

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB+
Replay ValueB

Pros and Cons

  • Very fun gameplay
  • Memorable characters
  • Sound is great
  • Can get repetitive with the missions

Saint's Row 2 (Xbox 360)

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This is the game GTAIV should have been. It has the humor that GTA is known for, but the overall game experience was much better than GTAIV's



Saints Row 2 is what GTAIV should have been. GTA was known for its humor, but lost it in the fourth installment. Saints Row 2 allows you to take control of the 3rd Street Saints. You're supposed to be the same guy from the first, but you awaken in a prison hospital where you have to reconstruct your whole persona. You can now choose to be a female by the way. After you create your guy you awake to a 3rd Street Saint helping you escape.

After that it's about building your empire. You find out that the 3rd Street Saints have gone almost extinct. You set out to build your crew by finding Lieutenants. My favorite is Shaundi (voiced by Elisa Dushku) and you'll learn to love her as well.

The positives of this game are obvious from the get-go. From the first mission you are set free to do whatever you want. From blowing cops away with the Gauge to beating prisoners down with a baseball bat. Later on the fun really comes when you get to be creative with how you display your havoc.

The sound is top notch. The voice acting is done very well. You'll hear voices and wonder where you've heard them before. If you have a nice sound system you'll really enjoy the explosions and gun fire.

The main cons to Saints Row 2 are the same with any sandbox title. They tend to get repetitive in their missions. I didn't find much replay value out of the game.

Other than that the game is great. The story is better than GTAIV's and you'll have much more fun with this one. One gripe I had with GTAIV was the characters were all forgettable. Besides your cousin, there isn't one character worth remembering. In Saints Row 2 you'll remember every character and their personality.

I don't want to give it away, but there's one part where you're chasing a helicopter. You're in the back seat trying to shoot while one of your Lieutenants is driving. He's a ghetto black guy and he changes the radio station to a Ne-Yo song and starts to sing along to it. I couldn't stop laughing during that part. Trust me - when it happens, you'll know exactly what I am talking about.

Overall I give Saints Row 2 an A. The only thing keeping it from the A+ is the lack of replay ability, but you'll have plenty of fun playing through the first time.

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