Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on shaun9991

shaun9991 Australia BTRs7-Nov-2000
Status: active
Reporter: soja

I don't really want to fill out this bad trader report, but I feel obliged to advert all the other GTZ users who might trade with Shaun.

We agreed to trade his Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2 (diskettes, no manual or box) for my Quest for Glory 4 and Last Express (CDs, no box or manual). Here's some of the more pertinent information:

On 6 Oct, I received an email stating that he just got back from the post ofice and that "Simon is on his way".

On 18 Oct, I received another email saying that he had received my games, and that "if simon 1+2 isnt there yet they will be soon". (They hadn't arrived yet; I was waiting patiently.)

On 26 Oct, I finally received his package. Here's what I found, and the two major causes for concern:

(1) He sent me _copies_ of Simon 1 & 2 -- not the originals, as was implied.
(2) The postmark on the package (from New Zealand) was 19 Oct, exactly one day after he received the package from me, and exactly 13 days after he said he had mailed his games to me. In other words, he blatantly lied about sending them in the first place.

When I confronted him about these two issues, he apologized for lying, and said it was all a misunderstanding of the GameTZ system. Well, he didn't say anything when he received my (original) games, nor has he made any effort to make things right. Although Shaun is a nice and friendly guy, somehow I don't think he is too sincere and forthright in his dealings. Trades would have a much better resolution if he were.

As it stands now, he still has QfG4 & TLE (original CDs), I still have Simon 1 & 2 (copied diskettes), and I am waiting for him to return my email about what he proposes to do to make things right.