

Specific Ratings

Learning CurveA-
Replay ValueA+

Final Fantasy XI (Xbox 360)

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You are put back in time, into a universe where the crystal's song of swords and sorcery still sings...



FFXI is a MMORPG where you team up with people from all around the world to banish the darkness that is encroaching upon the land of Vana'diel.

FFXI's graphics are very good, and IMO top quality, which also will force you to load the next area's textures, buildings, etc. The graphics were made using the Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti GPU, which at the time was described as the most powerful graphics processor of the time. The audio in the game is also really good and really balanced. The music, for instance, when in town is very mellow and calming, but when you are in battle, or a town is being besieged, the music becomes fast paced and makes you feel more awake and active. Another thing is the sounds for battle. They included sounds for Weapon skills, Skill chains, Magic, and items.

The gameplay has the feel of the original Final Fantasy games. It is kinda turn based, basically your weapon has a delay, where the bigger the weapon, the more the delay you will have. The magic is also the same as other FF games, like Cure, Protect, Shell, etc. The game also has the basic jobs that you start out with, and then the advance jobs that you have to work to get. Also, as in other Final Fantasy games, you can change your job at anytime to another job that you have available. The whole game has a great FF feel with thousands of people. The game has really good replay value, mainly because you NEVER beat it, since they are always expanding and adding new content.

The online aspect is very well designed where you can solo levels 1-10, maybe levels 1-15 depending on your job, but after 15 level ups, you have to party with other people to gain your levels and ranks. The party system is well designed too, in which all of your party benefits from the work, whether you are healing, nuking with magic, or tanking, you all will get equal experience. Unless you are a lower level then your party mates, then you will get slightly more experience than them so you can close the gap faster.

New expansions are on their way to expand the ever radiant Vana'diel experience. You can already become a mercenary for a far eastern country Aht Urhagan. Defend the Mothercrystals in the Promyvians, and master the art of more then 10 advanced jobs. Now with its latest expansion, travel back in time to The Great Crystal War, a time where alliances were formed, nations were under siege, and heros would rise, and one could test his skills against the most experienced Beastmen in the campaign battles.

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