

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA
Replay ValueA

Pros and Cons

  • Excellent and entertaining story
  • Gameplay is superb
  • Interface is easy to use
  • Plenty of new and classic creatures
  • Great weapons and spells to choose from
  • Collector's Edition has some VERY COOL goodies
  • The timed part of the game is annoying
  • Exploring same places that you did in first game

Icewind Dale II -- Collector's Edition (PC)

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Icewind Dale 2 is an epic sequel that requires your party to save the Ten Towns of Fearun from an evil twin brother and sister who are intent on spreading choas


Icewind Dale 2 Collector's Edition: .this is a superb sequel to one of the original RPG's that had you saving the region of Fearun.

In this sequel you are once again in charge of a group of adventures who are sent out at first to protect the Ten Towns from the continueing hordes of Goblins and so forth that are intent on destroying all of Fearun. As the story progresses, you find that this horde of monsters are being controlled by your twin brother and sister outcasts who seek revenge against the rest of the Spine of the World because they feel they have been subject to prejudice from the other races due to their half-breed status.

Just like the original Icewind Dale, there is plenty of challenging combat and puzzles, and the story is very interesting.
You will have plenty of interaction with the world around you and the races that make it home.

There are a couple of new features in Icewind Dale 2. One is that when you create your party, you now have the choice to choose an entire party that has already been created for you instead of creating your own, and you can also change anything about them that you want. The other addition is that now the races have sub-races that you can choose from, for example Humans can be Aasimar or Tiefling, and Dwarves can be Shield Dwarves, Gold Dwarves, or Gray Dwarves all of which have thier own advantages and disadvantages

Other than that, the spells, weapons, armor, and gameplay are about the same as the original game was. The interface is still excellent and easy to use, and your party is still a group of six..

For the most part this was a very good sequel, but I still don't like it as much as I did the original for two main reasons: first, there is a part in the game where you are timed, and if you don't kill a particular monster by the time they finish a spell, then the game ends. I just don't like having to beat a clock during my RPG experience, that was somewhat annoying. Second, towards the end of the game, your party was exploring some of the same areas that you explored in the first game, and although they appeared somewhat different than they did in the first game, they were still pretty much the same places, and I thought that took away from the game

But still, I definitely liked this game, and I am very proud of my Collector's Edition of it, because you get some great extra goodies with this Edition, and to be honest you really cannot go wrong with any Icewind Dale game, they are all superb RPG's.

Here is what you get in the Collector's Edition:
1.) A bonus Disc that includes complete soundtrack, trailer, visuals of races, and adventure pack
2.) Really nice and BIG box
3.) Spiral bound manual
4.) Black Isle and Icewind Dale 2 stickers
5.) Black Isle notepad
6.) Really nice trading cards of the races that have a great picture of the race on one side and
a description of that race on the other side (you get 4 in total)
7.) A very nice Quick Reference Card that lists ALL the spells and icons
8.) A very nice cloth map
9.) A two-sided poster that has a complete list of ALL the creatures of Icewind Dale 2 on one side
and on the other side a neat picture of a battle
10.) A set of authentic D&D style dice (I considered this a VERY COOL extra goody)

So for the most part this game was Excellent, the graphics and sound are superb and make you feel like you are really part of an epic adventure to save the lands of Icewind Dale.....the gameplay is superb, and interface is set-up to were everything is a mouse click away, and that is just how I like it.......

Combat can be challenging at times, but since you do have a party of six, there are not very many times when the odds are against you, and most of the time you can be victorious or suffer very little damage.
The replay value is not as high as some other games might be, but don't get me wrong, I will probably play this one again at some point, just to see what areas I might have missed the first time, but I think the one thing that influences this view is the timed part that I have mentioned earlier, when playing this game again, I dread coming to that part, and just hope that I can make it through it without having to constantly reload.

Once again, this is a very good game, and you will get hours of enjoyment from it. Get it and have fun with your adventure.

Your Fellow Gamer

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