

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveB+
Replay ValueA-

Pros and Cons

  • The PC classic is ported to the GBA!
  • Great graphics that rival most GBA games today.
  • In-game help for first-time players.
  • Gameplay is sluggish at best.
  • Multiple options were left out in order for it to play on GBA, making for a somewhat disappointing experience.
  • It just doesn't feel the same as the PC version.
  • No background music whatsoever, and minimal sound effects.
  • Overall, most gamers will not enjoy this port.

SimCity 2000 (Game Boy Advance)

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The PC classic is ported to the GBA, with mixed results. Die-hard fans will enjoy playing this classic on the go, but others may want to leave it behind.


Anybody who hasn't heard of Sim City 2000 hasn't been playing video games very long. raspberry Sim City 2000, one of the most popular pc games of all time, has been ported to the GBA.

In Sim City 2000, your goal is to build and run a successful city. First, you start with a power plant, then some roads, and plant sectors of business, industry, and residential areas. Expand and repeat for desired effect. smile

In this version of Sim City 2000, however, there are quite a few things missing from the classic formula:

1. There are no water pipes or water properties -- Water is left out of this game, lessening the strategy since you don't have to worry about it.

2. There is no background music! Nothing whatsoever while playing the game. I'm not sure if this is better or worse than having bad music, but either way, it's not good.

3. A lot of animation is missing. No cars on the street, etc. In addition, the game moves VERY sluggishly. Putting in a road which would be a matter of moments in the PC version (clicking, dragging, then clicking to finish), now takes seemingly forever. Maybe it's the slow process engine in the game; doesn't matter. The point is, what used to take no time at all takes plenty of time, making gameplay more boring and less fun wry smile

4. There are no custom maps -- You are supplied with 4 maps to choose from... that's it. None of the maps have mountains or forests, so options to raise/lower ground and adding streams or forests to the map are also gone.

5. Tax adjustments can only be done at year end, when the budget is shown. In other words, if you want to make any changes, you have to wait a whole year. wry smile Also, the menus for ordinances and tax adjustments is very simplified -- there aren't a lot of options. Understanding and going through the menus, however, is very complex.

These are just a number of changes. Unfortunately, all of this has really affected the gameplay negatively, and many fans of Sim City 2000 may hate this version.

Recommendation? Stay away from this game unless you are a DIE-HARD Sim City fan. Otherwise, you may be very disappointed.

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