

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB+
Replay ValueA-

Pros and Cons

  • Almost identical to the Playstation version
  • Detailed Graphics
  • 12 Playable Characters
  • Import Friendly, English Menus
  • Story is in Japanese, Not all menus in English
  • Too Dark to see Action at Times

Pocket Fighter (Bandai WonderSwan)

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The Wonderswan's First Fighter Kicks Ass



Pocket Fighter for the Wonderswan is a port of the Playstation and Saturn fighting game based on Capcom's puzzler Super Puzzle Fighter.

There are two modes of play, the classic story mode and the unique card battle mode. Story mode has you transfers through eight stages with one character each with their own story. The switch with Pocket Fighter, staying true to its puzzle brethern, is that when you hit your opponent they drop gems, and vice versa. Picking up these gems will fill one of your three special meters. In card battle mode, you put together a deck, in the gallery, to use to fight in battle. Instead of controlling your character directly you use cards and which cards you use determine whether you attack your opponent and then the amount of damage you do to them. Playing through the story mode with a character helps get cards for that specific character.

Graphics & Sound
Graphics overall are very detailed and nice. The character models are consitant with the puzzle series in their little deformed selves but the animation and movement is smooth. The backgrounds are also nice however if you are playing on a stage with a darker background it is often harder to see what action is taking place in the fight. Also, because this game is black and white its hard to determine which color a gem is, not that it really matters but it would be nice to have some differentiation. The sound does a modest job of trying to keep the arcade music and a good job with sound effects. Overall it works fine for a fighting game.

Replay Value
Fighters can be fun, bottom line, and this is no different so you'll come back to play the game. If you want to build a strong card deck with each player then there is a ton of replay value in this game. It would've been nice though to have a Vs or two player mode.

This game is a great port of a color console game to a black and white handheld. The replay value will have you coming back for more for a long time and the card battle mode is a very fun alternative to the actual fighting. Most of the game is in English which makes this game great for importers pending the price. With only the Guilty Gear Petit series for fighters on the Wonderswan, this is a practical must buy.

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