Bad Traders

Bad Traders

MaxPain BTRs14-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: kooLaid

I sent him my ice blue GameBoy Pocket with Zelda:Link's Awakening sometime in January. It is now February 14. It's Valentine's Day, but I don't show love for people who rip me off! We made a deal to trade House of the Dead 2 plus a DreamBlaster (both for DC) for my GameBoy Pocket plus Link's Awakening (ALL complete). He sent me an email to say i packed the stuff really well. i replied and said thanks. I haven't heard from him since. Another guy contacted me to see if I had received my stuff. And i see that he already has 2 BTRs. DON'T TRADE WITH THIS GUY!!!! HE WILL TRY TO SAY THAT HIS DAD DOESN'T TRUST THIS PLACE AND THAT HE ALREADY HAS MANY DIFFERENT PENDING TRADES. HE SAYS HE HAS TO SEND ALL OF HIS PENDING TRADES FIRST AND HE TRIES TO CONVINCE YOU TO SEND FIRST. DO NOT SEND FIRST!!!

you have just been warned by ~ X ~

Gatorfan BTRs12-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: m115919h

I sent a $22 money order for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on N64. I waited for two weeks and I didnt get anything, I email him and he says that he lost my mailing address so I give it to him and wait another week. I email him again and he said that his brother spilled soda on the game, so I asked for my money back and he said that he lost the money order. I said that once he finds it send it to me, I have yet to receive it. Well I made the deal back in December or early January, it is now February 12 and I have not received my money or the game. So I am forced to make this bad trader report. CHAD IF YOU ARE READING THIS, SEND ME MY MONEY NOW!!

Aeonblue BTRs10-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: 1984

I sent this guy $50 for an unopened 3DO and Gex. Since it was a cash deal, I sent first. He acknowledged getting the cash, but hasn't sent me my 3DO. This will come down when I get my 3DO or my cash back.

MaxPain BTRs9-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: yuey

Money for THPS2. Agreed to send same time. I sent the money, he didn't send the game or reply to emails. In other words he ripped me off. Stay away from this guy.

23456789 Canada BTRs9-Feb-2001
Status: active
Reporter: Zookey

Well he hasnt anwsered an email of when he sent a money order and wont anwser any of my emails at all lately. We posted the trade 2 weeks ago tues day and i air mailed it and i still havent seen anything in any form of payment. I will remove if one of these conditions is met:
I either get my Psone back unopened or he sends me a payment. If he does not respond to this i will press charges against him. I am not the only one that has been treated this way by him either i have contacted other traders he was dealing with and the same thing happened.