Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on fatdogg0012

fatdogg0012 BTRs7-Sep-2001
Status: active
Reporter: Brigance

i'm agreeing with the last post on this guy. i offered him my dreamcast package for his ps2 package. first thing that caught me about this one was his 2 names thing, but many people use 2 names for security so i didnt think much of it. then he gave me a 3rd name on his mailing address and told me to send first, even though he had no trades and i had a bronze star and 14 trades, so i told him "no" and "that he had to send first", he said we send at the same time with delivery confirmation, once again i denied, because even if he claimed to use confirmation and didnt send, my dc would still be gone. then i checked back here about him and saw that Bill had suspended him as a bad trader and told Grant this and he hasnt emailed me since; i urge all traders: STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUY!