece now lol) and having a pretty good one again its become my fav once again.

i like to play paradox's strategy and 4x when i have the time, they are a timesink on another level, hours go by in the blink of an eye, you wonder why you are hungry and have to pee so bad but you realize you've been sitting there for hours and the suns coming up. they are dangerous lol. stellaris, crusader kings, cities skylines etc.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 2-Dec-2021(#5)
Since I play a decent amount on my PC, I'll chime in. I built my current 'gaming rig' some 8+ years ago. It's running the best i5 of the era/generation: a 3570K quad-core, have 24GB of RAM and am rocking the best GPU (again of the time from AMD at least) - a Radeon HD 7900.
Clearly today, it's flatly lacking for more recent and/or demanding titles, but I have a XSX and GP for most of those, plus an excellent OLED, vs only 2 acceptable monitors more for their size vs. gaming - a 27" Acer IPS 1440p and a 28" Lenovo IPS 4k panel - neither have high refresh rates.

I've turned to emulation on this box a good bit over the past year+ but won't talk about that here.
I do have more/less all of the stores/platforms installed - Steam, Epic, GoG, uPlay, and more and I grab up all free games I can. Since my system really can't handle the higher demanding games of the past few years I've gone with more indies or older titles, including the following this year:
Cyber Shadow, Before I Forget, Horizon Chase Turbo, 12 Minutes, Touhou Luna Nights, Journey, Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians, The Bridge, Titan Souls, Shovel Knight, Helltaker, If On A Winter's Night: Four Travelers
Those are a mix of mainly Epic, Steam, Xbox(PC) and Amazon Games.

I have been thinking about building a new rig, but shortages and my cheapness, as well as the generally solid and respectable performance I get from this machine has kept me from pulling that trigger. I think not really feeling the need to upgrade for some of the more demanding titles, because I can play them on an 'effectively' better setup with my XSX/OLED, has also played a part. Add to that the fact that I have been 100% WFH for over 3.5 years now and share my 28" 4k monitor for work and personal use - I do get tired of sitting in my office for 8+ hrs of work, so gaming here can stink at times.

But I do play on another mediocre 1440p 27" (normally work use) monitor that has speakers and use my mini consoles at times. I also have a pretty decent 5 speaker setup for my PC, so it's certainly not a bad setup for gaming overall, just not ideally suited for higher demanding games.

Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
I game on PC some, but mainly been playing older titles. I'm only rocking a 1080Ti, which is still good, but I prefer playing the newer games on my PS5 when they have ray tracing available cuz my vidja card can't do that. I replayed Ghostbusters through the remastered version that was offered free on Epic, same with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. I randomly play some Age of Empires 4 sometimes and I still use GamePass on PC through my 2 years of Ultimate I have from when I had my Series X. I don't PC game as much as I used to, hell I don't game in general as much as I used to, but my ps5 gets most of time nowadays.
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
my biggest burn on pc games all time is probably a toss up between Civilization 2 Gold edition or more recently Out Of The Park Baseball 2021 and 2022 editions

I really love simulation games and the strategy involved in both is second to none.

As far as games I've enjoyed playing one really surprised the hell out of me in Spiritfarer. Absolutely beautiful game with a great concept. I really didn't wanna stop playing it even after beating it.
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
Recently bought a lenovo legion 5 Pro. It's got a 140W TDP 3070 and a 1600p screen with 144hz (ryzen 5800H).

This thing is amazing. It plays every modern game on ultra settlings usually with over 100 fps.

Lately I've been playing CoD black ops 3 because it has custom maps and mods for zombies.

Been replaying command and conquer games and looking to replay StarCraft 2.

Age of empires 4 (gamepass) is really good.

I also been playing Halo.MCC and the new infinite MP.

Quadruple Gold Good Trader
* 2-Dec-2021(#9)
Also Fall Guys is on sale right now for $10 on steam

Really good game
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 2-Dec-2021(#10)
I went from 1660 Super to 2070 Super to 3070 to 1660 Super to no graphics card. Don't miss it, I'm just playing Diablo 2 and Genshin Impact, which all run fine on a build without a graphics card (Ryzen 5 5600G), gave my 3070 to my roommate who was running a 1050Ti, he's playing Minecraft and CoD fancy now. I'm happy, my PC runs on a 160w power supply now and is very, very smol. Bump the res on Risk of Rain down to 720x400 and you can hit 200fps! :D
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
> 720x400

Holy crap that would TRIGGER me so bad
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
With Risk of Rain 2, long as you know what items do, it's really not a detriment at all, since it's already got a retro aesthetic. Framerate is more important than model sharpness
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
I think anything under 1080p on a TV or 720p on a Switch makes me want to die but I'd have to see it maybe for that game it's not so bad
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Haven't touched much lately on PC - a little bit Halo, but primarily playing that on Xbox.

