

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA+
Replay ValueD

Pros and Cons

  • The sounds are low-key and fit perfectly
  • No frills graphics are beautiful
  • This is why there's a Six-axis PS3 controller.
  • When beaten, no reason to beat again.

Flow (PlayStation 3)

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FLOw offers a short, sweet, psychadelic experience.



FLOw, one of the first games provided via the Playstation Network, is a perfect showcase for the system's potential.

FLOw is a top down... well... I guess you would call it a simulation? Anyways, you take the role of one of five undersea creatures. You start small and harmless and eat your way to the top of the food chain, sinking to the darkest depths with increasingly dangerous organisms. Each creature is distinguishably different and each has its own power, whether it be a dash, a shock, or a spin. The controls are the very definition of simplicity. Tilt the Six-axis to move, press any button to use your power. Thats it, and it works flawlessly.


Low key they are, dull they are not. FLOw uses a minimalist graphic style consisting of bright and contrasting colors, with sharp, distinguishable edges. Watching your creature evolve from a tiny thing to a massive, winged, fanged, scaled, what have you, is truly breathtaking in 1080p.


Sound is a major component to the ambiance of FLOw. The music is slow, tranquil, and everything you do in the game adds to the music. It's a wonderfully dynamic melody of strings. Its so soothing, it relieves stress for me, personally.


This is FLOw's only shortcoming. There are five creatures to play as, and each takes about 20-30 minutes to complete and unlock the next character. It's fun while it lasts, but the game can be finished in one 2-3 hour sitting. After that, there's not much incentive to go back and replay, and FLOw will mostly sit on your XMB from then on.


Buy this if your want a nice tranquil, non-violent experience, its $7.99 on the Playstation Network.

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