

Pros and Cons

  • Consistently amazing vocals
  • Innovative musical soundscape party
  • Revolving theme diversity - it stays fresh
  • Production is second to none
  • Goes by fast somehow :-(
  • Produced by a guy from LFO? WTF!
  • That one part on Pluto......

Homogenic (Bjork)

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Dark, strange, hypnotic, essential.


Bjork's strange music videos and utterly insane personality have given her a certain stigma: people think she is a weirdo. Often times, the people that deem her this, look beyond the music that brought her to the forefront in the first place.

Well, after two very well received (critically) albums "Debut" and "Post", the largely unpredictable "weirdo" changed her sound into something more playful, darker, and altogether better then anything else she had made before, on "Homogenic". From the first song to the last bump of the final cut, the album resonates with incredible production values (done by a member of LFO, remember that "I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch" song? How odd!), poignant orchestration, innovative "Whiplash", wildly varied drumming, and some of the best vocals you'll ever hear. "Homogenic" is one of the best albums of the 90's because it truly releases the artist and her concepts more beautifully then any before or since. Here is a song by song hitlist:

1. Hunter -- Though not the best song on the album, it is important to the structure and it feels absolutely perfect. It has a slow building drum machine roll to an almost raspy Bjork. Very odd, very enchanting and the orchestration is absolutely phenomenal and epic. 8.5/10

2. Joga -- This song will stand out to everyone. Amazing orchestration with insanely beautiful vocals and lyrics that sit atop Bjork's massive library of poetry. This song is possibly the most triumphant song I've ever heard and it is really carried by a magnificently integrated drumbeat (one that oddly drifts in and out of different levels of mute). 10/10

3. Unravel -- A soft ballad, a showcase for Bjork's voice and lyrical prowess. Slow developing with some awesome saxophone accompaniment. Great, yet slightly overshadowed by surrounding tracks. 9/10

4. Bachelorette -- Possibly the most industrial song on this album, it has an amazing cinematic feel. The orchestration feels like a James Bond song and the emotion is pure and as usual, Bjork's voice explodes off the track. Particular note goes to the subtle effects that drown in the background noise, if you catch them, they are genius. 10/10

5. All Neon Like -- Terrifying lyrics and incredibly eerie. It feels like a person drifting into sleep and then gradually realizing they are in the most surreal nightmare. Cinematic, but in a totally different way. The repeating drum sample is "whiplash", but so haunting that it can't be ignored nor disliked. When it leaves momentarily, you feel alone and it only compounds the dreamlike state. What an amazing song. 10/10

6. 5 Years -- Definite highlight of the drumming. Absolutely complex, absolutely awesome. Strange background synthesizer gives it this odd sexual playfulness that still seems to be leading somewhere devious because of the way Bjork comes across in voice. The song only gets better halfway through with some more absolutely fantastic orchestration. You cannot ignore the quality of this song. 10/10

7. Immature -- Most straightforward jazzy-dance tune of the album. Good, but not amazing compared to the other songs. Still, the soulful singing, probably the highlight of Bjork's voice, overshadows the less musically impressive piece. Cool beat though. 8.5/10

8. Alarm Call -- Oddly pop sounding, oddly the best song on this album. Incredible energy, perfect vocals and just absolutely amazing song structure. Songs just don't get more pleasant, more fulfilling, any more than this. Just listen and enjoy. And listen for the lyric "I'm no f-ing Buddhist, but this is enlightenment". 10/10

9. Pluto -- Bjork on stop/start techno beat. Interesting mix of dark weirdness that makes her sound like Shirley Manson sometimes. Yet, the gradual song buildup is some of the best seen on this album (that's saying something). An amazing song except for two repetition parts with voice and synthesizers that get on the nerves. 8.0/10

10. All is Full of Love -- Lyrics = awesome. Background = subtle, but amazing. Vocals = poignant. Atmosphere = untouched. Song = perfect closer. 10/10

Basically, this album is simply one of the most beautifully orchestrated, produced, and vocally strong albums ever made. Buy it now.

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