Got a random sale tweet last night for Orcs Must Die 3 for $15 (half off). I played the first one when it originally came out and had a blast. Haven't looked into the follow ups, but look forward to checking it out here soon.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I've not played much on PC either lately MrBean. Been focused on Spider-Man on PS4 for Frank's GotM club and messing with a few other Xbox titles on my consoles. I'm wanting to get started on Death's Door, Blasphemous and Hades soon, but I just read a title or 2 I want to play will be leaving GP soon, so I might focus on them instead.

Gold Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews
Jurassic World: Evolution and Conan: Exiles have been my PC games lately. I finished evolution recently, so mostly Exiles now. I really like Conan, but I'm glad I didn't try to commit to it at launch. That was definitely a game to wait on patches for. I've had a very smooth experience with it so far. The crafting is superb, and the combat is brutal if simple. The art design is top notch also. The biggest knock is the lack of any sort of explanations of crafting. You get a couple of pics on the crafting window to decipher lol.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
My buddy was a Conan addict, always tried to get me to join. MMOs and me are not friends, too addicting!

Random side topic... Where is the next Max Payne? Man I loved those games.
Has Written 1 Review
I started PC gaming in fall of 2020. I started with a 2070 Max Q Razer and moved up to 3060 ROG Zephrys 14. I'm not at the point where I want to build a PC but I wanted to just start PC gaming. I've never actually played on the laptop I just plug it into my LG gaming monitor.

Since school started again and I work and study full time, I don't play as much as I want but I love it.

FFXIV (mostly what I play)
Monster Hunter Rise
Genshin Impact (not since summer though)
Tales of Arise

I've bought so many games with Steam Sales, Game Pass. I finally got all of the new Tomb Raiders for free on Epic Game Store. For the cost of the laptop I've saved so much more money on games than I did on console.

I play almost exclusively on PC but I do like to play my Switch still.

I think my favorite part of PC gaming is the range of genres I've started to play.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I'd give anything to go back to FF XIV! I simply can't trust myself with MMO's. I've heard it's continued to get better and better too...
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
I think the last game i played on pc was Oblivion back around 2009 or 2010. My desktop is also from that time period. It was a custom build i did, a quad core 3.0 Ghz i believe.

I used to love the old point and click adventure games back in the day. Specifically LucasArts games like Fate of Atlantis, Monkey Island,etc and Sierra games like Kings Quest and Space Quest. Im not sure how playable they would be today though. Might be too slow paced.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 28-Jan-2022(#21)
Got my 6500XT card in from Newegg a couple days ago but couldn't log into Steam because I left my phone at work (Do you even think about how much of your crap is tied directly to your phone and won't work without it? Jesus) but got stuff loaded in and activated Windows last night. Devil May Cry 5's running at 150 FPS at 1080p, Risk of Rain 2's actually pushing my monitor to the limit at 240fps, Dark Souls 3 is ...60fps, lol. The price point for the full "budget" build is about $750 which still stings a bit; in a perfect world the GPU would have been $120 less to bring the price down to $630ish, but this thing is still doing some great stuff at 1080p.

I'd show you but this card cut the hardware encoders to keep the price/value down, so. :( If you're looking to build and don't mind paying out to the used market/scalpers, I'd say for the same price, get a 1650 Super instead. Doesn't have any PCI-E3 hang-ups, includes the hardware encoders for stuff like capturing footage or transcoding videos, but I refuse to pay $300 for a card that's MSRPed at $150. Really wish the GPU market would right itself, but Nvidia and AMD are having too much fun slinging $1800 videocards in bulk instead. Remember when people were like "lol who has $1500 for a PC" and I used to take these guys to task, you could put together something for $600 that'd blow a PS4 Pro out of the water? Nowadays, not so outlandish. Very sad. But not everything's awful, like I bought the cheapest current gen Intel CPU and the cheapest available GPU and still managed to get something that ...blows a PS4 Pro out of the water, lol. 2022 sad
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
DarkFact wrote:
Remember when people were like "lol who has $1500 for a PC" and
> I used to take these guys to task, you could put together something for $600 that'd
> blow a PS4 Pro out of the water? Nowadays, not so outlandish. Very sad. But not
> everything's awful, like I bought the cheapest current gen Intel CPU and the cheapest
> available GPU and still managed to get something that ...blows a PS4 Pro out of the
> water, lol. 2022 sad

