

Pros and Cons

  • Based on a Steven King story
  • John Turturro is superb as "Shooter"
  • Johnny Depp is great, as always
  • Enough irony to make it a noteworthy flick
  • Takes a few minutes for the twist to set in

Secret Window (DVD)

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A different movie with a very unexpected twist.


Secret Window is a film that was adapted from the Stephen King story Secret Window, Secret Garden and stars Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean, Blow) and John Turturro (O, Brother Where Art Thou).

The movie open with Depp's character finding his wife (Maria Bello) cheating on him, causing Depp to become a recluse in a wilderness home. We find out that Mort Rainey (Depp) is a rather successful fiction writer, even though he is a little "off".

Rainey seems to be suffering from writer's block until a strangely familiar story arrives on his front porch. Rainey begins reading it and cannot believe his eyes...it's a verbatim copy of his short story entitled Secret Window, only this one is supposedly authored by a man named John Shooter (Turturro). Of course, this could spell disaster for Mort Rainey, if the accusations of plagiarism (stealing someone else's work for personal gain) are proved true.

Shooter soon makes his presence known as he appears to Rainey on numerous occasions and almost starts to haunt him as a ghost would. The movie then follows the story of Rainey trying to prove that his version of Secret Window was published before the maniacal Shooter's, only for Shooter to foil him and get Rainey into inexplainable situations. Rainey then believes that he's been set up by his estranged wife's lover (Timothy Hutton) and that he has sent Shooter after him. Rainey then must solve all of this and find a way to right the wrongs that Shooter has caused all around him.

Johnny Depp and John Turturro deliver spectacular performances in this film. Depp, with his sharp wit, and Turturro, with his simplicity and deep southern accent, just seem to set this story off. I highly recommend Secret Window to anyone that likes suspenseful movies with twists and turns.

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