Bad Traders

Bad Traders

JRM Global Trader - willing to trade internationally BTRs30-Sep-2014
Status: active
Reporter: xmj1

200 loan, with repayment of $240 due by the first of August. Made contact with him once on facebook after due date on august 3rd 2014 He claim he lost his job and after that, I haven't heard from him since. It's 9/30/2014, i've been patience enough.

Jestering BTRs22-Sep-2014
Status: active
Reporter: deNNis55555

I have done three trades with Jesse, I believe he is a good guy. However he has yet to complete any of the trades with me. Or let me rephrase this the first two trades kind of went well but what happened was I sent the wrong game, we both agreed on a third trade where he would send the wrong game back and I would make up for the second and I would give games for the third. I have not received the games for the third trade we had. But I have sent out everything for him. He has yet to complete the trades on the first 2 trades which bothers me because I'm a new trader and I need as many trades under my belt as I can get. Right now they are both pending waiting for him. He has given me excuses saying he has had no time because he just started a new job but this trade has lasted over a month I think you should find time. To make this right and resolve this I would just like him to send my items and complete my other trades so nothing is pending and it can be over. Again I really don't think he is a bad trader I just didn't know what else to do. I don't know his email but if you do can you contact him for me?

gwar31 BTRs17-Sep-2014
Status: active
Reporter: kobberbean

I responded to a forum post in which gwar31 needed $30 paypal right away for a gameboy sp with the dkc games. At the time, he/she was a gold star trader. I sent immediately. I asked on 9/7/14 for an update. His/Her last login was 9/8/2014. I sent 2 emails to and another PM here with no response. To the make the BTR go away, I would need the sp+games sent with tracking or a refund of 32.50 for borrowing my money.

ButterBean BTRs8-Sep-2014
Status: active
Reporter: Pathlesscookies

loan made june 15th 2014 , repayment was due july 20th 2014

loan still has no been repaid with interest, no communication as to why.

To remove this BTR he has to fulfill his end of the deal.

Sartori BTRs8-Sep-2014
Status: active
Reporter: Pathlesscookies

loan made april 26th , repayment was due 1.5 months later.

loan still has no been repaid with interest, no communication as to why.

To remove this BTR he has to fulfill his end of the deal.