Ya that's crazy when you think the PS4 Pro launched 5.5 years ago - so being able to build a PC now for $600 (which is $100 more than a PS5) is finally a thing that can be done. That's why I like consoles and especially the PS5.

Don't get me wrong I still like PC and for PC gaming I still use my laptop which actually outperforms a PS5 but you really have to pay for it, you're not getting that for $600.

I do like how with PC you can tweak settings though for perfect framerate, once thing that bothers me is you have to choose either fidelity or performance on PS5/XSX and not a combination. I like the performance RT option in spiderman tho.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 28-Jan-2022(#23)
I only play on PC. My Steam is jimvp

I built my desktop around Black Friday 2019 with an RTX 2080 Ti (before prices went crazy) and an i9-9900k. Upgraded from a ~10 y/o desktop with a gtx 760 and gave that setup to a friend. I don't play much multiplayer games, mostly single player RPGs. I'm stoked for Elden Ring next month.

Why has nobody posted a photo of their battlestations!?

GameTZ Subscriber Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 3 Reviews
I want to clean my area up a bit and then I'll def post a setup pic

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 29-Jan-2022(#25)
6500XT is fine but I really really miss hardware encoding. :( Picking up a 6600 instead, which beats a 2060 and comes in at $450. Sadly that's the best deal on the market right now...

Anyways, my "budget" build with the 6500XT WAS finished!


So mobo $100, CPU $120, stole the RAM from my APU build and had an M2 and Sata SSD lying around, GPU was $270 but is now $450, had the case/PSU lying around which brings the build total to $670, but sold the old mobo/APU for around $300. If I had to buy it all new, build totals around $900. 2022 is cursed, but at least you can skip eBay completely. $350 invested brought the PC up to 1440p gaming ready nicely, with upgrade avenues instead of being a dead-end build (not that the APU build was bad, it was an emulation powerhouse and still played new games at 720p and absolutely sipped power)

The Intel i3 12100F is very, very good by the way. VERY good
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
My new mouse just came in, and I freaking love it.

Glorious Model D wireless. Really an awesome fit for my hand, and great reaction and everything. Easily the best mouse i have ever used.

I would show my "battlestation" but right now it's just a laptop and a cool mouse.
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 29-Jan-2022(#27)
@DarkFact wow that is an awesome budget build. Crazy how well you were able to maximize everything.

@longhornsk57 well show it off anyways, that’s what this thread is for!

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Can you not legally purchase the No One Lives Forever games anywhere these days?

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Can you not legally purchase the No One Lives Forever games anywhere these days?

Fox, Activision and Warner all may ot may not have some rights to the series, but no one at any of those companies knows for sure because they don't want to spend the time looking through their records for the contracts.

And since they don't know who owns what they can't come to any sort of agreement as to how to divvy up any sales, so it's just not available at all on digital storefronts.

Just have to go to Amazon or eBay for used copies it seems.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
lol I was like "I think I've got NOLF." Checked, got NOLF2 :p
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Somebody more or less made them available for free, if you just look online you'll find where to download.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
He was asking specificity about legally buying them.

Most games are "available for free" on the internet through illicit means.

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
* 30-Jan-2022(#33)
@benstylus I mean it's legal to get it that way. B/c nobody wants to claim the rights to it, so some folks made a version that's not illegal.
From this link: PC Gamer near the bottom, under the classic section.
The Operative: No One Lives Forever - The classic stealth FPS, never re-released thanks to licensing hell. Its clever humour and charming 1960s setting hold up nicely, as do the arsenal of goofy, Bond-esque gadgets at your disposal. That includes lipstick bombs, sleeping gas perfume, and a briefcase rocket launcher.

