Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on ImaWatchYouFail

ImaWatchYouFail BTRs16-Apr-2008
Status: active
Reporter: KillaByNatur3

This guy has a higher trade rating than me by like 2 or 3 trades so I asked him politely could we both Send Monday which was about 2 weeks ago from when this was written so he asked could I send him pictures so i did and everything was set...SO he agreed in the messages he wrote to send it the day after I sent it because thats when he got paid...So when I got a message from a guy on here that I traded with a while back that this guy tried to pull a fast one on him it was the same day he said he was going to send the money so I was worried so I asked him did he send the money and he said "NO" because he needs to see what he's getting because i could be sending him a box of bricks....<<<<????....(yeah I know)...So we had a little feud because he was acting like a scammer...But I don't know what this site does about stuff like this but I would like it if they called the police in his area because thats what I'm thinking of doing.....

Christopher L Jones
2926 Hering Ave
Bronx,NY 10469

This is his address so if he makes another account do not make any trades with him....
Response from Accused "Bad Trader": (23-Dec-2008)
No way I can contact this user he hasn't been online since September 6 and also has a BTR.