Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on m1ndw4rp

m1ndw4rp BTRs29-Apr-2002
Status: active
Reporter: grass07

This trade was pended aeons ago, and I have not received my Psx games yet, he has already received the M/O that was made out to his cousin Richard Roman,(which I have found out from a fellow gametz user that Richard Roman is indeed Matt Andreas as Matt is a bogus name)If anyone/fellow gametz trader knows of the Local Police in his area, call them up and file internet fraud,I will pay you for your troubles,help by just calling the cops to the address on the left.I still have all his emails and excuses he has claimed to have had problems with his emails,and the lack of cash to send my stuff, but I have paid him shipping too.This is just a caution to all those who have not got your stuff/items yet.The Btr comes down only after I get what was originally for sale and in the conditions that they were described to me, or my money back.I have ALL the emails that were sent to me.If you have problems with your emails, then use someone else's I can't believe that he managed to con someone else again , with the amount of BTR's he had, NOT TO BE TRUSTED AT ALL, STAY AWAY FROM.