I know 95% of all titles can be had illegally and wouldn't have mentioned if this was the case. I should have been more clear but I was busy when I posted that, sorry.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Slickriven wrote:
> @benstylus I mean it's legal to get it that way. B/c nobody wants to claim the rights
> to it, so some folks made a version that's not illegal.
> From this link: PC Gamer near
> the bottom, under the classic section.
> The Operative: No One Lives Forever - The classic stealth FPS, never re-released
> thanks to licensing hell. Its clever humour and charming 1960s setting hold up nicely,
> as do the arsenal of goofy, Bond-esque gadgets at your disposal. That includes lipstick
> bombs, sleeping gas perfume, and a briefcase rocket launcher.
> I know 95% of all titles can be had illegally and wouldn't have mentioned if this
> was the case. I should have been more clear but I was busy when I posted that, sorry.

The rights are still owned by someone, and the fact that nobody is stepping up to shut the distribution down doesn't mean it's legit. Nobody claiming the rights does not make it public domain.

It's still 100% illegal, just less ethically questionable for a lot of people since the rights holder situation is so messy.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 30-Jan-2022(#35)
It's weird that PCG linked to that, lol. It's literally just warez. Like at this point, no harm no foul on anyone who wants to snag it, I won't stop you, but
...that's not a good argument to slap something up for grabs. At least literally nobody is harmed by this, I would imagine the majority if not everyone snagging it from the site have every intention of supporting any official releases that may or may not ever come (probably won't) and personally, there's a preservation argument to be made here, legal issues aside. But yes, if we're gonna sit here and play Legal Eagle, it's not legal. There. It was said. Now just play the fkn game before you die. Or don't!

also lol @ having to include a nocd crack
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
Do rom sites still claim it's legal to download them as long as you delete them within 24 hours? That was another good laugh

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Nah, it's been a hot minute since I've seen that one. Probably an extra law broken by instructing people to do something illegal and explaining it's in fact perfectly legal
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 31-Jan-2022(#38)

Figured with the 6600 pending in, it was time to graduate from my crapty high refresh 1080p display (that was increasingly pissing me off with blur and motion grossness in general, luckily I had a few days left on return options). I'm a 32 inch addict at this point, I need it. Effectively after refund, this adds another $150 to the total build volume. I'm spending more money this time around so I don't feel the need to spend it later. This display's got some pretty solid reviews for the price range.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
I've been wanting to check out Hunt Showdown, it's on sale, worth it?
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews
* 4-Feb-2022(#40)
MrBean wrote:
> I've been wanting to check out Hunt Showdown, it's on sale, worth it?

Only if The nose of Hunt is in it

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Yesterday the Xbox 360 wired controller I had been using to play PC games for over a decade just randomly died while I was playing Crysis. If I buy a new Xbox One wireless controller will that work on my PC out of the box via Bluetooth without having to buy anything else? I think wireless Xbox 360 controllers needed an extra adapter to work on PC, so I wanna make sure newer controllers don't.

Quadruple Gold Good Trader
The DS5 works on steam no.issues, the Xbox one wireless works on everything
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Xbox One to PC needs a dongle, no?
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
* 9-Feb-2022(#44)
Not if your pc has bluetooth on board. Heres mine:


Quadruple Gold Good Trader
MrBean wrote:
> Xbox One to PC needs a dongle, no?

No, it connects thru BT and everything works natively, no dongle or anything.

Same with the DS5 on Steam.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
longhornsk57 wrote:
> MrBean wrote:
>> Xbox One to PC needs a dongle, no?
> No, it connects thru BT and everything works natively, no dongle or anything.
> Same with the DS5 on Steam.

I don't believe that's true with all XB1 controllers, BT was introduced later yeah? My older controllers (specifically my Elite Gen 1) require a dongle on W10/W11.

Looks like you can tell visually which gen controller has BT and which doesn't:
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
ya the only controllers I have are the Series X ones and one Xbox One X one, so for me they are all good. I didn't think people still used the 8 year old ones honestly.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

All Series S/X controllers have BT, only newer XBO controllers do.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
I was looking at this controller since it says "latest model" and is listed as being from 2020. Someone asked if it'll connect to Bluetooth without an adapter and Microsoft replied yes, but others are replying saying no and that you need to use a USB-c cable. I don't know who to believe.

Quadruple Gold Good Trader
* 9-Feb-2022(#50)
I have a controller that is older than 2020 and it works without a dongle.

The one you linked 100% will work without a dongle.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
@PizzaTheHutt look at the article I linked or DarkFacts pic from the article, that will work on BT.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
I've used an older, non BT X1 controller on my PC for years now. If you have an old micro USB cable that does power and data then you can use that to play in PC, no batteries or other interface needed.

