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GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
* 21-Apr-2023(#1)
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
The Photo Op has sold. I still have the weekend Pass + T-Shirt bundle available.

GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally
Really cool experience. If I was anywhere near it on the dates Iā€™d definitely go for it. Thanks for offering it to us!šŸ‘
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader
It was $145 to take a picture with John Carpenter?
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
KCPenguins wrote:
> It was $145 to take a picture with John Carpenter?

Professional Photo Ops... limited number of tickets sold.
I don't know the whole semantics behind the prices, other than it's what's established between the celebrities, their managers, and the photo op folk because everyone's got to get a cut of the sales.

Also, from my understanding, John Carpenter was contracted for select conventions for quite some time so he was difficult to get for awhile. Sadly, who knows when will be the next time I could get his photo op again, but it is what it is... adulting sucks and got to make priorities.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader
Interesting. Had no idea they went that high. I assume $20 or less for most celebs.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
I think most minor celebs for table photos (with cell phones, whatever) I've seen is $40-$50 range...
Majority of celebrities I've seen are also in that range for professional photo ops, but there are a few that are higher priced.... Sometimes grouped with other celebs for a theme is like $10-$20 cheaper and I've seen sometimes it's cheaper to get them individually.
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
KCPenguins wrote:
> Interesting. Had no idea they went that high. I assume $20 or less for most celebs.

Way off. Cheapest pic price ive seen for a pro photo op is like $40. For someone like John Carpenter, $145-150 is standard.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
* 10-May-2023(#9)
Actually my asking price was for $145, $5 less than what I paid for just to give someone else a deal I can part with... but truth is, they felt bad I couldn't make it so they paid me $5 MORE than what I paid for it. But yeah, J.C. is like a luxury item these days so it's definitely up there on the pro photo ops especially since I read he's only doing limited signings all weekend as well. I don't think he'll be doing table photos due to this.

The pass is still available. I think it's harder to sell even for less than what I paid because of the fact there have been a LOT of scalpers and scammers prowling around Facebook groups, that even Texas Frightmare Weekend's official group page will not allow you to sell on the page... or even ask if anyone is selling.
Quadruple Gold Good Trader
If i lived in Texas i would swipe that up man. I have always wanted to go to Texas Frightmare. I live in NC.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
Updated post and lowered the price.
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa
Both pass and photo op have been sold.
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

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