

Pros and Cons

  • Great Wyatt Earp story
  • stays true too the western movie genre
  • Great cast of actors
  • Cameo appearance by Charlton Heston

Tombstone (DVD)

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"I'm your Huckleberry"



There have been some good movies made about the legendary Wyatt Earp, but I believe "Tombstone" is by far one of the best ever done.

You got to admit that there are "chick flicks", and then there are "guy flicks", and this movie definitely falls into the later category. Some critics say that this movie lacked depth, and heart, which may have been true, but I think the best thing it has going for it is that it was fun to watch.

Some of those other movies go into greater detail about this man's life, but this movie concentrates more on the time that he and his brothers spent in the classic western town of Tombstone, Arizona. For the most part, it centers on the conflict that they had with Johnny Ringo and his gang of cut-throat outlaws. This conflict builds towards one of the most well known gun fights in old west history which is of course the gun fight at the O.K. Corral. This movie also goes beyond that fight and shows how Wyatt and his friends tracked down the remaining members of Johnny Ringo's gang.

It had a great cast of actors, including Val Kilmer, who played Doc Holliday. I mention his performance first because it is the one that I hear/read about most often. Most people who have enjoyed this film say time and time again that Val's portrayal of the legendary Doc Holliday was unforgettable. He had some unique lines in this movie, many that seem to stick in your mind for quite some time, including the one mentioned in the summary of this review. It was clear that he studied this character and mastered his nuisances, mannerisms, and style of gunplay. I even heard that he lost a considerable amount of weight just so that he could look sick. This was done, because if you know anything about Doc Holliday than you know he suffered from tuberculosis.

The other great actors who also made this movie enjoyable include: Kurt Russell (Wyatt Earp), Sam Elliott (Virgil Earp), Bill Paxton (Morgan Earp), Powers Boothe (Curly Bill Brocious), and Michael Biehn (Johnny Ringo).

There was even a short cameo appearance by Charlton Heston (Henry Hooker), who offers Wyatt and Doc Holliday safe haven.

If you are in the mood for a great western, than you need to pick this DVD up. I have since found out that there is a Director's Cut version of this movie, which I would recommend as the copy to get.

This movie was released in 1993, and had a rating of R.


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