400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> I was looking at this controller since it says "latest model" and is listed as being
> from 2020. Someone asked if it'll connect to Bluetooth without an adapter and Microsoft
> replied yes, but others are replying saying no and that you need to use a USB-c cable.
> I don't know who to believe.

If it's what comes in that box and is shown in that pic, it's got BT.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Thanks for the assistance, gentlemen. I ordered it and should have it by Saturday.

GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> I was looking at this controller since it says "latest model" and is listed as being
> from 2020. Someone asked if it'll connect to Bluetooth without an adapter and Microsoft
> replied yes, but others are replying saying no and that you need to use a USB-c cable.
> I don't know who to believe.

I got the controller today. Out of the box it did connect to Bluetooth easily, but when I started up a new Steam game (Batman: Arkham Origins, "new" as in I hadn't played it before) the buttons in-game were not marked properly (X was acting as the A button, Y as B) and I had no control over the right analog stick so the camera would just spin in circles. I did have to connect via USB-c cable to update the firmware and then it was all much better from there. A lot of people complain about having to readjust when playing on Switch because "the buttons are reversed", but for me it's the opposite, Nintendo has been using the same layout since SNES, so that's what I'm used to and it's Xbox that reversed it (or technically Sega reversed it with Dreamcast and MS used their layout).

This is a damn good controller though. A little too early to tell but in the end I might actually prefer it over the Wii U and Switch Pro Controllers.
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review
Having emulated a bunch of games recently using my X1 controller to play SNES and others yes @PizzaTheHutt the reversed ABXY is annoying. But I prefer M$'s layout since I read English from left to right and I believe that Nin went Right to Left since that's how they read in Japan - could be wrong, but BAYX feels backwards to me.
Sony didn't make things better with the blue X being in the 6 o'clock position while it's in the 9 o'clock position on Xbox... oh well.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Well ... totally missed Lost Ark and appears to be a big deal. Downloading now. Anyone else play yet?
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
Yep. It's a Korean ARPG alright. Nice tiddies but Amazon ain't gettin' no money from me. Also I was terribly, terribly bored before the first hour. The VAs didn't really help much, wasn't bad enough to totally rip, wasn't good. Action's basically like lining up bowling pins and then hitting eight buttons off their CDs to keep them juggling
Triple Gold Good Trader
* 12-Feb-2022(#59)
DarkFact wrote:
> Yep. It's a Korean ARPG alright. Nice tiddies but Amazon ain't gettin' no money
> from me. Also I was terribly, terribly bored before the first hour. The VAs didn't
> really help much, wasn't bad enough to totally rip, wasn't good. Action's basically
> like lining up bowling pins and then hitting eight buttons off their CDs to keep
> them juggling

Why is it so highly rated on steam? Probably the “tiddies”?

Edit: ah I see. The very high rating were prior to the official release. Now that it’s out and more people are trying it they are calling out the flaws
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 12-Feb-2022(#60)
I mean, my first reaction was "10/10" when I saw them bobas too ;p

I think people are just happy it's not them paying $60 for the MMO again. The price is right, it's bound to attract plenty of excited players. It's fine, it's just a lot dumber than I like my ARPGs, with much worse storyline (so far)

I swear to fudge tho, my assassin looks like she's slicing her ass cheeks off with every step and her hips are 100% anatomically detached from the rest of her skeleton

People are thirsty for PoE2 and D4. You can do a lot worse for nothing
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Ended up diving into Orcs Must Die 3 instead. Just good, easy fun.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
Shane12m wrote:
> DarkFact wrote:
>> Yep. It's a Korean ARPG alright. Nice tiddies but Amazon ain't gettin' no money
>> from me. Also I was terribly, terribly bored before the first hour. The VAs
> didn't
>> really help much, wasn't bad enough to totally rip, wasn't good. Action's basically
>> like lining up bowling pins and then hitting eight buttons off their CDs to keep
>> them juggling
> Why is it so highly rated on steam? Probably the “tiddies”?
> Edit: ah I see. The very high rating were prior to the official release. Now that
> it’s out and more people are trying it they are calling out the flaws

