Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on kenway

kenway BTRs19-Jul-1999
Status: active
Reporter: Dmac

Okay...I should have posted this a long time ago,but anyway Kenny and i had a
trade,it was Sypthon Filter and Resident Evil 2 for his Xenogears and Grand
Theft Auto...Well this was my first trade so he said i should send first.So i
did....well i asked him if the games got there yet (I sent them reg mail) well
kenny's reply was that have not gotten there yet....I had this other trade going
also and i sent kenny's games the same way that i did with the other trade that i
had going...The thing is i that i sent the games 2 days apart the guy that i was
trading with recived his games,but Kenny did not recived his...And also people
have warned me about him,but it was too late... All i got to say is dont trust him
at all..Dont trade with unless he sends first.........This really trade report for kenny ross...but o what the hell

kenway BTRs10-Jul-1999
Status: active
Reporter: zatoichi

After ten successful trades, I have been ripped off. My trade went down like Howard Chen's and Ryan Spillman's: Eddie Ross got my game, I never got his. I am tired of his litany of flimsy excuses; my patience has run out. It has been over a month, and I am now taking legal action. *To anyone who has been cheated by Ross: With the help of the Postal Inspection Service, I am assembling a fraud case against Ross. If you have been defrauded by Ross, please contact me a.s.a.p.*

kenway BTRs7-Jul-1999
Status: active
Reporter: GeNoCiDe

This is my second posting about kenny. I removed my first one because he convinced me that the package did get lost in the mail, but after a little research, I don't believe him anymore. The trade was my Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo for his Tenchu and Syphon Filter. He told me he sent his first class, yet it's been three weeks and I still have not received the package. If it were lost in the mail, it SURELY would have been returned to him, unless he did not put his return address on it, which would be pretty odd. I have talked with a couple people who have dealt with kenny and his brother and Eddie Ross's excuse for Ryan Spillman was the exact same excuse as kenny said to me. The other odd thing is sometimes they share the same street addresses, sometimes they have different ones. Kenny, I have no other options but to press charges on mail fraud unless I receive your part of the deal or my games back within this month.

kenway BTRs6-Jul-1999
Status: active
Reporter: heisman

First of all, we agreed to trade his NBA Live 99 for my Tenchu game. We said that we would send on the same day (6-22-99). I sent my game while he "said" he sent his. He recieved his game but I never got mine! Even though I emailed him numerous times asking where my game was, he kept saying that he mailed it "regular" mail on the day we agreed. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take TWO weeks for regular mail to deliver! Anyway, I got his phone # and called his house but every time I did his mother would say "he just walked out the door". So now I am forced to send him another email which states that I will press charges on mail fraud if NBA Live 99 or my game Tenchu is not recieved by the end of the week. His brother also recieved a negative for not sending his game out. Being the nice guy that I am, I will take this report off if I get the game. Do not trade with this guy or his brother if you want to ever see your games again!!!