Bad Traders

Bad Trader Reports on afroless

afroless Canada BTRs29-Jun-2002
Status: active
Reporter: playersen

i really dont know how to put this, but he wont reply to any of my emails, umm like say maybe a week ago, i email him and he said that he got my package, so i wait-ted all most all of this week, to see if his package was ever going to get sent to me or not, and it did't, i understand that he live in canada and all and that it takes a while to get down here, but if he got my a week ago, i think that i would have to soppose to have got his as well right? plus the fact that he dont respond to emails to well has got me pissed also, i understand that u have school and all, but this is a trade we got going here, any way, once i recive the game i'll take u off this btr thingy, i'll leave our posted trade up for another week, if i still dont get my side of the deal by then i'm deleting the trade and leaveing this btr up here, maybe now that u see i really want my package u will reply to my email, any way, i'm out!!