Actually, some people are crying cause they're censoring the skimpy clothes in the Western release. Like, real porn exists. Why virgin weebs get so upset over Anime and video game females wearing more clothes is baffling.
Triple Gold Good Trader
Kommie wrote:
> Shane12m wrote:
>> DarkFact wrote:
> |>> Yep. It's a Korean ARPG alright. Nice tiddies but Amazon ain't gettin' no money
> |>> from me. Also I was terribly, terribly bored before the first hour. The VAs
>> didn't
> |>> really help much, wasn't bad enough to totally rip, wasn't good. Action's basically
> |>> like lining up bowling pins and then hitting eight buttons off their CDs to keep
> |>> them juggling
>> Why is it so highly rated on steam? Probably the “tiddies”?
>> Edit: ah I see. The very high rating were prior to the official release. Now that
>> it’s out and more people are trying it they are calling out the flaws
> Actually, some people are crying cause they're censoring the skimpy clothes in the
> Western release. Like, real porn exists. Why virgin weebs get so upset over Anime
> and video game females wearing more clothes is baffling.

Why am I not surprised lol
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
They also run like that stupid Anime girl way. You know what I mean. I'd be more impressed if a Korean MMO didn't have terrible depictions of women.
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
* 15-Feb-2022(#66)
Oh yeah. That's what gave away the origin country for me, like I was 50/50 at character creation, but when she started moving I was like "Oh, this is Korean. For sure." I've played enough MMO/ARPGs in my time to know the signs.

They're horny, I get it. It's fine.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews
I hope they've got a way to see how quickly people click off that splash banner advertising the open beta to do what they actually opened the app to do.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Knew this was coming at some point.... Wall-E / Ready Player One is inevitable
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Well, this is pretty interesting, curios to see how they price it.
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
You just got a monster curved monitor you have no room for!
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
Glad to see this thread active again.
My GamePass is gonna expire in a few days. I started playing PowerWash Simulator with a friend in co-op. This might sound like a dumb question, but is it possible to take the save file from the GamePass version of the game and purchase the game on Steam and continue my save file on that version, or would that trigger a ban?
I just don't want to start from scratch on Steam because this is such a slow paced game, but I also don't want to keep my GamePass subscription going because my backlog is big enough as it is and it's just pointless to add to it with games that I don't even own.

GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
PizzaTheHutt wrote:
> Glad to see this thread active again.
> My GamePass is gonna expire in a few days. I started playing PowerWash Simulator
> with a friend in co-op. This might sound like a dumb question, but is it possible
> to take the save file from the GamePass version of the game and purchase the game
> on Steam and continue my save file on that version, or would that trigger a ban?
> I just don't want to start from scratch on Steam because this is such a slow paced
> game, but I also don't want to keep my GamePass subscription going because my backlog
> is big enough as it is and it's just pointless to add to it with games that I don't
> even own.

Is it the pc version, or Xbox version played on PC? If pc, I'd assume you could. Should be the same binaries and save configurations that you could simply copy it over. Don't know from personal experience though.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews
It's PC version

GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)
@PizzaTheHutt In my experience this is very hit or miss. I got this to work with the newer Ori game, but I've also had it totally not work before. Found a reddit thread that implies the save files are not compatible between versions, but as always with something on reddit, take that with a grain (or bag) of salt
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader
It REALLY depends on the developer. No Man's Sky actually saw my old Game Pass save when I installed it on Steam, but I started over instead.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
* 30-Aug-2022(#77)
Absolutely love my Razer Basilik Ultimate for gaming. Recent redo of my work layout, I want to go wireless.

Looks like the Basilik V3 came out with pro version. Cheaper than retailers but still stupid expensive...

What mouse do you guys use? I miss the old Microsoft Habu mice, definitely my favorite as they were wider for fat hands. I've adapted to the Razer ones but wish they were bigger.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Also, my God, modded Slay the Spire is 100x better then original. The downfall mode is so in depth with more complex cards and strategy. If you haven't played yet, do it! So badass.
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review
Setup the new Basilik v3 Pro. Overall pretty impressed. Glad they finally caught up to Logitech with dynamic/free-flowing scroll. There's also this new side button that slows down your DPI while pressed in ... I don't play enough serious FPS, but I'm assuming geared towards specific scenarios of slowing down your aim (sniping?). The overall build/feel is improved, it feels slightly bigger, but overall, it's not that massive of a jump from the Basilik Ultimate (which is much cheaper).
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
Ya my go to is the Glorious Model D but that razer is nice too.

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