Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on topgamr

topgamr BTRs12-Jun-2003
Status: active
Reporter: moebarguy

I made 2 previous, smooth trades with him, and this one went wrong...No real point in getting into the story, but I lost $108 from this guy...great

topgamr BTRs12-Jun-2003
Status: active
Reporter: xir500

On may 13 we made a deal for his dreamcast, controller manuals etc quake 3- alone in the dark - legacy of kain - boot disk, sega saturn, controller, light gun virtua cop 1&2 and 70 dollars for my ps2, mod chip action replay 2. I did get his phone number and he has disconected it. I have also gotten others from the internet which he has disconected once i called it. I havent heard from him in 3 weeks. Now he is trying to take his things off the site because he knows he ripped a lot of people off.

topgamr BTRs30-May-2003
Status: active
Reporter: EnLiStEdPuNk

I pended a trade with Jason on May 5 that consisted of me sending 23 SNES carts, 1 gb cart, a Super Gameboy, and Duke Nukem and in return he was to send 90$. At the time I recall him having around 26-27 completed trades and me having 6 so naturally I was to send first. I sent the games that following monday, I'm not quite sure of the exact date, 2 day mail through a store called Mail Center USA. It arrived at his house on Wednesday 5/7/03 as expected at 10:43 AM. I emailed Jason to inform him that I had sent and the package had arrived at his apartment earlier that day. Jason emailed me back telling me that he did not receive the package. I told him that I would see if I could get insurance on the package but the situations (the package being stolen) did not qualify in receiving insurance because the package had confirmed delivery. I emailed him back and told him I had done my part of the deal and whether he got the package or not he was still to pay me the $90. After that, I never heard from him again and have lost 26 of my video games with nothing in return. If he would simply contact me so he and I could come to a conclusion then I will be more than happy to have this BTR removed because he is obviously not bad trader with so many excellent ratings.

edit: I filed a claim for insurance through the mailing company (Airborne Express) and if they agree to send me the money then the BTR will come down.

edit: I cannot file a claim with airborne express for stolen packages b/c it is not their responsibility so this btr comes down when i get my 90$ or all of my games returned. sorry