Bad Traders

Bad Traders

Kbyrd3 BTRs25-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: Vapor

this is kind of late but i decided to do this anyway...anyways i sent hhim 2 n64 games for tactics and he never sent it. i called him mom and she said that she never recieved a package for him at her house.. what a bunch of bull. anyways dont trade with him..

Damiussus BTRs25-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: klee123

We decided to trade on the 4th of DEC 2000. Is has been over 2 months since I sent my stuff. Around the end of December he emailed me saying that he got the games and that he will send his stuff asap. Well It's nearly the end of Feburary and I have not received any messages since then. I will delete this when I get my games. I don't want to do this Damion, but this has gone too far. Please send the games now!!!

deciopinto Brazil BTRs22-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: SnKDeViL

well, its now apparent that he has no intention of completing the deal with me, since after a week has passed and no replies, I think he could care less. I have been royaly had on this deal, dc system 20 games, 3 controllers, 2 vmus, i was to recieve neo geo cart games, i guess it was to good to be true.

Apr1de987 BTRs21-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: Spineshank

I sent this guy a SNES w/Games, THPS2 w/Guide, Sidewinder Gamepad, and a couple Dreamcast games in exchange for $120.00US. I sent it on Friday February 16, 2001. We agreed as soon as I proved I sent by emailing him a picture of the receipt and insurance slip, he would send me the $120.00 over paypal directly to my bank account. He has not been emailing me in the last couple days after he told me he sent it but it never left his account (sounds like he didn't send it). And yesterday morning at about 8:30am I REQUESTED the $120.00 but he hasn't confirmed it yet so I can't get my damn money. I am getting impatient and thats why I put this up. I told him if I didn't have the money by Monday at 6pm I would leave this but I was nice and waited until now (Wednesday).

David Horwitz, as soon as I get my money whether its through paypal directly in to my account or whether you send me a money order in the mail, I will take down this Bad Trader Report. HURRY UP AND EMAIL ME BACK OR CONFIRM THE REQUEST ON PAYPAL OR SEND A MONEY ORDER!!!!


deciopinto Brazil BTRs20-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: SnKDeViL

I have completed my side of our trade, dreamcast 20 games controllers, etc. It has been over two weeks and i have not recieved, my side of the deal, he keeps telling me he has sent it, however will not provide me with a tracking number. when i recieve my games this will go down. Also, its funny,u talk about how a guy ripped u off, cuz he us from the usa, and you cant go knock on his door, so then u go and do the same thing to me.