Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on OldStarScream

OldStarScream Spain BTRs7-Dec-2000
Status: active
Reporter: CaptainProton

Well, lets start. I traded with an individual named Pyrrhus (he goes by StarScream now) a large assortment of 3DO games for two of his games, Lunar Silver Star Story Complete and Harvest Moon 64. Well, it has now been over 90 days since I sent my stuff and there has been no completion of the trade. His excuses: car died, His grandmother died and he was in another state(when he told me this I backed away and just waited because I would never take something like this lightly), and that he lost my e-mail address and mailing address (he could have just come to GTZ and e-mailed me). There is one more excuse which is coming at the end of this report. So, I decided to AIM him (DaemonNight) with the hopes of talking to him. Guess what? He first starts by saying that he doesn't know what I'm talking about and that the name I was contacting (AOL name DaemonNight) must have been incorrectly typed at this site and that I was talking to the wrong person. I even tell him about Game Trading Zone and he says "What's that, a web site?" Funny thing, his name is StarScream here, and I get his AIM icon as the Decepticon icon. ????? Anyway, I run a little test. I AIM him as a different name, asked him what he wanted for the 3DO package. SUDDENLY HE KNOWS WHAT I MEAN!!! He tells me to e-mail him with an offer. I AIM with my original name (CaptainProtonX) and suddenly he tells me that I'm talking to his "roommate" (strange because in his e-mails he tells me that he will have his mother mail the games for him), that everything on the listing is half his, and that Pyrrhus (StarScream...whatever), is out of town for a week or so!!!!!!! I'm tired of being sympathetic, patient and understanding. This is a simple request. I want my end of the trade. If not, I want my 3DO games back!!!!! OH, AND I SAVED EVER SINGLE E-MAIL THAT HE SENT ME AS PROOF, SO HE CAN'T ACCUSE ME OF LYING!!! THIS REPORT ISN'T GOING DOWN UNTIL I GET EITHER MY GAMES OR THE GAMES THAT WERE AGREED UPON IN THE TRADE!!! Have a nice day angry