Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on gamegod_dante

gamegod_dante BTRs17-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: LiquidViper

This person and I agreed to send at the same time over MSN Instant Messenger. He asked me if I could give him Street Fighter EX3(for PS2) and he would give me Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2(for PS2). I have an E-mail that says he sent it the same day I did(9/5/01). I have E-mailed him multiple times since Wednsday and have gotten absolutely NO response from him. I believe he has gotten my game,but I have not received his. He just logged in at on the 15th and refuses to E-mail me about this. I have tried to contact him by phone,but I am unable to get his number(he is umlisted). I will call the local authorities(in his state) so he can be prosecited for this crime.I will also file a Mail Fraud report. He said I could trust him,I took his word for it,and now im paying for it. NEVER send at the same time if the person is a new member. DON'T TRADE WITH THIS GUY!HE WILL RIP YOU OFF! I tried and he would not respond,I have done all that I can.

gamegod_dante BTRs24-May-2001
Status: active
Reporter: snapdragon

Jeffery Damond and I had agreed to trade (from me)Big Ol' Bass: Fisherman's Bait 2 and Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere for (from him)Megaman X5 and Resident Evil 1. We agreed to send on April 30th. I sent mine, and he "says" he sent his. But I haven't gotten anything yet. I am patiently waiting for my package. He's not so patient. He also has another BTR. (which I didn't see before I sent my package.)
Now he's accusing me of not sending my package to him. He filed a FALSE BTR on me. (which I might add has a lot of facts wrong, ie. the agreed upon sending date, and my email address to name a few.) He also claims that he was sick, so he could not send on time. Well boo, f***in' hoo buddy. It would've been nice of you to mention that to me in our correspondence. If you want another story about gordon_24k, just ask
Patrick Halacy. His email is He'll be happy to oblige, I'm sure.
So Jeffy, whenever you wanna grow up and send me my stuff, I'll be waiting, but not much longer without pressing charges. And I have a reciept for my you??
Finally, I will take this down when and if you take the one you put up against me down, and I get the games I was promised, or the games I sent to you.

gamegod_dante BTRs18-May-2001
Status: active
Reporter: bluerage

Date: 3-May-2001
This person argreed to a trade with me the following, his UT and Silent scope for PS2 for my ZOE w/MGS2 demo, 12 dollars, an unformatted ps1 card and MGS Vr missions. He gave me his address and i gave him mine. Then we both agreed to send 2-3 day on Monday.He told me he sent his and I sent mine. I emailed him 3 days after i send mine asking him if hed recieved mine and telling him I still hadnt got his.He repied by telling me he didnt know who I was and he knew nothing of the trade. Then I got a report of the trade being deleted. I sent him a copy of all the emails and i can send them to anyone else who has questions. I will take this report down when i either get the games or i get mine back. Thank you
Patrick Halacy

UPDATE...he was sharing the email with a friend and i got his real address from a friend it is, and username jgordan_24k I have talked to him and all i have recievedis a responce is cuss words, sexual harrassment, and death threats. I think it is time to do something so I will be calling the local sherriff soon unless i get the games.( GOT HIS # RIGHT HERE!) I WILL TAKE THIS DOWN WHEN I RECIEVE THE GAMES.

gamegod_dante BTRs18-May-2001
Status: active
Reporter: bluerage

Date: 3-May-2001
This person argreed to a trade with me the following, his UT and Silent scope for PS2 for my ZOE w/MGS2 demo, 12 dollars, an unformatted ps1 card and MGS Vr missions. He gave me his address and i gave him mine. Then we both agreed to send 2-3 day on Monday.He told me he sent his and I sent mine. I emailed him 3 days after i send mine asking him if hed recieved mine and telling him I still hadnt got his.He repied by telling me he didnt know who I was and he knew nothing of the trade. Then I got a report of the trade being deleted. I sent him a copy of all the emails and i can send them to anyone else who has questions. I will take this report down when i either get the games or i get mine back. Thank you
Patrick Halacy

UPDATE...he was sharing the email with a friend and i got his real address from a friend it is I have talked to him and all i have recievedis a responce is cuss words, sexual harrassment, and death threats. I think it is time to do something so I will be calling the local sherriff soon unless i get the games.( GOT HIS # RIGHT HERE!) I WILL TAKE THIS DOWN WHEN I RECIEVE THE GAMES.

gamegod_dante BTRs3-May-2001
Status: active
Reporter: bluerage

This person argreed to a trade with me the following, his UT and Silent scope for PS2 for my ZOE w/MGS2 demo, 12 dollars, an unformatted ps1 card and MGS Vr missions. He gave me his address and i gave him mine. Then we both agreed to send 2-3 day on Monday.He told me he sent his and I sent mine. I emailed him 3 days after i send mine asking him if hed recieved mine and telling him I still hadnt got his.He repied by telling me he didnt know who I was and he knew nothing of the trade. Then I got a report of the trade being deleted. I sent him a copy of all the emails and i can send them to anyone else who has questions. I will take this report down when i either get the games or i get mine back. Thank you
Patrick Halacy

UPDATE...he was sharing the email with a friend and i got his real address from a friend it is I have talked to him and all i have recievedis a responce is cuss words, sexual harrassment, and death threats. I think it is time to do something so I will be calling the local sherriff soon unless i get the games.( GOT HIS # RIGHT HERE!) I WILL TAKE THIS DOWN WHEN I RECIEVE THE GAMES.