

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA-
Replay ValueB

Pros and Cons

  • Good graphics for the PSP
  • Good beats
  • Fun to move to
  • May get stumped at first
  • If you get stuck, it's hard to keep going

Patapon (PlayStation Portable)

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A hard game at first but gets more fun as it goes on.



This game is a great one for the PSP. It would be better though if it didn't have such big drawbacks. The first drawback is that the game gets harder and harder. You think it's hard in the begging still learning the controls, and next thing you know you have to play a mission which is full on war. The other drawback is that if you get stuck, you're stuck period. It is so hard to go on because if you reach your limit on warriors, and you have a hard part your're on you're stuck.

But the game is still really good. The beats are very simple. They never change tempo or pace. It is always that 1-2-3-4 beat. Even when hitting the drums, the drums follow the beat. The drums make the beats more fun in the fact that they vary the sounds.

Another good thing is that you can almost dance to the beats that they give you. Even if you're just swaying a bit that is still moving to the beat. It's really funny to to see yoursef do it or you let your friend play it and you don't even know that you are moving. You might get asked "What are you doing?" You could think of a lot of good things to say (My favorite is "I'm rockin out baby!"). This ability to make people move is really important in music games. If you don't get the person to move, how would you know if they are into it?

The best thing though is definitely it's graphics. They are amazing fo the PSP. They give a cartoony type of feel while at the same time the people look like primitive cave drawings. This gives it this old funny type look to it. Another thing is that the motions are so swift. I mean like they are not chopped up or they all move slowly. The colors in it are like this mixture of like fall and night colors. They show up excellently. I think that all the motions could be a bit different when it comes to fighting. The fight scenes run smoothly even if there are a ton of guys on the screen.

Overall I think this is a great game. I think they should work out those drawbacks in their second one that is coming out soon. I think this game deserves a solid A-.

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