

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveC+
Replay ValueB

Pros and Cons

  • Classic Megaman style game
  • Good graphics
  • nice challenge
  • Playable without knowledge of Japanese
  • Can get frustrating at times
  • Story is still in Japanese

Rockman EXE WS (Bandai WonderSwan Color)

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Classic Megaman gameplay with new style.



Rockman (Megaman is the U.S.), has made a transition of late to battle-network strategy type games. Rockman EXE WS takes the new battle-network style and combines it with classic Megaman style side-scrolling. This game takes place over the first two season of the cartoon show. You play Netto and its up to you and Megaman to stop the World Three organization and the Netmafia Gospel from taking over the network.

Graphics are good. The characters are nicely animated and work well in the game. The backgrounds, however, are more detailed and bring the game to life. During dialogue, just the faces are shown when a character is "speaking", but they are very well done and move with the emotion the character is portraying.

Not much to say here. The sound effects work with whats happening on screen. The music during gameplay is not as good as previous Megaman games.

Since this game is based in the battle-network world, you use chips that you pick up while moving through a level or defeating an enemy to strengthen Megaman, add power or weapons, or even shield him from danger. You can have four upgrades at hand at once by using the Y-Pad. Control is handled ok with the X-Pad, but sometimes is unresponsive. You advance like every other Megaman side-scrollers, battling the boss at the end.

Replay Value
Each level has two paths to take, each leading to a different boss. This adds some replay in that when you beat every boss you beat the game 100% unlocking even more.

This is a good game to have for the Wonderswan Color. Fun and challenging, its a great game to own.

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