Bad Traders

Bad Traders

Status: active
Reporter: CRhyne

About three weeks ago this guy e-mails me and wants to trade Star Trek: Judgement Rites for my War at Sea Collection. I even throw in the Acient Art of War at Sea. Well, I send my part out, but he e-mails me and says he will a little late sending his part out. So I wait, knowing that it takes time for a package to go through the mail. I ask him(via e-mail) to let me know when he sends it out. No reply. Then I ask him about it again. Still No reply. I do this once or twice again. Finally, I give him a warning. He dosen't reply. At the beginning of this week, I give him until friday to E-mail me or for his part to get here. I never got an e-mail from him. I still haven't gotten an e-mail with him. I advise anyone who gets an e-mail from this guy to avoid him like plauge.

nmaas BTRs4-Dec-1998
Status: active
Reporter: dbogusch

We agreed to a trade at the beginning of November. I would give him Afterlife and he would give me Daedalus Encounter. I sent his game on 11/16. He said he sent mine and then later said that he had not yet because he was busy and would send it right away. I never got it and now he's ignoring my emails. I took a chance on him...he didn't have any confirmed trades and I got burned. My advice would be to not trade with him and be wary of people who don't have any confirmed trades. Joe, if you read this, I will delete this message if you send back Afterlife or send Daedalus Encounter like you agreed.

BigCed BTRs2-Dec-1998
Status: active
Reporter: Rodi

I sen him an unopened copy of Dominion Storm and when he got it he said that he couldn't use it because his system didn't meet the game specs. So he said that he wouuld return it. Never did

ChicagoBulls BTRs30-Nov-1998
Status: active
Reporter: Danielm7

He has changed his name on the ugtz a few times, now I can't find the email there either so avoid anyone at that address Name: William Franklin Email: Address: 222 Macey Ave. Versailles, KY 40383 He agreed to send the KQ Collection for one of my games, he stopped responding over 2 months ago. Its been months since my trade. There are others here ripped off by him.

Weedboy56 BTRs28-Nov-1998
Status: active
Reporter: rusty

I setup a trade with this person, to trade Battle Chess Coll. for Tomb Raider. This started at the end of Oct. thur Nov. First he wanted me to send out my game, so he could try it out first, before he would send out Tomd Raider! I said No! So, I told him that he would have to send first, because he is not a confirmed trader. He finally agreed to send out his game on 11/9/98 and I sent him my address on 11/5/98. He confrimed our trade on the zone. Well after two weeks and no game I sent him an e-mail asking about the game. He never got back to me. I sent another e-mail telling him that I was going to list him as a bad trader, if I didn't get the game. He finally e-mail me back that I never sent him my address. Which was a lie, because when I paged down on the e-mail, my address was there. I e-mailed him again with that info., but no answer. Please, look into this problem.